Regshot 1.9.1 x86 Unicode (beta r313) Comments: Datetime: 2015-09-10 13:19:01, 2015-09-10 13:25:10 Computer: TINY71, TINY71 Username: Administrator, Administrator ---------------------------------- Keys added: 26 ---------------------------------- HKLM\BCD00000000\Objects\{cd2fdc91-a6c2-11e1-9f65-a1a6334d612e}\Elements\16000009 HKLM\BCD00000000\Objects\{cd2fdc91-a6c2-11e1-9f65-a1a6334d612e}\Elements\250000e0 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\VSS\Diag\ASR Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\VSS\Diag\COM+ REGDB Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\VSS\Diag\Registry Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\VSS\Diag\Shadow Copy Optimization Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\VSS\Diag\SwProvider_{b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Diag\ASR Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Diag\COM+ REGDB Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Diag\Registry Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Diag\Shadow Copy Optimization Writer HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\VSS\Diag\SwProvider_{b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\hivu HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7} HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72\Shell HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\BF6CE11EEF6519611BE057EF29DF1B6D HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\BF6CE11EEF6519611BE057EF29DF1B6D\01125679BBDDEEFF HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7} HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72\Shell ---------------------------------- Values deleted: 2 ---------------------------------- HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\BITS\Performance\PerfMMFileName: "Global\MMF_BITS_s" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BITS\Performance\PerfMMFileName: "Global\MMF_BITS_s" ---------------------------------- Values added: 137 ---------------------------------- HKLM\BCD00000000\Objects\{cd2fdc91-a6c2-11e1-9f65-a1a6334d612e}\Elements\16000009\Element: 00 HKLM\BCD00000000\Objects\{cd2fdc91-a6c2-11e1-9f65-a1a6334d612e}\Elements\250000e0\Element: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\EnableFileTracing: 0x00000000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\EnableConsoleTracing: 0x00000000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\FileTracingMask: 0xFFFF0000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\ConsoleTracingMask: 0xFFFF0000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\MaxFileSize: 0x00100000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASAPI32\FileDirectory: "%windir%\tracing" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\EnableFileTracing: 0x00000000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\EnableConsoleTracing: 0x00000000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\FileTracingMask: 0xFFFF0000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\ConsoleTracingMask: 0xFFFF0000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\MaxFileSize: 0x00100000 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\svchost_RASMANCS\FileDirectory: "%windir%\tracing" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009\Counter: "1", "1847", "2", "System", "4", "Memory", "6", "% Processor Time", "10", "File Read Operations/sec", "12", "File Write Operations/sec", "14", "File Control Operations/sec", "16", "File Read Bytes/sec", "18", "File Write Bytes/sec", "20", "File Control Bytes/sec", "24", "Available Bytes", "26", "Committed Bytes", "28", "Page Faults/sec", "30", "Commit Limit", "32", "Write Copies/sec", "34", "Transition Faults/sec", "36", "Cache Faults/sec", "38", "Demand Zero Faults/sec", "40", "Pages/sec", "42", "Page Reads/sec", "44", "Processor Queue Length", "46", "Thread State", "48", "Pages Output/sec", "50", "Page Writes/sec", "52", "Browser", "54", "Announcements Server/sec", "56", "Pool Paged Bytes", "58", "Pool Nonpaged Bytes", "60", "Pool Paged Allocs", "64", "Pool Nonpaged Allocs", "66", "Pool Paged Resident Bytes", "68", "System Code Total Bytes", "70", "System Code Resident Bytes", "72", "System Driver Total Bytes", "7 4", "System Driver Resident Bytes", "76", "System Cache Resident Bytes", "78", "Announcements Domain/sec", "80", "Election Packets/sec", "82", "Mailslot Writes/sec", "84", "Server List Requests/sec", "86", "Cache", "88", "Data Maps/sec", "90", "Sync Data Maps/sec", "92", "Async Data Maps/sec", "94", "Data Map Hits %", "96", "Data Map Pins/sec", "98", "Pin Reads/sec", "100", "Sync Pin Reads/sec", "102", "Async Pin Reads/sec", "104", "Pin Read Hits %", "106", "Copy Reads/sec", "108", "Sync Copy Reads/sec", "110", "Async Copy Reads/sec", "112", "Copy Read Hits %", "114", "MDL Reads/sec", "116", "Sync MDL Reads/sec", "118", "Async MDL Reads/sec", "120", "MDL Read Hits %", "122", "Read Aheads/sec", "124", "Fast Reads/sec", "126", "Sync Fast Reads/sec", "128", "Async Fast Reads/sec", "130", "Fast Read Resource Misses/sec", "132", "Fast Read Not Possibles/sec", "134", "Lazy Write Flushes/sec", "136", "Lazy Write Pages/sec", "138", "Data Flushes/sec", "140", "Data Flush Pages/sec", "142", "% U ser Time", "144", "% Privileged Time", "146", "Context Switches/sec", "148", "Interrupts/sec", "150", "System Calls/sec", "152", "Level 1 TLB Fills/sec", "154", "Level 2 TLB Fills/sec", "156", "Enumerations Server/sec", "158", "Enumerations Domain/sec", "160", "Enumerations Other/sec", "162", "Missed Server Announcements", "164", "Missed Mailslot Datagrams", "166", "Missed Server List Requests", "168", "Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec", "170", "Mailslot Allocations Failed", "172", "Virtual Bytes Peak", "174", "Virtual Bytes", "178", "Working Set Peak", "180", "Working Set", "182", "Page File Bytes Peak", "184", "Page File Bytes", "186", "Private Bytes", "188", "Announcements Total/sec", "190", "Enumerations Total/sec", "198", "Current Disk Queue Length", "200", "% Disk Time", "202", "% Disk Read Time", "204", "% Disk Write Time", "206", "Avg. Disk sec/Transfer", "208", "Avg. Disk sec/Read", "210", "Avg. Disk sec/Write", "212", "Disk Transfers/sec", "214", "Disk Reads/sec", "216" , "Disk Writes/sec", "218", "Disk Bytes/sec", "220", "Disk Read Bytes/sec", "222", "Disk Write Bytes/sec", "224", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer", "226", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Read", "228", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Write", "230", "Process", "232", "Thread", "234", "PhysicalDisk", "236", "LogicalDisk", "238", "Processor", "240", "% Total Processor Time", "242", "% Total User Time", "244", "% Total Privileged Time", "246", "Total Interrupts/sec", "248", "Processes", "250", "Threads", "252", "Events", "254", "Semaphores", "256", "Mutexes", "258", "Sections", "260", "Objects", "262", "Redirector", "264", "Bytes Received/sec", "266", "Packets Received/sec", "268", "Read Bytes Paging/sec", "270", "Read Bytes Non-Paging/sec", "272", "Read Bytes Cache/sec", "274", "Read Bytes Network/sec", "276", "Bytes Transmitted/sec", "278", "Packets Transmitted/sec", "280", "Write Bytes Paging/sec", "282", "Write Bytes Non-Paging/sec", "284", "Write Bytes Cache/sec", "286", "Write Bytes Network/sec", "288", "Read Operations /sec", "290", "Read Operations Random/sec", "292", "Read Packets/sec", "294", "Reads Large/sec", "296", "Read Packets Small/sec", "298", "Write Operations/sec", "300", "Write Operations Random/sec", "302", "Write Packets/sec", "304", "Writes Large/sec", "306", "Write Packets Small/sec", "308", "Reads Denied/sec", "310", "Writes Denied/sec", "312", "Network Errors/sec", "314", "Server Sessions", "316", "Server Reconnects", "318", "Connects Core", "320", "Connects Lan Manager 2.0", "322", "Connects Lan Manager 2.1", "324", "Connects Windows NT", "326", "Server Disconnects", "328", "Server Sessions Hung", "330", "Server", "336", "Thread Wait Reason", "340", "Sessions Timed Out", "342", "Sessions Errored Out", "344", "Sessions Logged Off", "346", "Sessions Forced Off", "348", "Errors Logon", "350", "Errors Access Permissions", "352", "Errors Granted Access", "354", "Errors System", "356", "Blocking Requests Rejected", "358", "Work Item Shortages", "360", "Files Opened Total", "362", "Files Open", "366", "File Directory Searches", "370", "Pool Nonpaged Failures", "372", "Pool Nonpaged Peak", "376", "Pool Paged Failures", "378", "Pool Paged Peak", "388", "Bytes Total/sec", "392", "Current Commands", "398", "NWLink NetBIOS", "400", "Packets/sec", "404", "Context Blocks Queued/sec", "406", "File Data Operations/sec", "408", "% Free Space", "410", "Free Megabytes", "412", "Connections Open", "414", "Connections No Retries", "416", "Connections With Retries", "418", "Disconnects Local", "420", "Disconnects Remote", "422", "Failures Link", "424", "Failures Adapter", "426", "Connection Session Timeouts", "428", "Connections Canceled", "430", "Failures Resource Remote", "432", "Failures Resource Local", "434", "Failures Not Found", "436", "Failures No Listen", "438", "Datagrams/sec", "440", "Datagram Bytes/sec", "442", "Datagrams Sent/sec", "444", "Datagram Bytes Sent/sec", "446", "Datagrams Received/sec", "448", "Datagram Bytes Received/sec", "452", "Packets Sent/sec", "456", " Frames/sec", "458", "Frame Bytes/sec", "460", "Frames Sent/sec", "462", "Frame Bytes Sent/sec", "464", "Frames Received/sec", "466", "Frame Bytes Received/sec", "468", "Frames Re-Sent/sec", "470", "Frame Bytes Re-Sent/sec", "472", "Frames Rejected/sec", "474", "Frame Bytes Rejected/sec", "476", "Expirations Response", "478", "Expirations Ack", "480", "Window Send Maximum", "482", "Window Send Average", "484", "Piggyback Ack Queued/sec", "486", "Piggyback Ack Timeouts", "488", "NWLink IPX", "490", "NWLink SPX", "492", "NetBEUI", "494", "NetBEUI Resource", "496", "Used Maximum", "498", "Used Average", "500", "Times Exhausted", "502", "NBT Connection", "506", "Bytes Sent/sec", "508", "Total Bytes/sec", "510", "Network Interface", "512", "Bytes/sec", "520", "Current Bandwidth", "524", "Packets Received Unicast/sec", "526", "Packets Received Non-Unicast/sec", "528", "Packets Received Discarded", "530", "Packets Received Errors", "532", "Packets Received Unknown", "536", "Packets Sent Unicas t/sec", "538", "Packets Sent Non-Unicast/sec", "540", "Packets Outbound Discarded", "542", "Packets Outbound Errors", "544", "Output Queue Length", "546", "IPv4", "548", "IPv6", "552", "Datagrams Received Header Errors", "554", "Datagrams Received Address Errors", "556", "Datagrams Forwarded/sec", "558", "Datagrams Received Unknown Protocol", "560", "Datagrams Received Discarded", "562", "Datagrams Received Delivered/sec", "566", "Datagrams Outbound Discarded", "568", "Datagrams Outbound No Route", "570", "Fragments Received/sec", "572", "Fragments Re-assembled/sec", "574", "Fragment Re-assembly Failures", "576", "Fragmented Datagrams/sec", "578", "Fragmentation Failures", "580", "Fragments Created/sec", "582", "ICMP", "584", "Messages/sec", "586", "Messages Received/sec", "588", "Messages Received Errors", "590", "Received Dest. Unreachable", "592", "Received Time Exceeded", "594", "Received Parameter Problem", "596", "Received Source Quench", "598", "Received Redirect/sec", "600", "R eceived Echo/sec", "602", "Received Echo Reply/sec", "604", "Received Timestamp/sec", "606", "Received Timestamp Reply/sec", "608", "Received Address Mask", "610", "Received Address Mask Reply", "612", "Messages Sent/sec", "614", "Messages Outbound Errors", "616", "Sent Destination Unreachable", "618", "Sent Time Exceeded", "620", "Sent Parameter Problem", "622", "Sent Source Quench", "624", "Sent Redirect/sec", "626", "Sent Echo/sec", "628", "Sent Echo Reply/sec", "630", "Sent Timestamp/sec", "632", "Sent Timestamp Reply/sec", "634", "Sent Address Mask", "636", "Sent Address Mask Reply", "638", "TCPv4", "640", "Segments/sec", "642", "Connections Established", "644", "Connections Active", "646", "Connections Passive", "648", "Connection Failures", "650", "Connections Reset", "652", "Segments Received/sec", "654", "Segments Sent/sec", "656", "Segments Retransmitted/sec", "658", "UDPv4", "660", "% Total DPC Time", "662", "% Total Interrupt Time", "664", "Datagrams No Port/sec", "666", "D atagrams Received Errors", "670", "Disk Storage Unit", "672", "Allocation Failures", "674", "System Up Time", "676", "System Handle Count", "678", "Free System Page Table Entries", "680", "Thread Count", "682", "Priority Base", "684", "Elapsed Time", "686", "Alignment Fixups/sec", "688", "Exception Dispatches/sec", "690", "Floating Emulations/sec", "692", "Logon/sec", "694", "Priority Current", "696", "% DPC Time", "698", "% Interrupt Time", "700", "Paging File", "702", "% Usage", "704", "% Usage Peak", "706", "Start Address", "708", "User PC", "710", "Mapped Space No Access", "712", "Mapped Space Read Only", "714", "Mapped Space Read/Write", "716", "Mapped Space Write Copy", "718", "Mapped Space Executable", "720", "Mapped Space Exec Read Only", "722", "Mapped Space Exec Read/Write", "724", "Mapped Space Exec Write Copy", "726", "Reserved Space No Access", "728", "Reserved Space Read Only", "730", "Reserved Space Read/Write", "732", "Reserved Space Write Copy", "734", "Reserved Space Executable", "736", "Reserved Space Exec Read Only", "738", "Reserved Space Exec Read/Write", "740", "Image", "742", "Reserved Space Exec Write Copy", "744", "Unassigned Space No Access", "746", "Unassigned Space Read Only", "748", "Unassigned Space Read/Write", "750", "Unassigned Space Write Copy", "752", "Unassigned Space Executable", "754", "Unassigned Space Exec Read Only", "756", "Unassigned Space Exec Read/Write", "758", "Unassigned Space Exec Write Copy", "760", "Image Space No Access", "762", "Image Space Read Only", "764", "Image Space Read/Write", "766", "Image Space Write Copy", "768", "Image Space Executable", "770", "Image Space Exec Read Only", "772", "Image Space Exec Read/Write", "774", "Image Space Exec Write Copy", "776", "Bytes Image Reserved", "778", "Bytes Image Free", "780", "Bytes Reserved", "782", "Bytes Free", "784", "ID Process", "786", "Process Address Space", "788", "No Access", "790", "Read Only", "792", "Read/Write", "794", "Write Copy", "796", "Executable ", "798", "Exec Read Only", "800", "Exec Read/Write", "802", "Exec Write Copy", "804", "ID Thread", "806", "Mailslot Receives Failed", "808", "Mailslot Writes Failed", "810", "Mailslot Opens Failed/sec", "812", "Duplicate Master Announcements", "814", "Illegal Datagrams/sec", "816", "Thread Details", "818", "Cache Bytes", "820", "Cache Bytes Peak", "822", "Pages Input/sec", "824", "Transition Pages RePurposed/sec", "872", "Bytes Transmitted", "874", "Bytes Received", "876", "Frames Transmitted", "878", "Frames Received.", "880", "Percent Compression Out", "882", "Percent Compression In", "884", "CRC Errors", "886", "Timeout Errors", "888", "Serial Overrun Errors", "890", "Alignment Errors", "892", "Buffer Overrun Errors", "894", "Total Errors", "896", "Bytes Transmitted/Sec", "898", "Bytes Received/Sec", "900", "Frames Transmitted/Sec", "902", "Frames Received/Sec", "904", "Total Errors/Sec", "908", "Total Connections", "920", "WINS Server", "922", "Unique Registrations/sec", "924", "G roup Registrations/sec", "926", "Total Number of Registrations/sec", "928", "Unique Renewals/sec", "930", "Group Renewals/sec", "932", "Total Number of Renewals/sec", "934", "Releases/sec", "936", "Queries/sec", "938", "Unique Conflicts/sec", "940", "Group Conflicts/sec", "942", "Total Number of Conflicts/sec", "944", "Successful Releases/sec", "946", "Failed Releases/sec", "948", "Successful Queries/sec", "950", "Failed Queries/sec", "952", "Handle Count", "1000", "MacFile Server", "1002", "Max Paged Memory", "1004", "Current Paged Memory", "1006", "Max NonPaged Memory", "1008", "Current NonPaged memory", "1010", "Current Sessions", "1012", "Maximum Sessions", "1014", "Current Files Open", "1016", "Maximum Files Open", "1018", "Failed Logons", "1020", "Data Read/sec", "1022", "Data Written/sec", "1024", "Data Received/sec", "1026", "Data Transmitted/sec", "1028", "Current Queue Length", "1030", "Maximum Queue Length", "1032", "Current Threads", "1034", "Maximum Threads", "1050", "Appl eTalk", "1052", "Packets In/sec", "1054", "Packets Out/sec", "1056", "Bytes In/sec", "1058", "Bytes Out/sec", "1060", "Average Time/DDP Packet", "1062", "DDP Packets/sec", "1064", "Average Time/AARP Packet", "1066", "AARP Packets/sec", "1068", "Average Time/ATP Packet", "1070", "ATP Packets/sec", "1072", "Average Time/NBP Packet", "1074", "NBP Packets/sec", "1076", "Average Time/ZIP Packet", "1078", "ZIP Packets/sec", "1080", "Average Time/RTMP Packet", "1082", "RTMP Packets/sec", "1084", "ATP Retries Local", "1086", "ATP Response Timouts", "1088", "ATP XO Response/Sec", "1090", "ATP ALO Response/Sec", "1092", "ATP Recvd Release/Sec", "1094", "Current NonPaged Pool", "1096", "Packets Routed In/Sec", "1098", "Packets dropped", "1100", "ATP Retries Remote", "1102", "Packets Routed Out/Sec", "1110", "Network Segment", "1112", "Total frames received/second", "1114", "Total bytes received/second", "1116", "Broadcast frames received/second", "1118", "Multicast frames received/second", "1120" , "% Network utilization", "1124", "% Broadcast Frames", "1126", "% Multicast Frames", "1150", "Telephony", "1152", "Lines", "1154", "Telephone Devices", "1156", "Active Lines", "1158", "Active Telephones", "1160", "Outgoing Calls/sec", "1162", "Incoming Calls/sec", "1164", "Client Apps", "1166", "Current Outgoing Calls", "1168", "Current Incoming Calls", "1232", "Packet Burst Read NCP Count/sec", "1234", "Packet Burst Read Timeouts/sec", "1236", "Packet Burst Write NCP Count/sec", "1238", "Packet Burst Write Timeouts/sec", "1240", "Packet Burst IO/sec", "1260", "Logon Total", "1262", "Total Durable Handles", "1264", "Reconnected Durable Handles", "1266", "SMB BranchCache Hash Header Requests", "1268", "SMB BranchCache Hash Generation Requests", "1270", "SMB BranchCache Hash Requests Received", "1272", "SMB BranchCache Hash Responses Sent", "1274", "SMB BranchCache Hash Bytes Sent", "1276", "Total Resilient Handles", "1278", "Reconnected Resilient Handles", "1300", "Server Work Queues" , "1302", "Queue Length", "1304", "Active Threads", "1306", "Available Threads", "1308", "Available Work Items", "1310", "Borrowed Work Items", "1312", "Work Item Shortages", "1314", "Current Clients", "1320", "Bytes Transferred/sec", "1324", "Read Bytes/sec", "1328", "Write Bytes/sec", "1332", "Total Operations/sec", "1334", "DPCs Queued/sec", "1336", "DPC Rate", "1342", "Total DPCs Queued/sec", "1344", "Total DPC Rate", "1350", "% Registry Quota In Use", "1360", "VL Memory", "1362", "VLM % Virtual Size In Use", "1364", "VLM Virtual Size", "1366", "VLM Virtual Size Peak", "1368", "VLM Virtual Size Available", "1370", "VLM Commit Charge", "1372", "VLM Commit Charge Peak", "1374", "System VLM Commit Charge", "1376", "System VLM Commit Charge Peak", "1378", "System VLM Shared Commit Charge", "1380", "Available KBytes", "1382", "Available MBytes", "1400", "Avg. Disk Queue Length", "1402", "Avg. Disk Read Queue Length", "1404", "Avg. Disk Write Queue Length", "1406", "% Committed Bytes In Use", "1408", "Full Image", "1410", "Creating Process ID", "1412", "IO Read Operations/sec", "1414", "IO Write Operations/sec", "1416", "IO Data Operations/sec", "1418", "IO Other Operations/sec", "1420", "IO Read Bytes/sec", "1422", "IO Write Bytes/sec", "1424", "IO Data Bytes/sec", "1426", "IO Other Bytes/sec", "1450", "Print Queue", "1452", "Total Jobs Printed", "1454", "Bytes Printed/sec", "1456", "Total Pages Printed", "1458", "Jobs", "1460", "References", "1462", "Max References", "1464", "Jobs Spooling", "1466", "Max Jobs Spooling", "1468", "Out of Paper Errors", "1470", "Not Ready Errors", "1472", "Job Errors", "1474", "Enumerate Network Printer Calls", "1476", "Add Network Printer Calls", "1478", "Working Set - Private", "1480", "Working Set - Shared", "1482", "% Idle Time", "1484", "Split IO/Sec", "1500", "Job Object", "1502", "Current % Processor Time", "1504", "Current % User Mode Time", "1506", "Current % Kernel Mode Time", "1508", "This Period mSec - Processor", "1510", " This Period mSec - User Mode", "1512", "This Period mSec - Kernel Mode", "1514", "Pages/Sec", "1516", "Process Count - Total", "1518", "Process Count - Active", "1520", "Process Count - Terminated", "1522", "Total mSec - Processor", "1524", "Total mSec - User Mode", "1526", "Total mSec - Kernel Mode", "1530", "TCPv6", "1532", "UDPv6", "1534", "ICMPv6", "1536", "Received Packet Too Big", "1538", "Received Membership Query", "1540", "Received Membership Report", "1542", "Received Membership Reduction", "1544", "Received Router Solicit", "1546", "Received Router Advert", "1548", "Job Object Details", "1550", "Received Neighbor Solicit", "1552", "Received Neighbor Advert", "1554", "Sent Packet Too Big", "1556", "Sent Membership Query", "1558", "Sent Membership Report", "1560", "Sent Membership Reduction", "1562", "Sent Router Solicit", "1564", "Sent Router Advert", "1566", "Sent Neighbor Solicit", "1568", "Sent Neighbor Advert", "1570", "Security System-Wide Statistics", "1572", "NTLM Auth entications", "1574", "Kerberos Authentications", "1576", "KDC AS Requests", "1578", "KDC TGS Requests", "1580", "Schannel Session Cache Entries", "1582", "Active Schannel Session Cache Entries", "1584", "SSL Client-Side Full Handshakes", "1586", "SSL Client-Side Reconnect Handshakes", "1588", "SSL Server-Side Full Handshakes", "1590", "SSL Server-Side Reconnect Handshakes", "1592", "Digest Authentications", "1594", "Forwarded Kerberos Requests", "1596", "Offloaded Connections", "1670", "Security Per-Process Statistics", "1672", "Credential Handles", "1674", "Context Handles", "1676", "Free & Zero Page List Bytes", "1678", "Modified Page List Bytes", "1680", "Standby Cache Reserve Bytes", "1682", "Standby Cache Normal Priority Bytes", "1684", "Standby Cache Core Bytes", "1746", "% Idle Time", "1748", "% C1 Time", "1750", "% C2 Time", "1752", "% C3 Time", "1754", "C1 Transitions/sec", "1756", "C2 Transitions/sec", "1758", "C3 Transitions/sec", "1760", "Heap", "1762", "Committed Bytes", "1764", "Reserved Bytes", "1766", "Virtual Bytes", "1768", "Free Bytes", "1770", "Free List Length", "1772", "Avg. alloc rate", "1774", "Avg. free rate", "1776", "Uncommitted Ranges Length", "1778", "Allocs - Frees", "1780", "Cached Allocs/sec", "1782", "Cached Frees/sec", "1784", "Allocs <1K/sec", "1786", "Frees <1K/sec", "1788", "Allocs 1-8K/sec", "1790", "Frees 1-8K/sec", "1792", "Allocs over 8K/sec", "1794", "Frees over 8K/sec", "1796", "Total Allocs/sec", "1798", "Total Frees/sec", "1800", "Blocks in Heap Cache", "1802", "Largest Cache Depth", "1804", "% Fragmentation", "1806", "% VAFragmentation", "1808", "Heap Lock contention", "1810", "Dirty Pages", "1812", "Dirty Page Threshold", "1846", "End Marker", "2002", "BITS Net Utilization", "2004", "Remote Server Speed (Bits/Sec)", "2006", "Netcard Speed (Bits/Sec)", "2008", "Percent Netcard Free", "2010", "IGD Speed (Bits/Sec)", "2012", "Percent IGD Free", "2014", "BITS Download BlockSize (Bytes)", "2016", "BITS Download Response Int erval (msec)", "2018", "Estimated bandwidth available to the remote system (Bits/sec)", "2026", "Telephony", "2028", "Number of Lines", "2030", "Number of Telephone devices", "2032", "Number of Active Lines", "2034", "Number of Active Telephones", "2036", "Outgoing calls/sec", "2038", "Incoming calls/sec", "2040", "Number of Client Apps", "2042", "Current Outgoing Calls", "2044", "Current Incoming Calls", "2046", "RAS Port", "2048", "Bytes Transmitted", "2050", "Bytes Received", "2052", "Frames Transmitted", "2054", "Frames Received", "2056", "Percent Compression Out", "2058", "Percent Compression In", "2060", "CRC Errors", "2062", "Timeout Errors", "2064", "Serial Overrun Errors", "2066", "Alignment Errors", "2068", "Buffer Overrun Errors", "2070", "Total Errors", "2072", "Bytes Transmitted/Sec", "2074", "Bytes Received/Sec", "2076", "Frames Transmitted/Sec", "2078", "Frames Received/Sec", "2080", "Total Errors/Sec", "2082", "RAS Total", "2084", "Total Connections", "2602", "Database" , "2604", "Pages Converted/sec", "2606", "Pages Converted", "2608", "Records Converted/sec", "2610", "Records Converted", "2612", "Defragmentation Tasks", "2614", "Defragmentation Tasks Pending", "2616", "Defragmentation Tasks Discarded", "2618", "Defragmentation Tasks Scheduled/sec", "2620", "Defragmentation Tasks Completed/sec", "2622", "Heap Allocs/sec", "2624", "Heap Frees/sec", "2626", "Heap Allocations", "2628", "Heap Bytes Allocated", "2630", "Page Bytes Reserved", "2632", "Page Bytes Committed", "2634", "FCB Asynchronous Scan/sec", "2636", "FCB Asynchronous Purge/sec", "2638", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Scan/sec", "2640", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Purge/sec", "2642", "FCB Asynchronous Purge Conflicts/sec", "2644", "FCB Synchronous Purge/sec", "2646", "FCB Synchronous Purge Stalls/sec", "2648", "FCB Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec", "2650", "FCB Purge On Cursor Close/sec", "2652", "FCB Cache % Hit", "2654", "No name", "2656", "FCB Cache Stalls/sec", "2658", "FCB Cach e Maximum", "2660", "FCB Cache Preferred", "2662", "FCB Cache Allocated", "2664", "FCB Cache Available", "2666", "Sessions In Use", "2668", "Sessions % Used", "2670", "No name", "2672", "Table Open Cache % Hit", "2674", "No name", "2676", "Table Open Cache Hits/sec", "2678", "Table Open Cache Misses/sec", "2680", "Table Opens/sec", "2682", "Log Bytes Write/sec", "2684", "Log Bytes Generated/sec", "2686", "Log Buffer Bytes Used", "2688", "Log Buffer Bytes Free", "2690", "Log Threads Waiting", "2692", "Log Checkpoint Depth", "2694", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth", "2696", "User Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2698", "User Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2700", "User Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2702", "User Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2704", "User Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2706", "User Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2708", "System Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2710", "Sy stem Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2712", "System Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "2714", "System Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2716", "System Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2718", "System Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "2720", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Async Consumed/sec", "2722", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Stalls/sec", "2724", "Log Records/sec", "2726", "Log Buffer Capacity Flushes/sec", "2728", "Log Buffer Commit Flushes/sec", "2730", "Log Buffer Flushes/sec", "2732", "Log Writes/sec", "2734", "Log Record Stalls/sec", "2736", "Version buckets allocated", "2738", "Version buckets allocated for deletes", "2740", "VER Bucket Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec", "2742", "Version store average RCE bookmark length", "2744", "Version store unnecessary calls/sec", "2746", "Version store cleanup tasks asynchronously dispatched/sec", "2748", "Version store cleanup tasks synchronously dis patched/sec", "2750", "Version store cleanup tasks discarded/sec", "2752", "Version store cleanup tasks failures/sec", "2754", "Record Inserts/sec", "2756", "Record Deletes/sec", "2758", "Record Replaces/sec", "2760", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec", "2762", "Record Redundant Replaces/sec", "2764", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec", "2766", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec", "2768", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec", "2770", "False Index Column Updates/sec", "2772", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec", "2774", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec", "2776", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec", "2778", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec", "2780", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec", "2782", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec", "2784", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec", "2786", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec", "2788", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec", "2790", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec", "2792", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec", "2794", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec", "2796", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec", "2798", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/sec", "2800", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec", "2802", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec", "2804", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec", "2806", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec", "2808", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Copies/sec", "2810", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec", "2812", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec", "2814", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec", "2816", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec", "2818", "B+ Tree Splits/sec", "2820", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merges/sec", "2822", "B+ Tree Right Merges/sec", "2824", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec", "2826", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec", "2828", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec", "2830", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec", "2832", "B+ Tree Merges/sec", "2834", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec", "2836", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec", "2838", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec", "2840", "B+ Tree Unneces sary Sibling Latches/sec", "2842", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec", "2844", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "2846", "B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec", "2848", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "2850", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec", "2852", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec", "2854", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec", "2856", "B+ Tree Flag Deletes/sec", "2858", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec", "2860", "B+ Tree Appends/sec", "2862", "B+ Tree Creates/sec", "2864", "B+ Tree Creates (Total)", "2866", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec", "2868", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total)", "2870", "Database Cache Misses/sec", "2872", "Database Cache % Hit", "2874", "No name", "2876", "Database Cache Requests/sec", "2878", "Database Cache % Pinned", "2880", "No name", "2882", "Database Cache % Clean", "2884", "No name", "2886", "Database Pages Read Async/sec", "2888", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec", "2890", "Database Pages Written/sec", "2892", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec", "2894", "Database Opportune Write Issued (Total)", "2896", " Database Pages Transferred/sec", "2898", "Database Page Latches/sec", "2900", "Database Page Fast Latches/sec", "2902", "Database Page Bad Latch Hints/sec", "2904", "Database Cache % Fast Latch", "2906", "No name", "2908", "Database Page Latch Conflicts/sec", "2910", "Database Page Latch Stalls/sec", "2912", "Database Cache % Available", "2914", "No name", "2916", "Database Page Faults/sec", "2918", "Database Page Evictions/sec", "2920", "Database Page Fault Stalls/sec", "2922", "Database Cache Size (MB)", "2924", "Database Cache Size", "2926", "Database Cache Size Min", "2928", "Database Cache Size Max", "2930", "Database Cache Size Resident", "2932", "Database Cache Size Resident (MB)", "2934", "Database Cache % Available Min", "2936", "No name", "2938", "Database Cache % Available Max", "2940", "No name", "2942", "Database Pages Preread/sec", "2944", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec", "2946", "Database Pages Preread Untouched/sec", "2948", "Database Pages Versioned/sec", "2950", " Database Pages Version Copied/sec", "2952", "Database Cache % Versioned", "2954", "No name", "2956", "Database Pages Ordinarily Written/sec", "2958", "Database Pages Anomalously Written/sec", "2960", "Database Pages Opportunely Written/sec", "2962", "Database Pages Repeatedly Written/sec", "2964", "Database Pages Idly Written/sec", "2966", "Database Pages Coalesced Written/sec", "2968", "Database Pages Coalesced Read/sec", "2970", "Database Page History Records", "2972", "Database Page History % Hit", "2974", "No name", "2976", "Database Page Scans/sec", "2978", "Database Page Scans Out-of-order/sec", "2980", "No name", "2982", "Database Cache % Resident", "2984", "No name", "2986", "Streaming Backup Pages Read/sec", "2988", "Online Defrag Pages Referenced/sec", "2990", "Online Defrag Pages Read/sec", "2992", "Online Defrag Pages Preread/sec", "2994", "Online Defrag Pages Dirtied/sec", "2996", "Online Defrag Pages Re-Dirtied/sec", "2998", "Online Defrag Pages Freed/sec", "3000", "Onlin e Defrag Data Moves/sec", "3002", "Online Defrag Page Moves/sec", "3004", "Online Defrag Log Records/sec", "3006", "Online Defrag Average Log Bytes", "3008", "No name", "3010", "Online Maintenance (DB Scan) Pages Read/sec", "3012", "Online Maintenance (DB Scan) Pages Read", "3014", "Online Maintenance (DB Scan) Pages Zeroed/sec", "3016", "Online Maintenance (DB Scan) Pages Zeroed", "3018", "Database Tasks Pages Referenced/sec", "3020", "Database Tasks Pages Read/sec", "3022", "Database Tasks Pages Preread/sec", "3024", "Database Tasks Pages Dirtied/sec", "3026", "Database Tasks Pages Re-Dirtied/sec", "3028", "Database Tasks Log Records/sec", "3030", "Database Tasks Average Log Bytes", "3032", "No name", "3034", "I/O Database Reads/sec", "3036", "I/O Database Reads Average Latency", "3038", "No name", "3040", "I/O Database Reads Average Bytes", "3042", "No name", "3044", "I/O Database Reads In Heap", "3046", "I/O Database Reads Async Pending", "3048", "I/O Database Reads Abnormal Latenc y/sec", "3050", "I/O Log Reads/sec", "3052", "I/O Log Reads Average Latency", "3054", "No name", "3056", "I/O Log Reads Average Bytes", "3058", "No name", "3060", "I/O Log Reads In Heap", "3062", "I/O Log Reads Async Pending", "3064", "I/O Log Reads Abnormal Latency/sec", "3066", "I/O Database Writes/sec", "3068", "I/O Database Writes Average Latency", "3070", "No name", "3072", "I/O Database Writes Average Bytes", "3074", "No name", "3076", "I/O Database Writes In Heap", "3078", "I/O Database Writes Async Pending", "3080", "I/O Database Writes Abnormal Latency/sec", "3082", "I/O Log Writes/sec", "3084", "I/O Log Writes Average Latency", "3086", "No name", "3088", "I/O Log Writes Average Bytes", "3090", "No name", "3092", "I/O Log Writes In Heap", "3094", "I/O Log Writes Async Pending", "3096", "I/O Log Writes Abnormal Latency/sec", "3098", "Threads Blocked/sec", "3100", "Threads Blocked", "3102", "Record Failed Compression Bytes/sec", "3104", "Database ==> TableClasses", "3106", "Reco rd Inserts/sec", "3108", "Record Deletes/sec", "3110", "Record Replaces/sec", "3112", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec", "3114", "Record Redundant Replaces/sec", "3116", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec", "3118", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec", "3120", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec", "3122", "False Index Column Updates/sec", "3124", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec", "3126", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec", "3128", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec", "3130", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec", "3132", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec", "3134", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec", "3136", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec", "3138", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec", "3140", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec", "3142", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec", "3144", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec", "3146", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec", "3148", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec", "3150", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/se c", "3152", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec", "3154", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec", "3156", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec", "3158", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec", "3160", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Copies/sec", "3162", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec", "3164", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec", "3166", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec", "3168", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec", "3170", "B+ Tree Splits/sec", "3172", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merges/sec", "3174", "B+ Tree Right Merges/sec", "3176", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec", "3178", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec", "3180", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec", "3182", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec", "3184", "B+ Tree Merges/sec", "3186", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec", "3188", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec", "3190", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec", "3192", "B+ Tree Unnecessary Sibling Latches/sec", "3194", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec", "3196", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "3198", " B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec", "3200", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "3202", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec", "3204", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec", "3206", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec", "3208", "B+ Tree Flag Deletes/sec", "3210", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec", "3212", "B+ Tree Appends/sec", "3214", "B+ Tree Creates/sec", "3216", "B+ Tree Creates (Total)", "3218", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec", "3220", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total)", "3222", "Database Cache Size (MB)", "3224", "Database Cache Misses/sec", "3226", "Database Cache % Hit", "3228", "No name", "3230", "Database Cache Requests/sec", "3232", "Database Pages Read Async/sec", "3234", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec", "3236", "Database Pages Written/sec", "3238", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec", "3240", "Database Pages Transferred/sec", "3242", "Database Pages Preread/sec", "3244", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec", "3246", "Database 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Asynchronous Purge Conflicts/sec", "3296", "FCB Synchronous Purge/sec", "3298", "FCB Synchronous Purge Stalls/sec", "3300", "FCB Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec", "3302", "FCB Purge On Cursor Close/sec", "3304", "FCB Cache % Hit", "3306", "No name", "3308", "FCB Cache Stalls/sec", "3310", "FCB Cache Maximum", "3312", "FCB Cache Preferred", "3314", "FCB Cache Allocated", "3316", "FCB Cache Available", "3318", "Sessions In Use", "3320", "Sessions % Used", "3322", "No name", "3324", "Table Open Cache % Hit", "3326", "No name", "3328", "Table Open Cache Hits/sec", "3330", "Table Open Cache Misses/sec", "3332", "Table Opens/sec", "3334", "Log Bytes Write/sec", "3336", "Log Bytes Generated/sec", "3338", "Log Buffer Size", "3340", "Log Buffer Bytes Used", "3342", "Log Buffer Bytes Free", "3344", "Log Threads Waiting", "3346", "Log File Size", "3348", "Log Checkpoint Depth", "3350", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth", "3352", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Target", "3354", "Log Checkpoint Depth as a % of Target", "3356", "No name", "3358", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Max", "3360", "Log Generation Lo ss Resiliency Depth", "3362", "Log Files Generated", "3364", "Log Files Generated Prematurely", "3366", "Log File Current Generation", "3368", "User Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3370", "User Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3372", "User Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3374", "User Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3376", "User Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3378", "User Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3380", "System Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3382", "System Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3384", "System Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec", "3386", "System Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3388", "System Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3390", "System Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec", "3392", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Async Consumed/sec", "3394", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Stalls/sec", "3396", "Log Records/sec", "3398", "Log Buffer Capacity Flushes/sec", "3400", "Log Buffer Commit Flushes/sec", "3402", "Log Buffer Flushes/sec", "3404", "Log Writes/sec", "3406", "Log Record Stalls/sec", "3408", "Version buckets allocated", "3410", "Version buckets allocated for deletes", "3412", "VER Bucket Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec", "3414", "Version store average RCE bookmark length", "3416", "Version store unnecessary calls/sec", "3418", "Version store cleanup tasks asynchronously dispatched/sec", "3420", "Version store cleanup tasks synchronously dispatched/sec", "3422", "Version store cleanup tasks discarded/sec", "3424", "Version store cleanup tasks failures/sec", "3426", "Record Inserts/sec", "3428", "Record Deletes/sec", "3430", "Record Replaces/sec", "3432", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec", "3434", "Record Redundant Replaces/sec", "3436", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec", "3438", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec", "3440", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec", "3442", "False Index Column Updates/sec", "3444", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec", "3446", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec", "3448", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec", "3450", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec", "3452", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec", "3454", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec", "3456", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec", "3458", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec", "3460", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec", "3462", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec", "3464", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec", "3466", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec", "3468", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec", "3470", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/sec", "3472", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec", "3474", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec", "3476", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec", "3478", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec", "3480", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Copies/sec", "3482", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec", "3484", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec", "3486", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec", "3488", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec", "3490", "B+ Tree Splits/sec", "3492", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merges/sec", "3494", "B+ Tree Right Merges/sec", "3496", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec", "3498", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec", "3500", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec", "3502", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec", "3504", "B+ Tree Merges/sec", "3506", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec", "3508", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec", "3510", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec", "3512", "B+ Tree Unnecessary Sibling Latches/sec", "3514", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec", "3516", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "3518", "B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec", "3520", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec", "3522", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec", "3524", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec", "3526", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec", "3528", "B+ Tree Flag Deletes/sec", "3530", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec", "3532", "B+ Tree Appends/sec", "3534", "B+ Tree Creates/sec ", "3536", "B+ Tree Creates (Total)", "3538", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec", "3540", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total)", "3542", "Database Cache Size (MB)", "3544", "Database Cache Misses/sec", "3546", "Database Cache % Hit", "3548", "No name", "3550", "Database Cache Requests/sec", "3552", "Database Pages Read Async/sec", "3554", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec", "3556", "Database Pages Written/sec", "3558", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec", "3560", "Database Pages Transferred/sec", "3562", "Database Pages Preread/sec", "3564", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec", "3566", "Database Pages Preread Untouched/sec", "3568", "Database Pages Versioned/sec", "3570", "Database Pages Version Copied/sec", "3572", "Database Pages Ordinarily Written/sec", "3574", "Database Pages Anomalously Written/sec", "3576", "Database Pages Opportunely Written/sec", "3578", 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Writes Async Pending", "3680", "I/O Database Writes Abnormal Latency/sec", "3682", "I/O Log Writes/sec", "3684", "I/O Log Writes Average Latency", "3686", "No na me", "3688", "I/O Log Writes Average Bytes", "3690", "No name", "3692", "I/O Log Writes In Heap", "3694", "I/O Log Writes Async Pending", "3696", "I/O Log Writes Abnormal Latency/sec", "3698", "Record Failed Compression Bytes/sec", "3700", "Distributed Transaction Coordinator", "3702", "Active Transactions", "3704", "Committed Transactions", "3706", "Aborted Transactions", "3708", "In Doubt Transactions", "3710", "Active Transactions Maximum", "3712", "Force Committed Transactions", "3714", "Force Aborted Transactions", "3716", "Response Time -- Minimum", "3718", "Response Time -- Average", "3720", "Response Time -- Maximum", "3722", "Transactions/sec", "3724", "Committed Transactions/sec", "3726", "Aborted Transactions/sec", "3728", "Terminal Services Session", "3730", "Input WdBytes", "3732", "Input WdFrames", "3734", "Input WaitForOutBuf", "3736", "Input Frames", "3738", "Input Bytes", "3740", "Input Compressed Bytes", "3742", "Input Compress Flushes", "3744", "Input Errors", "3746" , "Input Timeouts", "3748", "Input Async Frame Error", "3750", "Input Async Overrun", "3752", "Input Async Overflow", "3754", "Input Async Parity Error", "3756", "Input Transport Errors", "3758", "Output WdBytes", "3760", "Output WdFrames", "3762", "Output WaitForOutBuf", "3764", "Output Frames", "3766", "Output Bytes", "3768", "Output Compressed Bytes", "3770", "Output Compress Flushes", "3772", "Output Errors", "3774", "Output Timeouts", "3776", "Output Async Frame Error", "3778", "Output Async Overrun", "3780", "Output Async Overflow", "3782", "Output Async Parity Error", "3784", "Output Transport Errors", "3786", "Total WdBytes", "3788", "Total WdFrames", "3790", "Total WaitForOutBuf", "3792", "Total Frames", "3794", "Total Bytes", "3796", "Total Compressed Bytes", "3798", "Total Compress Flushes", "3800", "Total Errors", "3802", "Total Timeouts", "3804", "Total Async Frame Error", "3806", "Total Async Overrun", "3808", "Total Async Overflow", "3810", "Total Async Parity Error", "3 812", "Total Transport Errors", "3814", "Total Protocol Cache Reads", "3816", "Total Protocol Cache Hits", "3818", "Total Protocol Cache Hit Ratio", "3820", "Protocol Bitmap Cache Reads", "3822", "Protocol Bitmap Cache Hits", "3824", "Protocol Bitmap Cache Hit Ratio", "3826", "Protocol Glyph Cache Reads", "3828", "Protocol Glyph Cache Hits", "3830", "Protocol Glyph Cache Hit Ratio", "3832", "Protocol Brush Cache Reads", "3834", "Protocol Brush Cache Hits", "3836", "Protocol Brush Cache Hit Ratio", "3838", "Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Reads", "3840", "Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Hits", "3842", "Protocol Save Screen Bitmap Cache Hit Ratio", "3844", "Input Compression Ratio", "3846", "Output Compression Ratio", "3848", "Total Compression Ratio", "4124", "Bulk Bytes/Sec", "4126", "Isochronous Bytes/Sec", "4128", "Interrupt Bytes/Sec", "4130", "Control Data Bytes/Sec", "4132", "Controller PCI Interrupts/Sec", "4134", "Controller WorkSignals/Sec", "4136", "% Total Bandwidth Used for Interrupt", "4138", "% Total Bandwidth Used for Iso", "4140", "USB", "4142", "Avg. Bytes/Transfer", "4144", "Iso Packet Errors/Sec", "4146", "Avg ms latency for ISO transfers", "4148", "Transfer Errors/Sec", "4150", "Host Controller Idle", "4152", "Host Controller Async Idle", "4154", "Host Controller Async Cache Flush Count", "4156", "Host Controller Periodic Idle", "4158", "Host Controller Periodic Cache Flush Count", "4160", ".NET CLR Networking", "4162", "Connections Established", "4164", "Bytes Received", "4166", "Bytes Sent", "4168", "Datagrams Received", "4170", "Datagrams Sent", "4172", ".NET Data Provider for SqlServer", "4174", "HardConnectsPerSecond", "4176", "HardDisconnectsPerSecond", "4178", "SoftConnectsPerSecond", "4180", "SoftDisconnectsPerSecond", "4182", "NumberOfNonPooledConnections", "4184", "NumberOfPooledConnections", "4186", "NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups", "4188", "NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups", "4190", "NumberOfActiveConnectionPools", "4192", "NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools", "4194", "NumberOfActiveConnections", "4196", "NumberOfFreeConnections", "4198", "NumberOfStasisConnections", "4200", "NumberOfReclaimedConnections", "4202", ".NET CLR Data", "4204", "SqlClient: Current # pooled and nonpooled connections", "4206", "SqlClient: Current # pooled connections", "4208", "SqlClient: Current # connection pools", "4210", "SqlClient: Peak # pooled connections", "4212", "SqlClient: Total # failed connects", "4214", "SqlClient: Total # failed commands", "4216", ".NET CLR Memory", "4218", "# Gen 0 Collections", "4220", "# Gen 1 Collections", "4222", "# Gen 2 Collections", "4224", "Promoted Memory from Gen 0", "4226", "Promoted Memory from Gen 1", "4228", "Gen 0 Promoted Bytes/Sec", "4230", "Gen 1 Promoted Bytes/Sec", "4232", "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0", "4234", "Process ID", "4236", "Gen 0 heap size", "4238", "Gen 1 heap size", "4240", "Gen 2 heap size", "4242", "Large Object Heap size", "4244", "Finalization Survivor s", "4246", "# GC Handles", "4248", "Allocated Bytes/sec", "4250", "# Induced GC", "4252", "% Time in GC", "4254", "Not Displayed", "4256", "# Bytes in all Heaps", "4258", "# Total committed Bytes", "4260", "# Total reserved Bytes", "4262", "# of Pinned Objects", "4264", "# of Sink Blocks in use", "4266", ".NET CLR Loading", "4268", "Total Classes Loaded", "4270", "% Time Loading", "4272", "Assembly Search Length", "4274", "Total # of Load Failures", "4276", "Rate of Load Failures", "4278", "Bytes in Loader Heap", "4280", "Total appdomains unloaded", "4282", "Rate of appdomains unloaded", "4284", "Current Classes Loaded", "4286", "Rate of Classes Loaded", "4288", "Current appdomains", "4290", "Total Appdomains", "4292", "Rate of appdomains", "4294", "Current Assemblies", "4296", "Total Assemblies", "4298", "Rate of Assemblies", "4300", ".NET CLR Jit", "4302", "# of Methods Jitted", "4304", "# of IL Bytes Jitted", "4306", "Total # of IL Bytes Jitted", "4308", "IL Bytes Jitted / sec", "4 310", "Standard Jit Failures", "4312", "% Time in Jit", "4314", "Not Displayed", "4316", ".NET CLR Interop", "4318", "# of CCWs", "4320", "# of Stubs", "4322", "# of marshalling", "4324", "# of TLB imports / sec", "4326", "# of TLB exports / sec", "4328", ".NET CLR LocksAndThreads", "4330", "Total # of Contentions", "4332", "Contention Rate / sec", "4334", "Current Queue Length", "4336", "Queue Length Peak", "4338", "Queue Length / sec", "4340", "# of current logical Threads", "4342", "# of current physical Threads", "4344", "# of current recognized threads", "4346", "# of total recognized threads", "4348", "rate of recognized threads / sec", "4350", ".NET CLR Security", "4352", "Total Runtime Checks", "4354", "% Time Sig. Authenticating", "4356", "# Link Time Checks", "4358", "% Time in RT checks", "4360", "Not Displayed", "4362", "Stack Walk Depth", "4364", ".NET CLR Remoting", "4366", "Remote Calls/sec", "4368", "Channels", "4370", "Context Proxies", "4372", "Context-Bound Classes L oaded", "4374", "Context-Bound Objects Alloc / sec", "4376", "Contexts", "4378", "Total Remote Calls", "4380", ".NET CLR Exceptions", "4382", "# of Exceps Thrown", "4384", "# of Exceps Thrown / sec", "4386", "# of Filters / sec", "4388", "# of Finallys / sec", "4390", "Throw To Catch Depth / sec", "4392", ".NET Data Provider for Oracle", "4394", "HardConnectsPerSecond", "4396", "HardDisconnectsPerSecond", "4398", "SoftConnectsPerSecond", "4400", "SoftDisconnectsPerSecond", "4402", "NumberOfNonPooledConnections", "4404", "NumberOfPooledConnections", "4406", "NumberOfActiveConnectionPoolGroups", "4408", "NumberOfInactiveConnectionPoolGroups", "4410", "NumberOfActiveConnectionPools", "4412", "NumberOfInactiveConnectionPools", "4414", "NumberOfActiveConnections", "4416", "NumberOfFreeConnections", "4418", "NumberOfStasisConnections", "4420", "NumberOfReclaimedConnections", "4482", "Search Gatherer Projects", "4484", "Document Additions", "4486", "Document Add Rate", "4488", "Document Delet es", "4490", "Document Delete Rate", "4492", "Document Modifies", "4494", "Document Modifies Rate", "4496", "Waiting Documents", "4498", "Documents In Progress", "4500", "Documents On Hold", "4502", "Delayed Documents", "4504", "URLs in History", "4506", "Processed Documents", "4508", "Processed Documents Rate", "4510", "Status Success", "4512", "Success Rate", "4514", "Status Error", "4516", "Error Rate", "4522", "File Errors", "4524", "File Errors Rate", "4530", "Accessed Files", "4532", "Accessed File Rate", "4538", "Filtered Office", "4540", "Filtered Office Rate", "4542", "Filtered Text", "4544", "Filtered Text Rate", "4546", "Crawls in progress", "4548", "Gatherer Paused Flag", "4550", "Recovery In Progress Flag", "4552", "Not Modified", "4554", "Iterating History In Progress Flag", "4556", "Incremental Crawls", "4558", "Filtering Documents", "4560", "Started Documents", "4562", "Retries", "4564", "Retries Rate", "4572", "Adaptive Crawl Errors", "4578", "Changed Documents", "4580 ", "Document Moves/Renames", "4582", "Document Move and Rename Rate", "4584", "Unique Documents", "4586", "History Recovery Progress", "4588", "Search Gatherer", "4590", "Notification Sources", "4592", "Ext. Notifications Received", "4594", "Ext. Notifications Rate", "4596", "Admin Clients", "4598", "Heartbeats", "4600", "Heartbeats Rate", "4602", "Filtering Threads", "4604", "Idle Threads", "4606", "Document Entries", "4608", "Performance Level", "4610", "Active Queue Length", "4612", "Filter Processes", "4614", "Filter Processes Max", "4616", "Filter Process Created", "4618", "Delayed Documents", "4620", "Server Objects", "4622", "Server Objects Created", "4624", "Filter Objects", "4626", "Documents Filtered", "4628", "Documents Filtered Rate", "4630", "Time Outs", "4632", "Servers Currently Unavailable", "4634", "Servers Unavailable", "4636", "Threads Accessing Network", "4638", "Threads In Plug-ins", "4640", "Documents Successfully Filtered", "4642", "Documents Successfully Filtere d Rate", "4644", "Documents Delayed Retry", "4646", "Word Breakers Cached", "4648", "Stemmers Cached", "4650", "All Notifications Received", "4652", "Notifications Rate", "4654", "System IO traffic rate", "4656", "Reason to back off", "4658", "Threads blocked due to back off", "4660", "Search Indexer", "4662", "Master Index Level.", "4664", "Master Merges to Date", "4666", "Master Merge Progress", "4668", "Shadow Merge Levels", "4670", "Shadow Merge Levels Threshold", "4672", "Persistent Indexes", "4674", "Index Size", "4676", "Unique Keys", "4678", "Documents Filtered", "4680", "Work Items Created", "4682", "Work Items Deleted", "4684", "Clean WidSets", "4686", "Dirty WidSets", "4688", "Master Merges Now.", "4690", "Active Connections", "4692", "Queries", "4694", "Queries Failed", "4696", "Queries Succeeded", "4698", "L0 Indexes (Wordlists)", "4700", "L0 Merges (flushes) Now.", "4702", "L0 Merge (Flush) Speed - Average", "4704", "L0 Merge (Flush) - Count", "4706", "L0 Merge (Flush) Sp eed - Last", "4708", "Persistent Indexes L1", "4710", "L1 Merges Now.", "4712", "L1 Merge Speed - average", "4714", "L1 Merge - Count", "4716", "L1 Merge Speed - last", "4718", "Persistent Indexes L2", "4720", "L2 Merges Now.", "4722", "L2 Merge Speed - average", "4724", "L2 Merge - Count", "4726", "L2 Merge Speed - last", "4728", "Persistent Indexes L3", "4730", "L3 Merges Now.", "4732", "L3 Merge Speed - average", "4734", "L3 Merge - Count", "4736", "L3 Merge Speed - last", "4738", "Persistent Indexes L4", "4740", "L4 Merges Now.", "4742", "L4 Merge Speed - average", "4744", "L4 Merge - Count", "4746", "L4 Merge Speed - last", "4748", "Persistent Indexes L5", "4750", "L5 Merges Now.", "4752", "L5 Merge Speed - average", "4754", "L5 Merge - Count", "4756", "L5 Merge Speed - last", "4758", "Persistent Indexes L6", "4760", "L6 Merges Now.", "4762", "L6 Merge Speed - average", "4764", "L6 Merge - Count", "4766", "L6 Merge Speed - last", "4768", "Persistent Indexes L7", "4770", "L7 Merges Now.", "4772", "L7 Merge Speed - average", "4774", "L7 Merge - Count", "4776", "L7 Merge Speed - last", "4778", "Persistent Indexes L8", "4780", "L8 Merges Now.", "4782", "L8 Merge Speed - average", "4784", "L8 Merge - Count", "4786", "L8 Merge Speed - last", "4788", "ReadyBoost Cache", "4790", "Bytes cached", "4792", "Cache space used", "4794", "Compression Ratio", "4796", "Total cache size bytes", "4798", "Cache reads/sec", "4800", "Cache read bytes/sec", "4802", "Skipped reads/sec", "4804", "Skipped read bytes/sec", "4806", "Total reads/sec", "4808", "Total read bytes/sec", "5314", "ASP.NET State Service", "5540", "State Server Sessions Active", "5542", "State Server Sessions Abandoned", "5544", "State Server Sessions Timed Out", "5546", "State Server Sessions Total", "5548", "ASP.NET v4.0.30319", "5550", "ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319", "5552", "Application Restarts", "5554", "Applications Running", "5556", "Requests Disconnected", "5558", "Request Execution Time", "5560", "Requests Rej ected", "5562", "Requests Queued", "5564", "Worker Processes Running", "5566", "Worker Process Restarts", "5568", "Request Wait Time", "5570", "State Server Sessions Active", "5572", "State Server Sessions Abandoned", "5574", "State Server Sessions Timed Out", "5576", "State Server Sessions Total", "5578", "Requests Current", "5580", "Audit Success Events Raised", "5582", "Audit Failure Events Raised", "5584", "Error Events Raised", "5586", "Request Error Events Raised", "5588", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised", "5590", "Requests In Native Queue", "5592", "Anonymous Requests", "5594", "Anonymous Requests/Sec", "5596", "Cache Total Entries", "5598", "Cache Total Turnover Rate", "5600", "Cache Total Hits", "5602", "Cache Total Misses", "5604", "Cache Total Hit Ratio", "5606", "Cache Total Hit Ratio Base", "5608", "Cache API Entries", "5610", "Cache API Turnover Rate", "5612", "Cache API Hits", "5614", "Cache API Misses", "5616", "Cache API Hit Ratio", "5618", "Cache API Hit Ratio Bas e", "5620", "Output Cache Entries", "5622", "Output Cache Turnover Rate", "5624", "Output Cache Hits", "5626", "Output Cache Misses", "5628", "Output Cache Hit Ratio", "5630", "Output Cache Hit Ratio Base", "5632", "Compilations Total", "5634", "Debugging Requests", "5636", "Errors During Preprocessing", "5638", "Errors During Compilation", "5640", "Errors During Execution", "5642", "Errors Unhandled During Execution", "5644", "Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec", "5646", "Errors Total", "5648", "Errors Total/Sec", "5650", "Pipeline Instance Count", "5652", "Request Bytes In Total", "5654", "Request Bytes Out Total", "5656", "Requests Executing", "5658", "Requests Failed", "5660", "Requests Not Found", "5662", "Requests Not Authorized", "5664", "Requests In Application Queue", "5666", "Requests Timed Out", "5668", "Requests Succeeded", "5670", "Requests Total", "5672", "Requests/Sec", "5674", "Sessions Active", "5676", "Sessions Abandoned", "5678", "Sessions Timed Out", "5680", "Ses sions Total", "5682", "Transactions Aborted", "5684", "Transactions Committed", "5686", "Transactions Pending", "5688", "Transactions Total", "5690", "Transactions/Sec", "5692", "Session State Server connections total", "5694", "Session SQL Server connections total", "5696", "Events Raised", "5698", "Events Raised/Sec", "5700", "Application Lifetime Events", "5702", "Application Lifetime Events/Sec", "5704", "Error Events Raised", "5706", "Error Events Raised/Sec", "5708", "Request Error Events Raised", "5710", "Request Error Events Raised/Sec", "5712", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised", "5714", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised/Sec", "5716", "Request Events Raised", "5718", "Request Events Raised/Sec", "5720", "Audit Success Events Raised", "5722", "Audit Failure Events Raised", "5724", "Membership Authentication Success", "5726", "Membership Authentication Failure", "5728", "Forms Authentication Success", "5730", "Forms Authentication Failure", "5732", "Viewstate MAC Validation Failure", "5734", "Request Execution Time", "5736", "Requests Disconnected", "5738", "Requests Rejected", "5740", "Request Wait Time", "5742", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used", "5744", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used Base", "5746", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used", "5748", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used Base", "5750", "Cache Total Trims", "5752", "Cache API Trims", "5754", "Output Cache Trims", "5756", "% Managed Processor Time (estimated)", "5758", "% Managed Processor Time Base (estimated)", "5760", "Managed Memory Used (estimated)", "5762", "Request Bytes In Total (WebSockets)", "5764", "Request Bytes Out Total (WebSockets)", "5766", "Requests Executing (WebSockets)", "5768", "Requests Failed (WebSockets)", "5770", "Requests Succeeded (WebSockets)", "5772", "Requests Total (WebSockets)", "5774", "ASP.NET", "5776", "ASP.NET Applications", "5778", "Application Restarts", "5780", "Applications Running", "5782", "Requests Disconnected", "5784", "Request Execution Time", "57 86", "Requests Rejected", "5788", "Requests Queued", "5790", "Worker Processes Running", "5792", "Worker Process Restarts", "5794", "Request Wait Time", "5796", "State Server Sessions Active", "5798", "State Server Sessions Abandoned", "5800", "State Server Sessions Timed Out", "5802", "State Server Sessions Total", "5804", "Requests Current", "5806", "Audit Success Events Raised", "5808", "Audit Failure Events Raised", "5810", "Error Events Raised", "5812", "Request Error Events Raised", "5814", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised", "5816", "Requests In Native Queue", "5818", "Anonymous Requests", "5820", "Anonymous Requests/Sec", "5822", "Cache Total Entries", "5824", "Cache Total Turnover Rate", "5826", "Cache Total Hits", "5828", "Cache Total Misses", "5830", "Cache Total Hit Ratio", "5832", "Cache Total Hit Ratio Base", "5834", "Cache API Entries", "5836", "Cache API Turnover Rate", "5838", "Cache API Hits", "5840", "Cache API Misses", "5842", "Cache API Hit Ratio", "5844", "Cache API Hit Ratio Base", "5846", "Output Cache Entries", "5848", "Output Cache Turnover Rate", "5850", "Output Cache Hits", "5852", "Output Cache Misses", "5854", "Output Cache Hit Ratio", "5856", "Output Cache Hit Ratio Base", "5858", "Compilations Total", "5860", "Debugging Requests", "5862", "Errors During Preprocessing", "5864", "Errors During Compilation", "5866", "Errors During Execution", "5868", "Errors Unhandled During Execution", "5870", "Errors Unhandled During Execution/Sec", "5872", "Errors Total", "5874", "Errors Total/Sec", "5876", "Pipeline Instance Count", "5878", "Request Bytes In Total", "5880", "Request Bytes Out Total", "5882", "Requests Executing", "5884", "Requests Failed", "5886", "Requests Not Found", "5888", "Requests Not Authorized", "5890", "Requests In Application Queue", "5892", "Requests Timed Out", "5894", "Requests Succeeded", "5896", "Requests Total", "5898", "Requests/Sec", "5900", "Sessions Active", "5902", "Sessions Abandoned", "5904", "Sessions Timed Out", "5906", "Sessions Total", "5908", "Transactions Aborted", "5910", "Transactions Committed", "5912", "Transactions Pending", "5914", "Transactions Total", "5916", "Transactions/Sec", "5918", "Session State Server connections total", "5920", "Session SQL Server connections total", "5922", "Events Raised", "5924", "Events Raised/Sec", "5926", "Application Lifetime Events", "5928", "Application Lifetime Events/Sec", "5930", "Error Events Raised", "5932", "Error Events Raised/Sec", "5934", "Request Error Events Raised", "5936", "Request Error Events Raised/Sec", "5938", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised", "5940", "Infrastructure Error Events Raised/Sec", "5942", "Request Events Raised", "5944", "Request Events Raised/Sec", "5946", "Audit Success Events Raised", "5948", "Audit Failure Events Raised", "5950", "Membership Authentication Success", "5952", "Membership Authentication Failure", "5954", "Forms Authentication Success", "5956", "Forms Authentication Failure", "5958", "Viewsta te MAC Validation Failure", "5960", "Request Execution Time", "5962", "Requests Disconnected", "5964", "Requests Rejected", "5966", "Request Wait Time", "5968", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used", "5970", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used Base", "5972", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used", "5974", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used Base", "5976", "Cache Total Trims", "5978", "Cache API Trims", "5980", "Output Cache Trims", "5982", "% Managed Processor Time (estimated)", "5984", "% Managed Processor Time Base (estimated)", "5986", "Managed Memory Used (estimated)", "5988", "Request Bytes In Total (WebSockets)", "5990", "Request Bytes Out Total (WebSockets)", "5992", "Requests Executing (WebSockets)", "5994", "Requests Failed (WebSockets)", "5996", "Requests Succeeded (WebSockets)", "5998", "Requests Total (WebSockets)", "6000", "WMI Objects", "6002", "HiPerf Classes", "6004", "HiPerf Validity", "6006", "iSCSI Connections", "6008", "Bytes Received", "6010", "Bytes Sent", "6012", "PDUs Sent", "6014", "PDUs Received", "6016", "iSCSI Initiator Instance", "6018", "Session Cxn Timeout Errors", "6020", "Session Digest Errors", "6022", "Sessions Failed", "6024", "Session Format Errors", "6026", "iSCSI Initiator Login statistics", "6028", "Login Accept Responses", "6030", "Logins Failed", "6032", "Login Authentication Failed Responses", "6034", "Failed Logins", "6036", "Login Negotiation Failed", "6038", "Login Other Failed Responses", "6040", "Login Redirect Responses", "6042", "Logout Normal", "6044", "Logout Other Codes", "6046", "iSCSI HBA Main Mode IPSEC Statistics", "6048", "AcquireFailures", "6050", "AcquireHeapSize", "6052", "ActiveAcquire", "6054", "ActiveReceive", "6056", "AuthenticationFailures", "6058", "ConnectionListSize", "6060", "GetSPIFailures", "6062", "InvalidCookiesReceived", "6064", "InvalidPackets", "6066", "KeyAdditionFailures", "6068", "KeyAdditions", "6070", "KeyUpdateFailures", "6072", "KeyUpdates", "6074", "NegotiationFailures", "6076", "OakleyMa inMode", "6078", "OakleyQuickMode", "6080", "ReceiveFailures", "6082", "ReceiveHeapSize", "6084", "SendFailures", "6086", "SoftAssociations", "6088", "TotalGetSPI", "6090", "MSiSCSI_NICPerformance", "6092", "BytesReceived", "6094", "BytesTransmitted", "6096", "PDUReceived", "6098", "PDUTransmitted", "6100", "iSCSI HBA Quick Mode IPSEC Statistics", "6102", "ActiveSA", "6104", "ActiveTunnels", "6106", "AuthenticatedBytesReceived", "6108", "AuthenticatedBytesSent", "6110", "BadSPIPackets", "6112", "ConfidentialBytesReceived", "6114", "ConfidentialBytesSent", "6116", "KeyAdditions", "6118", "KeyDeletions", "6120", "PacketsNotAuthenticated", "6122", "PacketsNotDecrypted", "6124", "PacketsWithReplayDetection", "6126", "PendingKeyOperations", "6128", "ReKeys", "6130", "TransportBytesReceived", "6132", "TransportBytesSent", "6134", "TunnelBytesReceived", "6136", "TunnelBytesSent", "6138", "iSCSI Request Processing Time", "6140", "Average Request Processing Time", "6142", "Max Request Processin g Time", "6144", "iSCSI Sessions", "6146", "Bytes Received", "6148", "Bytes Sent", "6150", "ConnectionTimeout Errors", "6152", "Digest Errors", "6154", "Format Errors", "6156", "PDUs Sent", "6158", "PDUs Received", "6160", "Processor Performance", "6162", "Processor Frequency", "6164", "% of Maximum Frequency", "6166", "Processor State Flags" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009\Help: "3", "The System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one instance of a component processors on the computer.", "5", "The Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of random access memory on the computer. Virtual memory consists of the space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory counters monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging, a symptom of a memory shortage, can cause delays which interfere with all system processes.", "7", "% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor h as an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken.", "9", "% Total DPC Time is the average percentage of time that all processors spend receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs). (DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than the standard interrupts). It is the s um of Processor: % DPC Time for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. System: % Total DPC Time is a component of System: % Total Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. DPCs are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt count. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "11", "File Read Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of reads. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "13", "File Write Operations/sec is the combined rate of the file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write to data in the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of writes. This counter displays the difference between the v alues observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "15", "File Control Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, such as file system control requests and requests for information about device characteristics or status. This is the inverse of System: File Data Operations/sec and is measured in number of operations perf second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "17", "File Read Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are read to satisfy file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including reads from the file system cache. It is measured in number of bytes per second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "19", "File Write Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are written to satisfy file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including writes to the file system cache. It is measured in number of bytes per second. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "21", "File Control Bytes/sec is the overall rate at which bytes are transferred for all file system operations that are neither reads nor writes, including file system control requests and requests for information about device characteristics or status. It is measured in numbers of bytes. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "23", "% Total Interrupt Time is the average percentage of time that all processors spend receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during sample intervals, where the value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts. I t is the sum of Processor: % Interrupt Time for of all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. DPCs are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt count. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system timer, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices.", "25", "Available Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "27", "Committed Bytes is the amount of committed virtual memory, in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging file(s). There can be on e or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "29", "Page Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.", "31", "Commit Limit is the amount of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging file(s). It is measured in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging files. There can be one paging file on each logical drive). If the paging fi le(s) are be expanded, this limit increases accordingly. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "33", "Write Copies/sec is the rate at which page faults are caused by attempts to write that have been satisfied by coping of the page from elsewhere in physical memory. This is an economical way of sharing data since pages are only copied when they are written to; otherwise, the page is shared. This counter shows the number of copies, without regard for the number of pages copied in each operation.", "35", "Transition Faults/sec is the rate at which page faults are resolved by recovering pages that were being used by another process sharing the page, or were on the modified page list or the standby list, or were being written to disk at the time of the page fault. The pages were recovered without additional disk activity. Transition faults are counted in numbers of faults; because only one page is faulted in each operation, it is also equal to the numb er of pages faulted.", "37", "Cache Faults/sec is the rate at which faults occur when a page sought in the file system cache is not found and must be retrieved from elsewhere in memory (a soft fault) or from disk (a hard fault). The file system cache is an area of physical memory that stores recently used pages of data for applications. Cache activity is a reliable indicator of most application I/O operations. This counter shows the number of faults, without regard for the number of pages faulted in each operation.", "39", "Demand Zero Faults/sec is the rate at which a zeroed page is required to satisfy the fault. Zeroed pages, pages emptied of previously stored data and filled with zeros, are a security feature of Windows that prevent processes from seeing data stored by earlier processes that used the memory space. Windows maintains a list of zeroed pages to accelerate this process. This counter shows the number of faults, without regard to the number of pages retrieved to satisfy t he fault. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "41", "Pages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory\\Pages Input/sec and Memory\\Pages Output/sec. It is counted in numbers of pages, so it can be compared to other counts of pages, such as Memory\\Page Faults/sec, without conversion. It includes pages retrieved to satisfy faults in the file system cache (usually requested by applications) non-cached mapped memory files.", "43", "Page Reads/sec is the rate at which the disk was read to resolve hard page faults. It shows the number of reads operations, without regard to the number of pages retrieved in each operation. Hard page faults occur when a process references a page in virtual memory that is not in working set or el sewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from disk. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It includes read operations to satisfy faults in the file system cache (usually requested by applications) and in non-cached mapped memory files. Compare the value of Memory\\Pages Reads/sec to the value of Memory\\Pages Input/sec to determine the average number of pages read during each operation.", "45", "Processor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.", "47", "Thr ead State is the current state of the thread. It is 0 for Initialized, 1 for Ready, 2 for Running, 3 for Standby, 4 for Terminated, 5 for Wait, 6 for Transition, 7 for Unknown. A Running thread is using a processor; a Standby thread is about to use one. A Ready thread wants to use a processor, but is waiting for a processor because none are free. A thread in Transition is waiting for a resource in order to execute, such as waiting for its execution stack to be paged in from disk. A Waiting thread has no use for the processor because it is waiting for a peripheral operation to complete or a resource to become free.", "49", "Pages Output/sec is the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written back to disk only if they are changed in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. A high rate of pages output might indicate a memory shortage. Windows writes more pages back to disk to free up space when physical memory is in short supply. This counter shows the number of pages, and can be compared to other counts of pages, without conversion.", "51", "Page Writes/sec is the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written to disk only if they are changed while in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. This counter shows write operations, without regard to the number of pages written in each operation. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "53", "The Browser performance object consists of counters that measure the rates of announcements, enumerations, and other Browser transmissions.", "55", "Announcements Server/sec is the rate at which the servers in this domain have announced themselves to this server.", "57", "Pool Paged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the paged pool, an area of system memory (physical memory used by the operating sy stem) for objects that can be written to disk when they are not being used. Memory\\Pool Paged Bytes is calculated differently than Process\\Pool Paged Bytes, so it might not equal Process\\Pool Paged Bytes\\_Total. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "59", "Pool Nonpaged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the nonpaged pool, an area of system memory (physical memory used by the operating system) for objects that cannot be written to disk, but must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated. Memory\\Pool Nonpaged Bytes is calculated differently than Process\\Pool Nonpaged Bytes, so it might not equal Process\\Pool Nonpaged Bytes\\_Total. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "61", "Pool Paged Allocs is the number of calls to allocate space in the paged pool. The paged pool is an area of system memory (physical memory used by the operating system) for objects that can be written to disk when they a re not being used. It is measured in numbers of calls to allocate space, regardless of the amount of space allocated in each call. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "63", "Pool Paged Resident Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of the paged pool. The paged pool is an area of system memory (physical memory used by the operating system) for objects that can be written to disk when they are not being used. Space used by the paged and nonpaged pools are taken from physical memory, so a pool that is too large denies memory space to processes. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "65", "Pool Nonpaged Allocs is the number of calls to allocate space in the nonpaged pool. The nonpaged pool is an area of system memory area for objects that cannot be written to disk, and must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated. It is measured in numbers of calls to allocate space, regardless of the amount of s pace allocated in each call. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "67", "Bytes Total/sec is the total rate of bytes sent to or received from the network by the protocol, but only for the frames (packets) which carry data. This is the sum of Frame Bytes/sec and Datagram Bytes/sec.", "69", "System Code Total Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the pageable operating system code currently in virtual memory. It is a measure of the amount of physical memory being used by the operating system that can be written to disk when not in use. This value is calculated by summing the bytes in Ntoskrnl.exe, Hal.dll, the boot drivers, and file systems loaded by Ntldr/osloader. This counter does not include code that must remain in physical memory and cannot be written to disk. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "71", "System Code Resident Bytes is the size, in bytes of the operating system code currently in physical memory t hat can be written to disk when not in use. This value is a component of Memory\\System Code Total Bytes, which also includes operating system code on disk. Memory\\System Code Resident Bytes (and Memory\\System Code Total Bytes) does not include code that must remain in physical memory and cannot be written to disk. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "73", "System Driver Total Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the pageable virtual memory currently being used by device drivers. Pageable memory can be written to disk when it is not being used. It includes physical memory (Memory\\System Driver Resident Bytes) and code and data paged to disk. It is a component of Memory\\System Code Total Bytes. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "75", "System Driver Resident Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the pageable physical memory being used by device drivers. It is the working set (physical memory area) of the drivers. This value is a component of Memory\\System Driver Total Bytes, which also includes driver memory that has been written to disk. Neither Memory\\System Driver Resident Bytes nor Memory\\System Driver Total Bytes includes memory that cannot be written to disk.", "77", "System Cache Resident Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the pageable operating system code in the file system cache. This value includes only current physical pages and does not include any virtual memory pages not currently resident. It does equal the System Cache value shown in Task Manager. As a result, this value may be smaller than the actual amount of virtual memory in use by the file system cache. This value is a component of Memory\\System Code Resident Bytes which represents all pageable operating system code that is currently in physical memory. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "79", "Announcements Domain/sec is the rate at which a domain has announced itself to the netwo rk.", "81", "Election Packets/sec is the rate at which browser election packets have been received by this workstation.", "83", "Mailslot Writes/sec is the rate at which mailslot messages have been successfully received.", "85", "Server List Requests/sec is the rate at which requests to retrieve a list of browser servers have been processed by this workstation.", "87", "The Cache performance object consists of counters that monitor the file system cache, an area of physical memory that stores recently used data as long as possible to permit access to the data without having to read from the disk. Because applications typically use the cache, the cache is monitored as an indicator of application I/O operations. When memory is plentiful, the cache can grow, but when memory is scarce, the cache can become too small to be effective.", "89", "Data Maps/sec is the frequency that a file system such as NTFS, maps a page of a file into the file system cache to read the page.", "91", "Sync Da ta Maps/sec counts the frequency that a file system, such as NTFS, maps a page of a file into the file system cache to read the page, and wishes to wait for the page to be retrieved if it is not in main memory.", "93", "Async Data Maps/sec is the frequency that an application using a file system, such as NTFS, to map a page of a file into the file system cache to read the page, and does not wait for the page to be retrieved if it is not in main memory.", "95", "Data Map Hits is the percentage of data maps in the file system cache that could be resolved without having to retrieve a page from the disk, because the page was already in physical memory.", "97", "Data Map Pins/sec is the frequency of data maps in the file system cache that resulted in pinning a page in main memory, an action usually preparatory to writing to the file on disk. While pinned, a page's physical address in main memory and virtual address in the file system cache will not be altered.", "99", "Pin Reads/sec is th e frequency of reading data into the file system cache preparatory to writing the data back to disk. Pages read in this fashion are pinned in memory at the completion of the read. While pinned, a page's physical address in the file system cache will not be altered.", "101", "Sync Pin Reads/sec is the frequency of reading data into the file system cache preparatory to writing the data back to disk. Pages read in this fashion are pinned in memory at the completion of the read. The file system will not regain control until the page is pinned in the file system cache, in particular if the disk must be accessed to retrieve the page. While pinned, a page's physical address in the file system cache will not be altered.", "103", "Async Pin Reads/sec is the frequency of reading data into the file system cache preparatory to writing the data back to disk. Pages read in this fashion are pinned in memory at the completion of the read. The file system will regain control immediately even if the disk must be accessed to retrieve the page. While pinned, a page's physical address will not be altered.", "105", "Pin Read Hits is the percentage of pin read requests that hit the file system cache, i.e., did not require a disk read in order to provide access to the page in the file system cache. While pinned, a page's physical address in the file system cache will not be altered. The LAN Redirector uses this method for retrieving data from the cache, as does the LAN Server for small transfers. This is usually the method used by the disk file systems as well.", "107", "Copy Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from pages of the file system cache that involve a memory copy of the data from the cache to the application's buffer. The LAN Redirector uses this method for retrieving information from the file system cache, as does the LAN Server for small transfers. This is a method used by the disk file systems as well.", "109", "Sync Copy Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from p ages of the file system cache that involve a memory copy of the data from the cache to the application's buffer. The file system will not regain control until the copy operation is complete, even if the disk must be accessed to retrieve the page.", "111", "Async Copy Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from pages of the file system cache that involve a memory copy of the data from the cache to the application's buffer. The application will regain control immediately even if the disk must be accessed to retrieve the page.", "113", "Copy Read Hits is the percentage of cache copy read requests that hit the cache, that is, they did not require a disk read in order to provide access to the page in the cache. A copy read is a file read operation that is satisfied by a memory copy from a page in the cache to the application's buffer. The LAN Redirector uses this method for retrieving information from the cache, as does the LAN Server for small transfers. This is a method used by the disk file systems as well.", "115", "MDL Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that use a Memory Descriptor List (MDL) to access the data. The MDL contains the physical address of each page involved in the transfer, and thus can employ a hardware Direct Memory Access (DMA) device to effect the copy. The LAN Server uses this method for large transfers out of the server.", "117", "Sync MDL Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that use a Memory Descriptor List (MDL) to access the pages. The MDL contains the physical address of each page in the transfer, thus permitting Direct Memory Access (DMA) of the pages. If the accessed page(s) are not in main memory, the caller will wait for the pages to fault in from the disk.", "119", "Async MDL Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that use a Memory Descriptor List (MDL) to access the pages. The MDL contains the physical address of each page in the transfer, thus permitt ing Direct Memory Access (DMA) of the pages. If the accessed page(s) are not in main memory, the calling application program will not wait for the pages to fault in from disk.", "121", "MDL Read Hits is the percentage of Memory Descriptor List (MDL) Read requests to the file system cache that hit the cache, i.e., did not require disk accesses in order to provide memory access to the page(s) in the cache.", "123", "Read Aheads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache in which the Cache detects sequential access to a file. The read aheads permit the data to be transferred in larger blocks than those being requested by the application, reducing the overhead per access.", "125", "Fast Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that bypass the installed file system and retrieve the data directly from the cache. Normally, file I/O requests invoke the appropriate file system to retrieve data from a file, but this path permits direct retrieval of data fro m the cache without file system involvement if the data is in the cache. Even if the data is not in the cache, one invocation of the file system is avoided.", "127", "Sync Fast Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that bypass the installed file system and retrieve the data directly from the cache. Normally, file I/O requests invoke the appropriate file system to retrieve data from a file, but this path permits direct retrieval of data from the cache without file system involvement if the data is in the cache. Even if the data is not in the cache, one invocation of the file system is avoided. If the data is not in the cache, the request (application program call) will wait until the data has been retrieved from disk.", "129", "Async Fast Reads/sec is the frequency of reads from the file system cache that bypass the installed file system and retrieve the data directly from the cache. Normally, file I/O requests will invoke the appropriate file system to ret rieve data from a file, but this path permits data to be retrieved from the cache directly (without file system involvement) if the data is in the cache. Even if the data is not in the cache, one invocation of the file system is avoided. If the data is not in the cache, the request (application program call) will not wait until the data has been retrieved from disk, but will get control immediately.", "131", "Fast Read Resource Misses/sec is the frequency of cache misses necessitated by the lack of available resources to satisfy the request.", "133", "Fast Read Not Possibles/sec is the frequency of attempts by an Application Program Interface (API) function call to bypass the file system to get to data in the file system cache that could not be honored without invoking the file system.", "135", "Lazy Write Flushes/sec is the rate at which the Lazy Writer thread has written to disk. Lazy Writing is the process of updating the disk after the page has been changed in memory, so that th e application that changed the file does not have to wait for the disk write to be complete before proceeding. More than one page can be transferred by each write operation.", "137", "Lazy Write Pages/sec is the rate at which the Lazy Writer thread has written to disk. Lazy Writing is the process of updating the disk after the page has been changed in memory, so that the application that changed the file does not have to wait for the disk write to be complete before proceeding. More than one page can be transferred on a single disk write operation.", "139", "Data Flushes/sec is the rate at which the file system cache has flushed its contents to disk as the result of a request to flush or to satisfy a write-through file write request. More than one page can be transferred on each flush operation.", "141", "Data Flush Pages/sec is the number of pages the file system cache has flushed to disk as a result of a request to flush or to satisfy a write-through file write request. More tha n one page can be transferred on each flush operation.", "143", "% User Time is the percentage of elapsed time the processor spends in the user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems. The alternative, privileged mode, is designed for operating system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system services. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "145", "% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unli ke some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.", "147", "Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service. It is the sum of Thread\\Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches. There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the dur ation of the sample interval.", "149", "Interrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended. The system clock typically interrupts the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "151", "System Calls/sec is the combined rate of calls to operating system service routines by all processes running on the comput er. These routines perform all of the basic scheduling and synchronization of activities on the computer, and provide access to non-graphic devices, memory management, and name space management. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "153", "Level 1 TLB Fills/sec is the frequency of faults that occur when reference is made to memory whose Page Table Entry (PTE) is not in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). On some computers this fault is handled by software loading the PTE into the TLB, and this counter is incremented.", "155", "Level 2 TLB Fills/sec is the frequency of faults that occur when reference is made to memory whose Page Table Entry (PTE) is not in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB), nor is the page containing the PTE. On some computers this fault is handled by software loading the PTE into the TLB, and this counter is incremented.", "157", "% User Time is the percen tage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in user mode. Applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems execute in user mode. Code executing in user mode cannot damage the integrity of the Windows executive, kernel, and device drivers. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.", "159", "% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service is called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unl ike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.", "161", "Enumerations Server/sec is the rate at which server browse requests have been processed by this workstation.", "163", "Enumerations Domain/sec is the rate at which domain browse requests have been processed by this workstation.", "165", "Enumerations Other/sec is the rate at which browse requests processed by this workstation are not domain or server browse requests.", "167", "Missed Server Announcements is the number of server announcements that have been missed due to configuration or allocation limits.", "169", "Missed Mailslot Datagrams is the number of Mailslot Datagrams that have been discarded due to configuration or allocation limits.", "171", "Missed Server List Requests is the number of requests to retrieve a list of browser servers that were received by this workstation, but could not be processed.", "173", "Virtual Bytes Peak is the maximum size, in bytes, of virtual address space the process has used at any one time. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. However, virtual space is finite, and the process might limit its ability to load libraries.", "175", "Virtual Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of the virtual address space the process is using. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is finite, and the process can limit its ability to load libraries.", "177", "Page Faults/sec is the rate at which page faults by the threads executing in this process are occurring. A page fault occurs when a thread refers to a virtual memory page that is not in its working set in main memory. Thi s may not cause the page to be fetched from disk if it is on the standby list and hence already in main memory, or if it is in use by another process with whom the page is shared.", "179", "Working Set Peak is the maximum size, in bytes, of the Working Set of this process at any point in time. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before they leave main memory.", "181", "Working Set is the current size, in bytes, of the Working Set of this process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are no t in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before leaving main memory.", "183", "Page File Bytes Peak is the maximum amount of virtual memory, in bytes, that this process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files are used to store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all processes, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory. If there is no paging file, this counter reflects the maximum amount of virtual memory that the process has reserved for use in physical memory.", "185", "Page File Bytes is the current amount of virtual memory, in bytes, that this process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files are used to store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all pr ocesses, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory. If there is no paging file, this counter reflects the current amount of virtual memory that the process has reserved for use in physical memory.", "187", "Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.", "189", "% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.", "191", "% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.", "193", "% User Time is the percentage of elapsed time that this thread has spent executing code in user mode. Applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems execute in user mode. Code executing in user mode cannot damage the integrity of the Windows NT Executive, Kernel, and device drivers. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows NT uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows NT on behalf of your application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in your process.", "195", "% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing co de in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.", "197", "Context Switches/sec is the rate of switches from one thread to another. Thread switches can occur either inside of a single process or across processes. A thread switch can be caused either by one thread asking another for information, or by a thread being preempted by another, higher priority thread becoming ready to run. Unlike some early operating systems, Window s NT uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. These subsystem processes provide additional protection. Therefore, some work done by Windows NT on behalf of an application appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the application. Switching to the subsystem process causes one Context Switch in the application thread. Switching back causes another Context Switch in the subsystem thread.", "199", "Current Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a su stained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.", "201", "% Disk Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.", "203", "% Disk Read Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read requests.", "205", "% Disk Write Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing write requests.", "207", "Avg. Disk sec/Transfer is the time, in seconds, of the average disk transfer.", "209", "Avg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.", "211", "Avg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.", "213", "Disk Transfers/sec is the rate of read and write operations on the disk." , "215", "Disk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.", "217", "Disk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.", "219", "Disk Bytes/sec is the rate bytes are transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.", "221", "Disk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.", "223", "Disk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.", "225", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer is the average number of bytes transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.", "227", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Read is the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.", "229", "Avg. Disk Bytes/Write is the average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.", "231", "The Process performance object consists of counters that monitor running application program and system processes. All the threads in a process share the same addre ss space and have access to the same data.", "233", "The Thread performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior. A thread is the basic object that executes instructions on a processor. All running processes have at least one thread.", "235", "The Physical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor hard or fixed disk drive on a computer. Disks are used to store file, program, and paging data and are read to retrieve these items, and written to record changes to them. The values of physical disk counters are sums of the values of the logical disks (or partitions) into which they are divided.", "237", "The Logical Disk performance object consists of counters that monitor logical partitions of a hard or fixed disk drives. Performance Monitor identifies logical disks by their a drive letter, such as C.", "239", "The Processor performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of processor activity. The processor is the part of th e computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initiates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes. A computer can have multiple processors. The processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.", "241", "% Total Processor Time is the average percentage of time that all processors on the computer are executing non-idle threads. This counter was designed as the primary indicator of processor activity on multiprocessor computers. It is equal to the sum of Process: % Processor Time for all processors, divided by the number of processors. It is calculated by summing the time that all processors spend executing the thread of the Idle process in each sample interval, subtracting that value from 100%, and dividing the difference by the number of processors on the computer. (Each processor has an Idle thread which consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). For example, on a multiprocessor computer, a value of 50% mea ns that all processors are busy for half of the sample interval, or that half of the processors are busy for all of the sample interval. This counter displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time the service was inactive, and then subtracting that value from 100%.", "243", "% Total User Time is the average percentage of non-idle time all processors spend in user mode. It is the sum of Processor: % User Time for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. System: % Total User Time and System: % Total Privileged Time sum to % Total Processor Time, but not always to 100%. (User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems. The alternative, privileged mode, is designed for operating system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating system switches application threads to privileged mo de to access operating system services). This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "245", "% Total Privileged Time is the average percentage of non-idle time all processors spend in privileged (kernel) mode. It is the sum of Processor: % Privileged Time for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. System: % Total User Time and System: % Total Privileged Time sum to % Total Processor Time, but not always to 100%. (Privileged mode is an processing mode designed for operating system components which allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system services. The alternative, user mode, is a restricted processing mode designed for applications and environment subsystems). This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "247", "Total Interrupts/sec is the combined rate of hardware interrupts received and serviced by all processors on the computer It is the sum of Processor: Interrupts/sec for all processors, and divided by the number of processors, and is measured in numbers of interrupts. It does not include DPCs, which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system timer, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended during interrupts. Most system clocks interrupt the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "249", "Processes is the number of processes in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an inst antaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Each process represents the running of a program.", "251", "Threads is the number of threads in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. A thread is the basic executable entity that can execute instructions in a processor.", "253", "Events is the number of events in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. An event is used when two or more threads try to synchronize execution.", "255", "Semaphores is the number of semaphores in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. Threads use semaphores to obtain exclusive access to data structures that they share with other threads.", "257", "Mutexes counts the number of mutexes in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an ave rage over the time interval. Mutexes are used by threads to assure only one thread is executing a particular section of code.", "259", "Sections is the number of sections in the computer at the time of data collection. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over the time interval. A section is a portion of virtual memory created by a process for storing data. A process can share sections with other processes.", "261", "The Object performance object consists of counters that monitor logical objects in the system, such as processes, threads, mutexes, and semaphores. This information can be used to detect the unnecessary consumption of computer resources. Each object requires memory to store basic information about the object.", "263", "The Redirector performance object consists of counter that monitor network connections originating at the local computer.", "265", "Bytes Received/sec is the rate of bytes coming in to the Redirector from the network. It includes all applicat ion data as well as network protocol information (such as packet headers).", "267", "Packets Received/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is receiving packets (also called SMBs or Server Message Blocks). Network transmissions are divided into packets. The average number of bytes received in a packet can be obtained by dividing Bytes Received/sec by this counter. Some packets received might not contain incoming data (for example an acknowledgment to a write made by the Redirector would count as an incoming packet).", "269", "Read Bytes Paging/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is attempting to read bytes in response to page faults. Page faults are caused by loading of modules (such as programs and libraries), by a miss in the Cache (see Read Bytes Cache/sec), or by files directly mapped into the address space of applications (a high-performance feature of Windows NT).", "271", "Read Bytes Non-Paging/sec are those bytes read by the Redirector in response to normal file reque sts by an application when they are redirected to come from another computer. In addition to file requests, this counter includes other methods of reading across the network such as Named Pipes and Transactions. This counter does not count network protocol information, just application data.", "273", "Read Bytes Cache/sec is the rate at which applications are accessing the file system cache by using the Redirector. Some of these data requests are satisfied by retrieving the data from the cache. Requests that miss the Cache cause a page fault (see Read Bytes Paging/sec).", "275", "Read Bytes Network/sec is the rate at which applications are reading data across the network. This occurs when data sought in the file system cache is not found there and must be retrieved from the network. Dividing this value by Bytes Received/sec indicates the proportion of application data traveling across the network. (see Bytes Received/sec).", "277", "Bytes Transmitted/sec is the rate at which bytes are leaving the Redirector to the network. It includes all application data as well as network protocol information (such as packet headers and the like).", "279", "Packets Transmitted/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is sending packets (also called SMBs or Server Message Blocks). Network transmissions are divided into packets. The average number of bytes transmitted in a packet can be obtained by dividing Bytes Transmitted/sec by this counter.", "281", "Write Bytes Paging/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is attempting to write bytes changed in the pages being used by applications. The program data changed by modules (such as programs and libraries) that were loaded over the network are 'paged out' when no longer needed. Other output pages come from the file system cache (see Write Bytes Cache/sec).", "283", "Write Bytes Non-Paging/sec is the rate at which bytes are written by the Redirector in response to normal file outputs by an application when they are redirect ed to another computer. In addition to file requests, this count includes other methods of writing across the network, such as Named Pipes and Transactions. This counter does not count network protocol information, just application data.", "285", "Write Bytes Cache/sec is the rate at which applications on your computer are writing to the file system cache by using the Redirector. The data might not leave your computer immediately; it can be retained in the cache for further modification before being written to the network. This saves network traffic. Each write of a byte into the cache is counted here.", "287", "Write Bytes Network/sec is the rate at which applications are writing data across the network. This occurs when the file system cache is bypassed, such as for Named Pipes or Transactions, or when the cache writes the bytes to disk to make room for other data. Dividing this counter by Bytes Transmitted/sec will indicate the proportion of application data being to the netwo rk (see Transmitted Bytes/sec).", "289", "File Read Operations/sec is the rate at which applications are asking the Redirector for data. Each call to a file system or similar Application Program Interface (API) call counts as one operation.", "291", "Read Operations Random/sec counts the rate at which, on a file-by-file basis, reads are made that are not sequential. If a read is made using a particular file handle, and then is followed by another read that is not immediately the contiguous next byte, this counter is incremented by one.", "293", "Read Packets/sec is the rate at which read packets are being placed on the network. Each time a single packet is sent with a request to read data remotely, this counter is incremented by one.", "295", "Reads Large/sec is the rate at which reads over 2 times the server's negotiated buffer size are made by applications. Too many of these could place a strain on server resources. This counter is incremented once for each read. It does not coun t packets.", "297", "Read Packets Small/sec is the rate at which reads less than one-fourth of the server's negotiated buffer size are made by applications. Too many of these could indicate a waste of buffers on the server. This counter is incremented once for each read. It does not count packets.", "299", "File Write Operations/sec is the rate at which applications are sending data to the Redirector. Each call to a file system or similar Application Program Interface (API) call counts as one operation.", "301", "Write Operations Random/sec is the rate at which, on a file-by-file basis, writes are made that are not sequential. If a write is made using a particular file handle, and then is followed by another write that is not immediately the next contiguous byte, this counter is incremented by one.", "303", "Write Packets/sec is the rate at which writes are being sent to the network. Each time a single packet is sent with a request to write remote data, this counter is incremented by one.", "305", "Writes Large/sec is the rate at which writes are made by applications that are over 2 times the server's negotiated buffer size. Too many of these could place a strain on server resources. This counter is incremented once for each write: it counts writes, not packets.", "307", "Write Packets Small/sec is the rate at which writes are made by applications that are less than one-fourth of the server's negotiated buffer size. Too many of these could indicate a waste of buffers on the server. This counter is incremented once for each write: it counts writes, not packets.", "309", "Reads Denied/sec is the rate at which the server is unable to accommodate requests for Raw Reads. When a read is much larger than the server's negotiated buffer size, the Redirector requests a Raw Read which, if granted, would permit the transfer of the data without lots of protocol overhead on each packet. To accomplish this the server must lock out other requests, so the request is denied if the server is really busy.", "311", "Writes Denied/sec is the rate at which the server is unable to accommodate requests for Raw Writes. When a write is much larger than the server's negotiated buffer size, the Redirector requests a Raw Write which, if granted, would permit the transfer of the data without lots of protocol overhead on each packet. To accomplish this the server must lock out other requests, so the request is denied if the server is really busy.", "313", "Network Errors/sec is the rate at which serious unexpected errors are occurring. Such errors generally indicate that the Redirector and one or more Servers are having serious communication difficulties. For example an SMB (Server Manager Block) protocol error is a Network Error. An entry is written to the System Event Log and provide details.", "315", "Server Sessions counts the total number of security objects the Redirector has managed. For example, a logon to a server followed by a network access to the same s erver will establish one connection, but two sessions.", "317", "Server Reconnects counts the number of times your Redirector has had to reconnect to a server in order to complete a new active request. You can be disconnected by the Server if you remain inactive for too long. Locally even if all your remote files are closed, the Redirector will keep your connections intact for (nominally) ten minutes. Such inactive connections are called Dormant Connections. Reconnecting is expensive in time.", "319", "Connects Core counts the number of connections you have to servers running the original MS-Net SMB protocol, including MS-Net itself and Xenix and VAX's.", "321", "Connects LAN Manager 2.0 counts connections to LAN Manager 2.0 servers, including LMX servers.", "323", "Connects LAN Manager 2.1 counts connections to LAN Manager 2.1 servers, including LMX servers.", "325", "Connects Windows NT counts the connections to Windows 2000 or earlier computers.", "327", "Server Disconnects coun ts the number of times a Server has disconnected your Redirector. See also Server Reconnects.", "329", "Server Sessions Hung counts the number of active sessions that are timed out and unable to proceed due to a lack of response from the remote server.", "331", "The Server performance object consists of counters that measure communication between the local computer and the network.", "333", "The number of bytes the server has received from the network. Indicates how busy the server is.", "335", "The number of bytes the server has sent on the network. Indicates how busy the server is.", "337", "Thread Wait Reason is only applicable when the thread is in the Wait state (see Thread State). It is 0 or 7 when the thread is waiting for the Executive, 1 or 8 for a Free Page, 2 or 9 for a Page In, 3 or 10 for a Pool Allocation, 4 or 11 for an Execution Delay, 5 or 12 for a Suspended condition, 6 or 13 for a User Request, 14 for an Event Pair High, 15 for an Event Pair Low, 16 for an LPC R eceive, 17 for an LPC Reply, 18 for Virtual Memory, 19 for a Page Out; 20 and higher are not assigned at the time of this writing. Event Pairs are used to communicate with protected subsystems (see Context Switches).", "339", "% DPC Time is the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during the sample interval. DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. % DPC Time is a component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. They are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt counters. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "341", "The number of sessions that have been closed due to their idle time exceeding the AutoDisconnect parameter for the server. Shows whether the AutoDisconnect setting is helping to conserve resources.", "343", "The number of sessions that have been closed due to unexpected error conditions or sessions that have reached the autodisconnect timeout and have been disconnected normally.", "345", "The number of sessions that have terminated normally. Useful in interpreting the Sessions Times Out and Sessions Errored Out statistics--allows percentage calculations.", "347", "The number of sessions that have been forced to logoff. Can indicate how many sessions were forced to logoff due to logon time constraints.", "349", "The number of failed logon attempts to the server. Can indicate whether password guessing programs are being used to crack the security on the server.", "351", "The number of times opens on behalf of clients have failed with STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Can indicate whether somebody is randomly attempting to access files in hopes of getting at something that was not properly protected.", "353", "The number of times accesses to files opened successfully were denied. Can indicate attempts to access files without proper access authorization.", "355", "The number of times an internal Server Error was detected. Unexpected errors usually indicate a problem with the Server.", "357", "The number of times the server has rejected blocking SMBs due to insufficient count of free work items. Indicates whether the MaxWorkItem or MinFreeWorkItems server parameters might need to be adjusted.", "359", "The number of times STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED was returned at receive indication time. This occurs when no work item is available or can be allocated to service the incoming request. Indicates whether the InitWorkItems or MaxWorkItems parameters might need to be adjusted.", "361", "The number of successful open attempts performed by the server of behalf of clients. Useful in determining the amount of file I/O, determining overhead for path-based operations, and for determining the effectiveness of open locks.", "363", "The number of files currently opened in the server. Indicates current server activity.", "365", "The number of sessions currently active in the server. Indicates current server activity.", "367", "The number of searches for files currently active in the server. Indicates current server activity.", "369", "The number of bytes of non-pageable computer memory the server is using. This value is useful for determining the values of the MaxNonpagedMemoryUsage value entry in the Windows NT Registry.", "371", "The number of times allocations from nonpaged pool have failed. Indicates that the computer's physical memory is too small.", "373", "The maximum number of bytes of nonpaged pool the server has had in use at any one point. Indicates how much physical memory the computer should have.", "375", "The number of bytes of pageable computer memory the server is currently using. Can help in determining good values for the MaxPagedMemoryUsage parameter.", "377", "The number of times allocations from paged pool have failed. Indicates that the computer's physical memory or paging file are too small.", "379", "The maximum number o f bytes of paged pool the server has had allocated. Indicates the proper sizes of the Page File(s) and physical memory.", "381", "Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec is the rate at which server (or domain) announcements have failed due to lack of memory.", "383", "Mailslot Allocations Failed is the number of times the datagram receiver has failed to allocate a buffer to hold a user mailslot write.", "385", "Mailslot Receives Failed indicates the number of mailslot messages that could not be received due to transport failures.", "387", "Mailslot Writes Failed is the total number of mailslot messages that have been successfully received, but that could not be written to the mailslot.", "389", "Bytes Total/sec is the rate the Redirector is processing data bytes. This includes all application and file data in addition to protocol information such as packet headers.", "391", "File Data Operations/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is processing data operations. One operation shoul d include many bytes, since each operation has overhead. The efficiency of this path can be determined by dividing the Bytes/sec by this counter to obtain the average number of bytes transferred per operation.", "393", "Current Commands counter indicates the number of pending commands from the local computer to all destination servers. If the Current Commands counter shows a high number and the local computer is idle, this may indicate a network-related problem or a redirector bottleneck on the local computer.", "395", "The number of bytes the server has sent to and received from the network. This value provides an overall indication of how busy the server is.", "397", "% Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended during interrupts. Most system clocks interrupt the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. suspends normal thread execution during interrupts. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.", "399", "The NWLink NetBIOS performance object consists of counters that monitor IPX transport rates and connections.", "401", "Packets/sec is the rate the Redirector is processing data packets. One packet includes (hopefully) many bytes. We say hopefully here because each packet has protocol overhead. You can determine the efficiency of this path by dividing the Bytes/sec by this counter to determine the average number of bytes transferred/packet. You can also divide this counter by Operations/sec to determine the average number of packets per operation, another measu re of efficiency.", "405", "Context Blocks Queued per second is the rate at which work context blocks had to be placed on the server's FSP queue to await server action.", "407", "File Data Operations/ sec is the combined rate of read and write operations on all logical disks on the computer. This is the inverse of System: File Control Operations/sec. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "409", "% Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free.", "411", "Free Megabytes displays the unallocated space, in megabytes, on the disk drive in megabytes. One megabyte is equal to 1,048,576 bytes.", "413", "Connections Open is the number of connections currently open for this protocol. This counter shows the current count only and does not accumulate over time.", "415", "Connections No Retries is the total count of connections that were succ essfully made on the first try. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "417", "Connections With Retries is the total count of connections that were made after retrying the attempt. A retry occurs when the first connection attempt failed. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "419", "Disconnects Local is the number of session disconnections that were initiated by the local computer. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "421", "Disconnects Remote is the number of session disconnections that were initiated by the remote computer. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "423", "Failures Link is the number of connections that were dropped due to a link failure. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "425", "Failures Adapter is the number of connections that were dropped due to an adapter failure. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "427", "Connection Session Ti meouts is the number of connections that were dropped due to a session timeout. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "429", "Connections Canceled is the number of connections that were canceled. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "431", "Failures Resource Remote is the number of connections that failed because of resource problems or shortages on the remote computer. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "433", "Failures Resource Local is the number of connections that failed because of resource problems or shortages on the local computer. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "435", "Failures Not Found is the number of connection attempts that failed because the remote computer could not be found. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.", "437", "Failures No Listen is the number of connections that were rejected because the remote computer was not listening for connection requ ests.", "439", "Datagrams/sec is the rate at which datagrams are processed by the computer. This counter displays the sum of datagrams sent and datagrams received. A datagram is a connectionless packet whose delivery to a remote is not guaranteed.", "441", "Datagram Bytes/sec is the rate at which datagram bytes are processed by the computer. This counter is the sum of datagram bytes that are sent as well as received. A datagram is a connectionless packet whose delivery to a remote is not guaranteed.", "443", "Datagrams Sent/sec is the rate at which datagrams are sent from the computer. A datagram is a connectionless packet whose delivery to a remote computer is not guaranteed.", "445", "Datagram Bytes Sent/sec is the rate at which datagram bytes are sent from the computer. A datagram is a connectionless packet whose delivery to a remote computer is not guaranteed.", "447", "Datagrams Received/sec is the rate at which datagrams are received by the computer. A datagram is a connec tionless packet whose delivery to a remote computer is not guaranteed.", "449", "Datagram Bytes Received/sec is the rate at which datagram bytes are received by the computer. A datagram is a connectionless packet whose delivery to a remote computer is not guaranteed.", "451", "Packets/sec is the rate at which packets are processed by the computer. This count is the sum of Packets Sent and Packets Received per second. This counter includes all packets processed: control as well as data packets.", "453", "Packets Sent/sec is the rate at which packets are sent by the computer. This counter counts all packets sent by the computer, i.e. control as well as data packets.", "455", "Packets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received by the computer. This counter counts all packets processed: control as well as data packets.", "457", "Frames/sec is the rate at which data frames (or packets) are processed by the computer. This counter is the sum of data frames sent and data fram es received. This counter only counts those frames (packets) that carry data.", "459", "Frame Bytes/sec is the rate at which data bytes are processed by the computer. This counter is the sum of data frame bytes sent and received. This counter only counts the byte in frames (packets) that carry data.", "461", "Frames Sent/sec is the rate at which data frames are sent by the computer. This counter only counts the frames (packets) that carry data.", "463", "Frame Bytes Sent/sec is the rate at which data bytes are sent by the computer. This counter only counts the bytes in frames (packets) that carry data.", "465", "Frames Received/sec is the rate at which data frames are received by the computer. This counter only counts the frames (packets) that carry data.", "467", "Frame Bytes Received/sec is the rate at which data bytes are received by the computer. This counter only counts the frames (packets) that carry data.", "469", "Frames Re-Sent/sec is the rate at which data frames (pack ets) are re-sent by the computer. This counter only counts the frames or packets that carry data.", "471", "Frame Bytes Re-Sent/sec is the rate at which data bytes are re-sent by the computer. This counter only counts the bytes in frames that carry data.", "473", "Frames Rejected/sec is the rate at which data frames are rejected. This counter only counts the frames (packets) that carry data.", "475", "Frame Bytes Rejected/sec is the rate at which data bytes are rejected. This counter only counts the bytes in data frames (packets) that carry data.", "477", "Expirations Response is the count of T1 timer expirations.", "479", "Expirations Ack is the count of T2 timer expirations.", "481", "Window Send Maximum is the maximum number of bytes of data that will be sent before waiting for an acknowledgment from the remote computer.", "483", "Window Send Average is the running average number of data bytes that were sent before waiting for an acknowledgment from the remote computer.", "485", "Piggyback Ack Queued/sec is the rate at which piggybacked acknowledgments are queued. Piggyback acknowledgments are acknowledgments to received packets that are to be included in the next outgoing packet to the remote computer.", "487", "Piggyback Ack Timeouts is the number of times that a piggyback acknowledgment could not be sent because there was no outgoing packet to the remote on which to piggyback. A piggyback ack is an acknowledgment to a received packet that is sent along in an outgoing data packet to the remote computer. If no outgoing packet is sent within the timeout period, then an ack packet is sent and this counter is incremented.", "489", "The NWLink IPX performance object consists of counters that measure datagram transmission to and from computers using the IPX protocol.", "491", "The NWLink SPX performance object consist of counters that measure data transmission and session connections for computers using the SPX protocol.", "493", "The NetBEUI performance object consists of counters that measure data transmission for network activity which conforms to the NetBIOS End User Interface standard.", "495", "The NetBEUI Resource performance object consists of counters that track the use of buffers by the NetBEUI protocol.", "497", "Used Maximum is the maximum number of NetBEUI resources (buffers) in use at any point in time. This value is useful in sizing the maximum resources provided. The number in parentheses following the resource name is used to identify the resource in Event Log messages.", "499", "Used Average is the current number of resources (buffers) in use at this time. The number in parentheses following the resource name is used to identify the resource in Event Log messages.", "501", "Times Exhausted is the number of times all the resources (buffers) were in use. The number in parentheses following the resource name is used to identify the resource in Event Log messages.", "503", "The NBT Connection performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes are sent and received over the NBT connection between the local computer and a remote computer. The connection is identified by the name of the remote computer.", "505", "Bytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received by the local computer over an NBT connection to some remote computer. All the bytes received by the local computer over the particular NBT connection are counted.", "507", "Bytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent by the local computer over an NBT connection to some remote computer. All the bytes sent by the local computer over the particular NBT connection are counted.", "509", "Bytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent or received by the local computer over an NBT connection to some remote computer. All the bytes sent or received by the local computer over the particular NBT connection are counted.", "511", "The Network Interface performance object consists of counters that measure the ra tes at which bytes and packets are sent and received over a TCP/IP network connection. It includes counters that monitor connection errors.", "513", "Bytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\Bytes Sent/sec.", "515", "Packets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface.", "517", "Packets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received on the network interface.", "519", "Packets Sent/sec is the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.", "521", "Current Bandwidth is an estimate of the current bandwidth of the network interface in bits per second (BPS). For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this value is the nominal bandwidth.", "523", "Bytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.", "525", "Packets Received Unicast/sec is the rate at which (subnet) unicast packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.", "527", "Packets Received Non-Unicast/sec is the rate at which non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.", "529", "Packets Received Discarded is the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their delivery to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.", "531", "Packets Received Errors is the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.", "533", "Packets Received Unknown is the number of packets received through the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.", "535", "Bytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.", "537", "Packets Sent Unicast/sec is the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to subnet-unicast addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.", "539", "Packets Sent Non-Unicast/sec is the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.", "541", "Packets Outbound Discarded is the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.", "543", "Packets Outbound Errors is the number o f outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.", "545", "Output Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) in this implementation, this will always be 0.", "547", "The IP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which IP datagrams are sent and received by using IP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor IP protocol errors.", "549", "Datagrams/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP datagrams were received from or sent to the interfaces, including those in error. Forwarded datagrams are not included in this rate.", "551", "Datagrams Received/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP datagrams are received from the interfaces, including those in error. Datagrams Received/sec is a subset of Dat agrams/sec.", "553", "Datagrams Received Header Errors is the number of input datagrams that were discarded due to errors in the IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.", "555", "Datagrams Received Address Errors is the number of input datagrams that were discarded because the IP address in their IP header destination field was not valid for the computer. This count includes invalid addresses (for example, 0.0. 0.0) and addresses of unsupported Classes (for example, Class E). For entities that are not IP gateways and do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams that were discarded because the destination address was not a local address.", "557", "Datagrams Forwarded/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which attemps were made to find routes to forward input datagrams their final destination, because the local server was not the final IP destinat ion. In servers that do not act as IP Gateways, this rate includes only packets that were source-routed via this entity, where the source-route option processing was successful.", "559", "Datagrams Received Unknown Protocol is the number of locally-addressed datagrams that were successfully received but were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.", "561", "Datagrams Received Discarded is the number of input IP datagrams that were discarded even though problems prevented their continued processing (for example, lack of buffer space). This counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.", "563", "Datagrams Received Delivered/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which input datagrams were successfully delivered to IP user-protocols, including Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).", "565", "Datagrams Sent/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP datagrams were supplied for transmission by local IP user-protocols (inclu ding ICMP). This counter does not include any datagrams counted in Datagrams Forwarded/sec. Datagrams Sent/sec is a subset of Datagrams/sec.", "567", "Datagrams Outbound Discarded is the number of output IP datagrams that were discarded even though no problems were encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination (for example, lack of buffer space). This counter includes datagrams counted in Datagrams Forwarded/sec that meet this criterion.", "569", "Datagrams Outbound No Route is the number of IP datagrams that were discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. This counter includes any packets counted in Datagrams Forwarded/sec that meet this `no route' criterion.", "571", "Fragments Received/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP fragments that need to be reassembled at this entity are received.", "573", "Fragments Re-assembled/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP fragments were successfully reassemble d.", "575", "Fragment Re-assembly Failures is the number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm, such as time outs, errors, etc. This is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably RFC 815) lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.", "577", "Fragmented Datagrams/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which datagrams are successfully fragmented.", "579", "Fragmentation Failures is the number of IP datagrams that were discarded because they needed to be fragmented at but could not be (for example, because the `Don't Fragment' flag was set).", "581", "Fragments Created/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which IP datagram fragments were generated as a result of fragmentation.", "583", "The ICMP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which messages are sent and received by using ICMP protocols. It also includes counters that monitor ICMP protocol errors.", "585" , "Messages/sec is the total rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP messages were sent and received by the entity. The rate includes messages received or sent in error.", "587", "Messages Received/sec is the rate, in incidents per second at which ICMP messages were received. The rate includes messages received in error.", "589", "Messages Received Errors is the number of ICMP messages that the entity received but had errors, such as bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.", "591", "Received Destination Unreachable is the number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.", "593", "Received Time Exceeded is the number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.", "595", "Received Parameter Problem is the number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.", "597", "Received Source Quench is the number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.", "599", "Received Redirect/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Redirect messages were received.", "601", "Received Echo /sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Echo messages were received.", "603", "Received Echo Reply/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Echo Reply messages were received.", "605", "Received Timestamp/sec is the rate, in incidents per second at which ICMP Timestamp Request messages were received.", "607", "Received Timestamp Reply/sec is the rate of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.", "609", "Received Address Mask is the number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.", "611", "Received Address Mask Reply is the number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.", "613", "Messages Sent/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which the server attempted to send. The rate includes those messages sent in error.", "615", "Messages Outbound Errors is the number of ICMP messages that were not send due to problems within ICMP, such as lack of buffers. This value does not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer, such as those reco rding the failure of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some implementations, none of the error types are included in the value of this counter.", "617", "Sent Destination Unreachable is the number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.", "619", "Sent Time Exceeded is the number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.", "621", "Sent Parameter Problem is the number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.", "623", "Sent Source Quench is the number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.", "625", "Sent Redirect/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Redirect messages were sent.", "627", "Sent Echo/sec is the rate of ICMP Echo messages sent.", "629", "Sent Echo Reply/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Echo Reply messages were sent.", "631", "Sent Timestamp/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Timestamp Request messages were sent.", "633", "Sent Timestamp Reply/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which ICMP Timestamp Reply messages were sent.", "635", "Sent Address Mask is the number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.", "637", "Sent Address Mask Reply is the number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.", "639", "The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which TCP Segments are sent and received by using the TCP protocol. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.", "641", "Segments/sec is the rate at which TCP segments are sent or received using the TCP protocol.", "643", "Connections Established is the number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT.", "645", "Connections Active is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state. In other words, it shows a number of connections which are initiated by the local computer. The value is a cumulative total.", "647", "Connections Passive is the number of t imes TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state. In other words, it shows a number of connections to the local computer, which are initiated by remote computers. The value is a cumulative total.", "649", "Connection Failures is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.", "651", "Connections Reset is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.", "653", "Segments Received/sec is the rate at which segments are received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections.", "655", "Segments Sent/sec is the rate at which segments are sent, including those on current connections, but excluding those containing only retransmitted bytes.", "657", "Segments Retransmitted/sec is the rate at which segments are retransmitted, that is, segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted bytes.", "659", "The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using the UDP protocol. It includes counters that monitor UDP protocol errors.", "661", "Datagrams/sec is the rate at which UDP datagrams are sent or received by the entity.", "663", "Datagrams Received/sec is the rate at which UDP datagrams are delivered to UDP users.", "665", "Datagrams No Port/sec is the rate of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.", "667", "Datagrams Received Errors is the number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.", "669", "Datagrams Sent/sec is the rate at which UDP datagrams are s ent from the entity.", "671", "Disk Storage device statistics from the foreign computer", "673", "The number of allocation failures reported by the disk storage device", "675", "System Up Time is the elapsed time (in seconds) that the computer has been running since it was last started. This counter displays the difference between the start time and the current time.", "677", "The current number of system handles in use.", "679", "Free System Page Table Entries is the number of page table entries not currently in used by the system. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "681", "The number of threads currently active in this process. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a processor, and a thread is the object that executes instructions. Every running process has at least one thread.", "683", "The current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process' base pri ority.", "685", "The total elapsed time, in seconds, that this process has been running.", "687", "Alignment Fixups/sec is the rate, in incidents per seconds, at alignment faults were fixed by the system.", "689", "Exception Dispatches/sec is the rate, in incidents per second, at which exceptions were dispatched by the system.", "691", "Floating Emulations/sec is the rate of floating emulations performed by the system. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "693", "Logon/sec is the rate of all server logons.", "695", "The current dynamic priority of this thread. The system can raise the thread's dynamic priority above the base priority if the thread is handling user input, or lower it towards the base priority if the thread becomes compute bound.", "697", "The current base priority of this thread. The system can raise the thread's dynamic priority above the base priority if the threa d is handling user input, or lower it towards the base priority if the thread becomes compute bound.", "699", "The total elapsed time (in seconds) this thread has been running.", "701", "The Paging File performance object consists of counters that monitor the paging file(s) on the computer. The paging file is a reserved space on disk that backs up committed physical memory on the computer.", "703", "The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent. See also Process\\Page File Bytes.", "705", "The peak usage of the Page File instance in percent. See also Process\\Page File Bytes Peak.", "707", "Starting virtual address for this thread.", "709", "Current User Program Counter for this thread.", "711", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. No Access protection prevents a process from writing to or reading from these pages and will generate an access violation if ei ther is attempted.", "713", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Read Only protection prevents the contents of these pages from being modified. Any attempts to write or modify these pages will generate an access violation.", "715", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Read/Write protection allows a process to read, modify and write to these pages.", "717", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Write Copy protection is used when memory is shared for reading but not for writing. When processes are reading this memory, they can share the same memory, however, when a sharing process wants to have write access to this shared memory, a copy of that memory is made.", "719", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Executable memory is memory that can be executed by programs, but cannot be read or written. This type of protection is not supported by all processor types.", "721", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Execute/Read Only memory is memory that can be executed as well as read.", "723", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Execute/Read/Write memory is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and modified.", "725", "Mapped Space is virtual memory that has been mapped to a specific virtual address (or range of virtual addresses) in the process' virtual address space. Execute Write Copy is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written. This type of protection is used when memory needs to be shared between processes. If the sharing processes only read the memory, then they will all use the same memory. If a sharing process desires write access, then a copy of this memory will be made for that process.", "727", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. No Access protection prevents a process from writing to or reading from these pages and will generate an access violation if either is attempted.", "729", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Read Only protection prevents the contents of these pages from being modified. Any attempts to write or modify these pages will generate an access violation.", "731", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Read/Write protection allows a process to read, modify and write to these pages.", "733", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Write Copy protection is used when memory is shared for reading but not for writing. When processes are reading this memory, they can share the same memory, however, when a sharing process wants to have read/write access to this shared memory, a copy of that memory is made.", "735", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Executable memory is memory that can be executed by programs, but cannot be read or written. This type of protection is not supported by all processor types.", "737", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committ ed. Execute/Read Only memory is memory that can be executed as well as read.", "739", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Execute/Read/Write memory is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and modified.", "741", "The Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer.", "743", "Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. Execute Write Copy is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written. This type of protection is used when memory needs to be shared between processes. If the sharing processes only read the memory, then they will all use the same memory. If a sharing process desires write access, then a copy of this memory will be made for that process.", "745", "Unassigned Space is mapped and co mmitted virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. No Access protection prevents a process from writing to or reading from these pages and will generate an access violation if either is attempted.", "747", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. Read Only protection prevents the contents of these pages from being modified. Any attempts to write or modify these pages will generate an access violation.", "749", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. Read/Write protection allows a process to read, modify and write to these pages.", "751", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being exec uted by that process. Write Copy protection is used when memory is shared for reading but not for writing. When processes are reading this memory, they can share the same memory, however, when a sharing process wants to have read/write access to this shared memory, a copy of that memory is made for writing to.", "753", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. Executable memory is memory that can be executed by programs, but cannot be read or written. This type of protection is not supported by all processor types.", "755", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. Execute/Read Only memory is memory that can be executed as well as read.", "757", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable t o any particular image being executed by that process. Execute/Read/Write memory is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written.", "759", "Unassigned Space is mapped and committed virtual memory in use by the process that is not attributable to any particular image being executed by that process. Execute Write Copy is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written. This type of protection is used when memory needs to be shared between processes. If the sharing processes only read the memory, then they will all use the same memory. If a sharing process desires write access, then a copy of this memory will be made for that process.", "761", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process No Access protection prevents a process from writing to or reading from these pages and will gene rate an access violation if either is attempted.", "763", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Read Only protection prevents the contents of these pages from being modified. Any attempts to write or modify these pages will generate an access violation.", "765", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Read/Write protection allows a process to read, modify and write to these pages.", "767", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Write Copy protection is used when memory is shared for reading bu t not for writing. When processes are reading this memory, they can share the same memory, however, when a sharing process wants to have read/write access to this shared memory, a copy of that memory is made for writing to.", "769", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Executable memory is memory that can be executed by programs, but cannot be read or written. This type of protection is not supported by all processor types.", "771", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Execute/Read-Only memory is memory that can be executed as well as read.", "773", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is t he sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Execute/Read/Write memory is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written and modified.", "775", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the images being executed by the process. This is the sum of all the address space with this protection allocated by images run by the selected process Execute Write Copy is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written. This type of protection is used when memory needs to be shared between processes. If the sharing processes only read the memory, then they will all use the same memory. If a sharing process desires write access, then a copy of this memory will be made for that process.", "777", "Bytes Image Reserved is the sum of all virtual memory reserved by images within this process.", "779", "Bytes Image Free is the amount of virtual address space that is not in use or reserved by imag es within this process.", "781", "Bytes Reserved is the total amount of virtual memory reserved for future use by this process.", "783", "Bytes Free is the total unused virtual address space of this process.", "785", "ID Process is the unique identifier of this process. ID Process numbers are reused, so they only identify a process for the lifetime of that process.", "787", "The Process Address Space performance object consists of counters that monitor memory allocation and use for a selected process.", "789", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. No Access protection prevents a process from writing or reading these pages and will generate an access violation if either is attempted.", "791", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Read Only protection prevents the contents of these pages from being modified. Any attempts to write or modify these pages will generate an access violation.", "793", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Read/Write protection allows a process to read, modify and write to these pages.", "795", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Write Copy protection is used when memory is shared for reading but not for writing. When processes are reading this memory, they can share the same memory, however, when a sharing process wants to have read/write access to this shared memory, a copy of that memory is made for writing to.", "797", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Executable memory is memory that can be executed by programs, but cannot be read or written. This type of protection is not supported by all processor types.", "799", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Execute/Read Only memory is memory that can be executed as well as read.", "801", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Execute/Read/Write memory is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written.", "803", "Image Space is the virtual address space in use by the selected image with this protection. Execute Write Copy is memory that can be executed by programs as well as read and written. This type of protection is used when memory needs to be shared between processes. If the sharing processes only read the memory, then they will all use the same memory. If a sharing process desires write access, then a copy of this memory will be made for that process.", "805", "ID Thread is the unique identifier of this thread. ID Thread numbers are reused, so they only identify a thread for the lifetime of that thread.", "807", "Mailslot Opens Failed/sec indicates the rate at which mailslot messages to be delivered to mailslots that are not present are received by t his workstation.", "809", "Duplicate Master Announcements indicates the number of times that the master browser has detected another master browser on the same domain.", "811", "Illegal Datagrams/sec is the rate at which incorrectly formatted datagrams have been received by the workstation.", "813", "Announcements Total/sec is the sum of Announcements Server/sec and Announcements Domain/sec.", "815", "Enumerations Total/sec is the rate at which browse requests have been processed by this workstation. This is the sum of Enumerations Server/sec, Enumerations Domain/sec, and Enumerations Other/sec.", "817", "The Thread Details performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior that are difficult or time-consuming or collect. These counters are distinguished from those in the Thread object by their high overhead.", "819", "Cache Bytes is the sum of the Memory\\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\\System Driver Resident Bytes, Memory\\System Code Resident Byt es, and Memory\\Pool Paged Resident Bytes counters. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "821", "Cache Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes used by the file system cache since the system was last restarted. This might be larger than the current size of the cache. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "823", "Pages Input/sec is the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory that is not in its working set or elsewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from disk. When a page is faulted, the system tries to read multiple contiguous pages into memory to maximize the benefit of the read operation. Compare the value of Memory\\Pages Input/sec to the value of Memory\\Page Reads/sec to determine the average number of pages read into memory during each read operation.", "825", "Transition Pages RePurposed is the rate at which the number of transition cache pages were reused for a different purpose. These pages would have otherwise remained in the page cache to provide a (fast) soft fault (instead of retrieving it from backing store) in the event the page was accessed in the future. Note these pages can contain private or sharable memory.", "873", "The number of bytes transmitted total for this connection.", "875", "The number of bytes received total for this connection.", "877", "The number of data frames transmitted total for this connection.", "879", "The number of data frames received total for this connection.", "881", "The compression ratio for bytes being transmitted.", "883", "The compression ratio for bytes being received.", "885", "The total number of CRC Errors for this connection. CRC Errors occur when the frame received contains erroneous data.", "887", "The total number of Timeout Errors for this connection. Timeout Errors occur when an expected is not received in time.", "889", "The total number of Serial Overrun Errors for this connection. Serial Overrun Errors occur when the hardware cannot handle the rate at which data is received.", "891", "The total number of Alignment Errors for this connection. Alignment Errors occur when a byte received is different from the byte expected.", "893", "The total number of Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection. Buffer Overrun Errors when the software cannot handle the rate at which data is received.", "895", "The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection.", "897", "The number of bytes transmitted per second.", "899", "The number of bytes received per second.", "901", "The number of frames transmitted per second.", "903", "The number of frames received per second.", "905", "The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors per second.", "909", "The total number of Remote Access connections.", "921", "The WINS Ser ver performance object consists of counters that monitor communications using the WINS Server service.", "923", "Unique Registrations/sec is the rate at which unique registration are received by the WINS server.", "925", "Group Registrations/sec is the rate at which group registration are received by the WINS server.", "927", "Total Number of Registrations/sec is the sum of the Unique and Group registrations per sec. This is the total rate at which registration are received by the WINS server.", "929", "Unique Renewals/sec is the rate at which unique renewals are received by the WINS server.", "931", "Group Renewals/sec is the rate at which group renewals are received by the WINS server.", "933", "Total Number of Renewals/sec is the sum of the Unique and Group renewals per sec. This is the total rate at which renewals are received by the WINS server.", "935", "Total Number of Releases/sec is the rate at which releases are received by the WINS server.", "937", "Total Number of Queries /sec is the rate at which queries are received by the WINS server.", "939", "Unique Conflicts/sec is the rate at which unique registrations/renewals received by the WINS server resulted in conflicts with records in the database.", "941", "Group Conflicts/sec is the rate at which group registration received by the WINS server resulted in conflicts with records in the database.", "943", "Total Number of Conflicts/sec is the sum of the Unique and Group conflicts per sec. This is the total rate at which conflicts were seen by the WINS server.", "945", "Total Number of Successful Releases/sec", "947", "Total Number of Failed Releases/sec", "949", "Total Number of Successful Queries/sec", "951", "Total Number of Failed Queries/sec", "953", "The total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is equal to the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.", "1001", "Services for Macintosh AFP File Server.", "1003", "The maximum amount of paged memory res ources used by the MacFile Server.", "1005", "The current amount of paged memory resources used by the MacFile Server.", "1007", "The maximum amount of nonpaged memory resources use by the MacFile Server.", "1009", "The current amount of nonpaged memory resources used by the MacFile Server.", "1011", "The number of sessions currently connected to the MacFile server. Indicates current server activity.", "1013", "The maximum number of sessions connected at one time to the MacFile server. Indicates usage level of server.", "1015", "The number of internal files currently open in the MacFile server. This count does not include files opened on behalf of Macintosh clients.", "1017", "The maximum number of internal files open at one time in the MacFile server. This count does not include files opened on behalf of Macintosh clients.", "1019", "The number of failed logon attempts to the MacFile server. Can indicate whether password guessing programs are being used to crack the security on t he server.", "1021", "The number of bytes read from disk per second.", "1023", "The number of bytes written to disk per second.", "1025", "The number of bytes received from the network per second. Indicates how busy the server is.", "1027", "The number of bytes sent on the network per second. Indicates how busy the server is.", "1029", "The number of outstanding work items waiting to be processed.", "1031", "The maximum number of outstanding work items waiting at one time.", "1033", "The current number of threads used by MacFile server. Indicates how busy the server is.", "1035", "The maximum number of threads used by MacFile server. Indicates peak usage level of server.", "1051", "AppleTalk Protocol", "1053", "Number of packets received per second by Appletalk on this port.", "1055", "Number of packets sent per second by Appletalk on this port.", "1057", "Number of bytes received per second by Appletalk on this port.", "1059", "Number of bytes sent per second by Appletalk on this port.", "1061", "Average time in milliseconds to process a DDP packet on this port.", "1063", "Number of DDP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1065", "Average time in milliseconds to process an AARP packet on this port.", "1067", "Number of AARP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1069", "Average time in milliseconds to process an ATP packet on this port.", "1071", "Number of ATP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1073", "Average time in milliseconds to process an NBP packet on this port.", "1075", "Number of NBP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1077", "Average time in milliseconds to process a ZIP packet on this port.", "1079", "Number of ZIP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1081", "Average time in milliseconds to process an RTMP packet on this port.", "1083", "Number of RTMP packets per second received by Appletalk on this port.", "1085", "Number of ATP requests retr ansmitted on this port.", "1087", "Number of ATP release timers that have expired on this port.", "1089", "Number of ATP Exactly-once transaction responses per second on this port.", "1091", "Number of ATP At-least-once transaction responses per second on this port.", "1093", "Number of ATP transaction release packets per second received on this port.", "1095", "The current amount of nonpaged memory resources used by AppleTalk.", "1097", "Number of packets routed in on this port.", "1099", "Number of packets dropped due to resource limitations on this port.", "1101", "Number of ATP requests retransmitted to this port.", "1103", "Number of packets routed out on this port.", "1111", "Provides Network Statistics for the local network segment via the Network Monitor Service.", "1113", "The total number of frames received per second on this network segment.", "1115", "The number of bytes received per second on this network segment.", "1117", "The number of Broadcast frames received per seco nd on this network segment.", "1119", "The number of Multicast frames received per second on this network segment.", "1121", "Percentage of network bandwidth in use on this network segment.", "1125", "Percentage of network bandwidth which is made up of broadcast traffic on this network segment.", "1127", "Percentage of network bandwidth which is made up of multicast traffic on this network segment.", "1151", "The Telephony System", "1153", "The number of telephone lines serviced by this computer.", "1155", "The number of telephone devices serviced by this computer.", "1157", "The number of telephone lines serviced by this computer that are currently active.", "1159", "The number of telephone devices that are currently being monitored.", "1161", "The rate of outgoing calls made by this computer.", "1163", "The rate of incoming calls answered by this computer.", "1165", "The number of applications that are currently using telephony services.", "1167", "Current outgoing calls being servic ed by this computer.", "1169", "Current incoming calls being serviced by this computer.", "1233", "Packet Burst Read NCP Count/sec is the rate of NetWare Core Protocol requests for Packet Burst Read. Packet Burst is a windowing protocol that improves performance.", "1235", "Packet Burst Read Timeouts/sec is the rate the NetWare Service needs to retransmit a Burst Read Request because the NetWare server took too long to respond.", "1237", "Packet Burst Write NCP Count/sec is the rate of NetWare Core Protocol requests for Packet Burst Write. Packet Burst is a windowing protocol that improves performance.", "1239", "Packet Burst Write Timeouts/sec is the rate the NetWare Service needs to retransmit a Burst Write Request because the NetWare server took too long to respond.", "1241", "Packet Burst IO/sec is the sum of Packet Burst Read NCPs/sec and Packet Burst Write NCPs/sec.", "1261", "Logon Total includes all interactive logons, network logons, service logons, successful logon, and fai led logons since the machine is last rebooted.", "1263", "The number of durable handles, it indicates how many durable handles keep alive ever when SMB2 sessions are disconnected.", "1265", "The number of reconnected durable handles, the ratio of "reconnected durable handles"/"total durable handles" indicates how much performance gain from reconnect durable handles.", "1267", "The number of SMB BranchCache hash requests that were for the header only received by the server. This indicates how many requests are being done to validate hashes that are already cached by the client.", "1269", "The number of SMB BranchCache hash generation requests that were sent by SRV2 to the SMB Hash Generation service because a client requested hashes for the file and there was either no hash content for the file or the existing hashes were out of date.", "1271", "The number of SMB BranchCache hash requests that were received by the server.", "1273", "The number of SMB BranchCache hash responses that have been sent from the server.", "1275", "The amount of SMB BranchCache hash data sent from the server. This includes bytes transferred for both hash header requests and full hash data requests.", "1277", "The number of resilient handles, it indicates how many resilient handles keep alive ever when SMB2 sessions are disconnected.", "1279", "The number of reconnected resilient handles, the ratio of "reconnected resilient handles"/"total resilient handles" indicates how much performance gain from reconnect resilient handles.", "1301", "The Server Work Queues performance object consists of counters that monitor the length of the queues and objects in the queues.", "1303", "Queue Length is the current length of the server work queue for this CPU. A sustained queue length greater than four might indicate processor congestion. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over time.", "1305", "Active Threads is the number of threads currently working on a request from the server client for t his CPU. The system keeps this number as low as possible to minimize unnecessary context switching. This is an instantaneous count for the CPU, not an average over time.", "1307", "Available Threads is the number of server threads on this CPU not currently working on requests from a client. The server dynamically adjusts the number of threads to maximize server performance.", "1309", "Every request from a client is represented in the server as a 'work item,' and the server maintains a pool of available work items per CPU to speed processing. This is the instantaneous number of available work items for this CPU. A sustained near-zero value indicates the need to increase the MinFreeWorkItems registry value for the Server service. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1311", "Every request from a client is represented in the server as a 'work item,' and the server maintains a pool of available work items per CPU to speed processing. When a CPU runs out of w ork items, it borrows a free work item from another CPU. An increasing value of this running counter might indicate the need to increase the 'MaxWorkItems' or 'MinFreeWorkItems' registry values for the Server service. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1313", "Every request from a client is represented in the server as a 'work item,' and the server maintains a pool of available work items per CPU to speed processing. A sustained value greater than zero indicates the need to increase the 'MaxWorkItems' registry value for the Server service. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1315", "Current Clients is the instantaneous count of the clients being serviced by this CPU. The server actively balances the client load across all of the CPU's in the system. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1317", "The rate at which the Server is receiving bytes from the network clients on this CPU. This value is a measu re of how busy the Server is.", "1319", "The rate at which the Server is sending bytes to the network clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is.", "1321", "The rate at which the Server is sending and receiving bytes with the network clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is.", "1323", "Read Operations/sec is the rate the server is performing file read operations for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1325", "Read Bytes/sec is the rate the server is reading data from files for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is.", "1327", "Write Operations/sec is the rate the server is performing file write operations for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1329", "Write Bytes/sec is the rate the server is writing data to files for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is.", "1331", "Total Bytes/sec is the rate the Server is reading and writing data to and from the files for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is.", "1333", "Total Operations/sec is the rate the Server is performing file read and file write operations for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how busy the Server is. This value will always be 0 in the Blocking Queue instance.", "1335", "DPCs Queued/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processor's DPC queue. DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate that DPCs are added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two sample s, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "1337", "DPC Rate is the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processors DPC queues between the timer ticks of the processor clock. DPCs are interrupts that run at alower priority than standard interrupts. Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate that DPCs were added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "1343", "Total DPCs Queued/sec is the combined rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) are added to the DPC queue of all processors on the computer. (DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts). Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate at which DPCs are added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. It is the sum of Processor: DPCs Queued/sec for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "1345", "Total DPC Rate is the combined rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) are added to the DPC queues of all processors between timer ticks of each processor's system clock. (DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts). Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate at which DPCs are added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. It is the sum of Processor: DPC Rate for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.", "1351", "% Registry Quota In Use is the percentage of the Total Registry Quota Allowed that is currently being used by the system. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average.", "1361", "Counters that indicate the status of loc al and system Very Large memory allocations.", "1363", "VLM % Virtual Size In Use", "1365", "Current size of the process VLM Virtual memory space in bytes.", "1367", "The peak size of the process VLM virtual memory space in bytes. This value indicates the maximum size of the process VLM virtual memory since the process started.", "1369", "The current size of the process VLM virtual memory space in bytes that may be allocated. Note that the maximum allocation allowed may be smaller than this value due to fragmentation of the memory space.", "1371", "The current size of committed VLM memory space for the current process in bytes.", "1373", "The peak size of the committed VLM memory space in bytes for the current process since the process started.", "1375", "The current size of all committed VLM memory space in bytes for the system.", "1377", "The peak size of all committed VLM memory space in bytes since the system was started.", "1379", "The current size of all committed shared VLM me mory space in bytes for the system.", "1381", "Available KBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Kilobytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1383", "Available MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1401", "Avg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.", " 1403", "Avg. Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.", "1405", "Avg. Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.", "1407", "% Committed Bytes In Use is the ratio of Memory\\Committed Bytes to the Memory\\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced). This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average.", "1409", "The Full Image performance object consists of counters that monitor the virtual address usage of images executed by processes on the computer. Full Image counters are the same counters as contained in Image object with the onl y difference being the instance name. In the Full Image object, the instance name includes the full file path name of the loaded modules, while in the Image object only the filename is displayed.", "1411", "The Creating Process ID value is the Process ID of the process that created the process. The creating process may have terminated, so this value may no longer identify a running process.", "1413", "The rate at which the process is issuing read I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1415", "The rate at which the process is issuing write I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1417", "The rate at which the process is issuing read and write I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1419", "The rate at which the process is issuing I/O operati ons that are neither read nor write operations (for example, a control function). This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1421", "The rate at which the process is reading bytes from I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1423", "The rate at which the process is writing bytes to I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1425", "The rate at which the process is reading and writing bytes in I/O operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1427", "The rate at which the process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that do not involve data such as control operations. This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os.", "1451", "Displays perf ormance statistics about a Print Queue.", "1453", "Total number of jobs printed on a print queue since the last restart.", "1455", "Number of bytes per second printed on a print queue.", "1457", "Total number of pages printed through GDI on a print queue since the last restart.", "1459", "Current number of jobs in a print queue.", "1461", "Current number of references (open handles) to this printer.", "1463", "Peak number of references (open handles) to this printer.", "1465", "Current number of spooling jobs in a print queue.", "1467", "Maximum number of spooling jobs in a print queue since last restart.", "1469", "Total number of out of paper errors in a print queue since the last restart.", "1471", "Total number of printer not ready errors in a print queue since the last restart.", "1473", "Total number of job errors in a print queue since last restart.", "1475", "Total number of calls from browse clients to this print server to request network browse lists since last restart.", "14 77", "Total number of calls from other print servers to add shared network printers to this server since last restart.", "1479", "Working Set - Private displays the size of the working set, in bytes, that is use for this process only and not shared nor sharable by other processes.", "1481", "Working Set - Shared displays the size of the working set, in bytes, that is sharable and may be used by other processes. Because a portion of a process' working set is shareable, does not necessarily mean that other processes are using it.", "1483", "% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.", "1485", "Split IO/Sec reports the rate at which I/Os to the disk were split into multiple I/Os. A split I/O may result from requesting data of a size that is too large to fit into a single I/O or that the disk is fragmented.", "1501", "Reports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.", "1503", "Current % Processor Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code.", "1505", "Current % User mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in user mode.", "1507", "Current % Kernel mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in kernel or privileged mode.", "1509", "This Period mSec - Processor shows the time, in milliseconds, of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.", "1511", "This Period mSec - User mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.", "1513", "T his Period mSec - Kernel mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since a time limit on the Job was established.", "1515", "Pages/Sec shows the page fault rate of all the processes in the Job object.", "1517", "Process Count - Total shows the number of processes, both active and terminated, that are or have been associated with the Job object.", "1519", "Process Count - Active shows the number of processes that are currently associated with the Job object.", "1521", "Process Count - Terminated shows the number of processes that have been terminated because of a limit violation.", "1523", "Total mSec - Processor shows the time, in milliseconds, of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was create d.", "1525", "Total mSec - User mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was created.", "1527", "Total mSec - Kernel mode shows the time, in milliseconds, of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object, including those that have terminated or that are no longer associated with the Job object, since the Job object was created.", "1537", "Received Packet Too Big is the number of received packets thatare larger than anticipated.", "1539", "Received Membership Query is the number of packets received thatquery their membership to a group.", "1541", "Received Membership Report is the number of packets received thatreport their membership to a group.", "1543", "Received Membership Reduction is the number of packets received thatcancelled their membership to a group.", "1545", "Received R outer Solicit is the number of packets received thatsolicit the router.", "1547", "Received Router Advert is the number of packets received thatadvert the router.", "1549", "% Job object Details shows detailed performance information about the active processes that make up a Job object.", "1551", "Received Neighbor Solicit is the number of packets received thatsolicit a neighbor.", "1553", "Received Neighbor Advert is the number of packets received thatadvert a neighbor.", "1555", "Sent Packet Too Big is the number of sent packets thatare larger than anticipated.", "1557", "Sent Membership Query is the number of packets sent thatquery their membership to a group.", "1559", "Sent Membership Report is the number of packets sent thatreport their membership to a group.", "1561", "Sent Membership Reduction is the number of packets sent thatcancelled their membership to a group.", "1563", "Sent Router Solicit is the number of packets sent thatsolicit the router.", "1565", "Sent Router Advert is the number of packets sent thatadvert the router.", "1567", "Sent Neighbor Solicit is the number of packets sent thatsolicit a neighbor.", "1569", "Sent Neighbor Advert is the number of packets sent thatadvert a neighbor.", "1571", "These counters track authentication performance on a per second basis.", "1573", "This counter tracks the number of NTLM authentications processed per second for the AD on this DC or for local accounts on this member server.", "1575", "This counter tracks the number of times that clients use a ticket to authenticate to this computer per second.", "1577", "This counter tracks the number of Authentiation Service (AS) requests that are being processed by the Key Distribution Center (KDC) per second. Clients use AS requests to obtain a ticket-granting ticket.", "1579", "This counter tracks the number of ticket-granting service (TGS) requests that are being processed by the Key Distribution Center (KDC) per second. Clients use these TGS requests to obtain a service ticket, which allows a client to access resources on other computers.", "1581", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) entries that are currently stored in the secure channel (Schannel) session cache. The Schannel session cache stores information about successfully established sessions, such as SSL session IDs. Clients can use this information to reconnect to a server without performing a full SSL handshake.", "1583", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) entries that are currently stored in the secure channel (Schannel) session cache and that are currently in use. The Schannel session cache stores information about successfully established sessions, such as SSL session IDs. Clients can use this information to reconnect to a server without performaing a full SSL handshake.", "1585", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) full client-side handshakes that are being processed per second. During a handshake, signals are exchanged to acknowledge that communication can occur between computers or other devices.", "1587", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client-side reconnect handshakes that are being processed per second. Reconnect handshakes allow session keys from previous SSL sessions to be used to resume a client/server connection, and they require less memory to process than full handshakes.", "1589", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) full server-side handshakes that are being processed per second. During a handshake, signals are exchanged to acknowledge that communication can occur between computers or other devices.", "1591", "This counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server-side reconnect handshakes that are being processed per second. Reconnect handshakes allow session keys from previous SSL sessions to be used to resume a client/server connection, and they require less memory to process than full handsha kes.", "1593", "This counter tracks the number of Digest authentications that are being processed per second.", "1595", "This counter tracks the number of Kerberos requests that a read-only domain controller (RODC) forwards to its hub, per second. This counter is tracked only on a RODC.", "1597", "Offloaded Connections is the number of TCP connections (over both IPv4 and IPv6) that are currently handled by the TCP chimney offload capable network adapter.", "1671", "These counters track the number of security resources and handles used per process.", "1673", "This counter tracks the number of credential handles in use by a given process. Credential handles are handles to pre-existing credentials, such as a password, that are associated with a user and are established through a system logon.", "1675", "This counter tracks the number of context handles in use by a given process. Context handles are associated with security contexts established between a client application and a remote peer.", "1677", "Free & Zero Page List Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the free and zero page lists. This memory does not contain cached data. It is immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1679", "Modified Page List Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the modified page list. This memory contains cached data and code that is not actively in use by processes, the system and the system cache. This memory needs to be written out before it will be available for allocation to a process or for system use. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1681", "Standby Cache Reserve Bytes is the amount of physic al memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the reserve standby cache page lists. This memory contains cached data and code that is not actively in use by processes, the system and the system cache. It is immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. If the system runs out of available free and zero memory, memory on lower priority standby cache page lists will be repurposed before memory on higher priority standby cache page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1683", "Standby Cache Normal Priority Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the normal priority standby cache page lists. This memory contains cached data and code that is not actively in use by processes, the system and the system cache. It is immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. If the system runs out of ava ilable free and zero memory, memory on lower priority standby cache page lists will be repurposed before memory on higher priority standby cache page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.", "1685", "Standby Cache Core Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, that is assigned to the core standby cache page lists. This memory contains cached data and code that is not actively in use by processes, the system and the system cache. It is immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. If the system runs out of available free and zero memory, memory on lower priority standby cache page lists will be repurposed before memory on higher priority standby cache page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to MSDN and/or the System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide chapter in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit." , "1747", "% Idle Time is the percentage of time the processor is idle during the sample interval", "1749", "% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running state. Not all systems support the % C1 state.", "1751", "% C2 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C2 low-power idle state. % C2 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C2 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain the context of the system caches. The C2 power state is a lower power and higher exit latency state than C1. Not all systems support the C2 state.", "1753", "% C3 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C3 low-power idle state. % C3 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. When the processor is in the C3 low-power idle state it is unable to ma intain the coherency of its caches. The C3 power state is a lower power and higher exit latency state than C2. Not all systems support the C3 state.", "1755", "C1 Transitions/sec is the rate that the CPU enters the C1 low-power idle state. The CPU enters the C1 state when it is sufficiently idle and exits this state on any interrupt. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "1757", "C2 Transitions/sec is the rate that the CPU enters the C2 low-power idle state. The CPU enters the C2 state when it is sufficiently idle and exits this state on any interrupt. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "1759", "C3 Transitions/sec is the rate that the CPU enters the C3 low-power idle state. The CPU enters the C3 state when it is sufficiently idle and exits this state on any interrupt. This counter d isplays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "1761", "Heap performance counters for must used heaps", "1763", "Memory actively used by this heap (FreeBytes + AllocatedBytes)", "1765", "Total virtual address space reserved for this heap (includes uncommitted ranges)", "1767", "ReservedBytes minus last uncommitted range in each segment", "1769", "Memory on freelists in this heap (does not include uncommitted ranges or blocks in heap cache)", "1771", "Number of blocks on the list of free blocks >1k in size", "1773", "1/Average time per allocation (excluding allocs from heap cache)", "1775", "1/Average time per free (excluding frees to heap cache)", "1777", "Number of uncommitted ranges in the reserved virtual address", "1779", "Difference between number of allocations and frees (for leak detection)", "1781", "Allocations/sec from heap cache", "1783", "Frees/sec from heap cache", "1785", "Allocations/sec of si ze <1k bytes (including heap cache)", "1787", "Frees/sec of size <1k bytes (including heap cache)", "1789", "Allocations/sec of size 1-8k bytes", "1791", "Frees/sec of size 1-8k bytes", "1793", "Allocations/sec of size over 8k bytes", "1795", "Frees/sec of size over 8k bytes", "1797", "Allocations/sec (including from heap cache)", "1799", "Frees/sec (including to heap cache)", "1801", "Total number of blocks in the heap cache", "1803", "Largest number of blocks of any one size in the heap cache", "1805", "(FreeBytes / CommittedBytes) *100", "1807", "(VirtualBytes / ReservedBytes) * 100", "1809", "Collisions/sec on the heap lock", "1811", "Total number of dirty pages on the system cache", "1813", "Threshold for number of dirty pages on system cache", "1847", "End Marker", "2003", "BITS Per Job Network Utilization", "2005", "Estimate of Remote Server Speed (Bits/Sec)", "2007", "Estimate of the local netcard's speed (Bits/Sec)", "2009", "Estimate of most recent percent network interface u tilization", "2011", "Estimate of the IGD's Internet connection speed (Bits/Sec)", "2013", "Estimate of most recent percent IGD Internet connection utilization", "2015", "Size of the next download block for BITS", "2017", "BITS download response interval (msec)", "2019", "Estimated bandwidth available to the remote system (Bits/sec)", "2027", "The Telphony System", "2029", "The number of telephone lines serviced by this computer.", "2031", "The number of telephone devices serviced by this computer.", "2033", "the number of telephone lines serviced by this computer that are currently active.", "2035", "The number of telephone devices that are currently being monitored.", "2037", "The rate of outgoing calls made by this computer.", "2039", "The rate of incoming calls answered by this computer.", "2041", "The number of applications that are currently using telephony services.", "2043", "Current outgoing calls being serviced by this computer.", "2045", "Current incoming calls being service d by this computer.", "2047", "The RAS Object Type handles individual ports of the RAS device on your system.", "2049", "The number of bytes transmitted total for this connection.", "2051", "The number of bytes received total for this connection.", "2053", "The number of data frames transmitted total for this connection.", "2055", "The number of data frames received total for this connection.", "2057", "The compression ratio for bytes being transmitted.", "2059", "The compression ratio for bytes being received.", "2061", "The total number of CRC Errors for this connection. CRC Errors occur when the frame received contains erroneous data.", "2063", "The total number of Timeout Errors for this connection. Timeout Errors occur when an expected is not received in time.", "2065", "The total number of Serial Overrun Errors for this connection. Serial Overrun Errors occur when the hardware cannot handle the rate at which data is received.", "2067", "The total number of Alignment Errors for this connection. Alignment Errors occur when a byte received is different from the byte expected.", "2069", "The total number of Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection. Buffer Overrun Errors when the software cannot handle the rate at which data is received.", "2071", "The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors for this connection.", "2073", "The number of bytes transmitted per second.", "2075", "The number of bytes received per second.", "2077", "The number of frames transmitted per second.", "2079", "The number of frames received per second.", "2081", "The total number of CRC, Timeout, Serial Overrun, Alignment, and Buffer Overrun Errors per second.", "2083", "The RAS Object Type handles all combined ports of the RAS device on your system.", "2085", "The total number of Remote Access connections.", "2603", "Database provides performance statistics for each process using the ESE high performance embedded database management system.", " 2605", "Pages Converted/sec is the count of times per second a database page is converted from an older database format", "2607", "Pages Converted is the count of database pages that have been converted from an older format", "2609", "Records Converted/sec is the count of times per second a database record is converted from an older database format", "2611", "Records Converted is the count of database records that have been converted from an older format", "2613", "Defragmentation Tasks is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that are currently executing.", "2615", "Defragmentation Tasks Pending is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that are currently pending.", "2617", "Defragmentation Tasks Discarded is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that could not be registered. [Dev Only]", "2619", "Defragmentation Tasks Scheduled/sec is the number of background database defragmentation tasks scheduled for execution per second. [Dev Only ]", "2621", "Defragmentation Tasks Completed/sec is the number of background database defragmentation tasks completing execution per second. [Dev Only]", "2623", "Heap Allocs/sec is the number of memory allocations from the MP Heaps per second. [Dev Only]", "2625", "Heap Frees/sec is the number of memory frees to the MP Heaps per second. [Dev Only]", "2627", "Heap Allocations is the current number of memory allocations in the MP Heaps. [Dev Only]", "2629", "Heap Bytes Allocated is the size of all memory allocations in the MP Heaps discounting heap managemnt overhead. [Dev Only]", "2631", "Page Bytes Reserved is the size of all explicitly reserved virtual address space. [Dev Only]", "2633", "Page Bytes Committed is the size of all explicitly committed virtual memory backing store (page file and physical memory). [Dev Only]", "2635", "FCB Asynchronous Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record cleanup. These records are scanned to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "2637", "FCB Asynchronous Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record cleanup. These records are purged to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "2639", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record cleanup. Cleanup was triggered by a large number of schema records above the preferred limit. These records are aggressively scanned to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "2641", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record cleanup. Cleanup was triggered by a large number of schema records above the preferred limit. These records are aggressively purged to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "2643", "FCB Asynchronous Purge Conflicts/sec is the number of failed purge attempts on cached schema reco rds (FCBs) during asynchronous schema record cleanup. The purge operation failed because exclusive ownership of the schema record could not be obtained. [Dev Only]", "2645", "FCB Synchronous Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) being synchronously purged each second. [Dev Only]", "2647", "FCB Synchronous Purge Stalls/sec is the number of stalls encountered while waiting for exclusive ownership of cached schema records (FCBs) in order to synchronously purge them. [Dev Only]", "2649", "FCB Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec is the number FCB allocations that must first wait for version cleanup in an attempt to free used FCBs for re-use. [Dev Only]", "2651", "FCB Purge On Cursor Close/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) being synchronously purged when the cursor is closed (instead of leaving the schema record cached) each second. [Dev Only]", "2653", "FCB Cache % Hit is the percentage of schema records (FCBs) opened directly from the schema reco rd cache. No file operations were required. [Dev Only]", "2655", "No text", "2657", "FCB Cache Stalls/sec is the number of stalls encountered while waiting for exclusive ownership of cached schema records (FCBs) in order to update their reference count. [Dev Only]", "2659", "FCB Cache Maximum is the absolute maximum number of the schema records (FCBs) that can exist in the cache. [Dev Only]", "2661", "FCB Cache Preferred is the preferred maximum number of the schema records (FCBs) that should exist in the cache. [Dev Only]", "2663", "FCB Cache Allocated is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) currently allocated and in use. [Dev Only]", "2665", "FCB Cache Available is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) currently allocated but not in use. These records will be used and/or purged as required. [Dev Only]", "2667", "Sessions In Use is the number of database sessions currently open for use by client threads.", "2669", "Sessions % Used is the percentage of database sess ions currently open for use by client threads.", "2671", "No text", "2673", "Table Open Cache % Hit is the percentage of database tables opened using cached schema information. If this percentage is too low, the table cache size may be too small.", "2675", "No text", "2677", "Table Open Cache Hits/sec is the number of database tables opened using cached schema information per second. If this rate is too low, the table cache size may be too small.", "2679", "Table Open Cache Misses/sec is the number of database tables opened without using cached schema information per second. If this rate is too high, the table cache size may be too small.", "2681", "Table Opens/sec is the number of database tables opened per second.", "2683", "Log Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.", "2685", "Log Bytes Generated per second is the rate at which data is added to the log. This is different from Log Bytes Write per second in that each byte is generated only once whereas ea ch byte may be written many times.", "2687", "Log Buffer Bytes Used is the amount of bytes in the log buffers that have not yet been flushed to the logs. [Dev Only]", "2689", "Log Buffer Bytes Free is the amount of free space available in the log buffers. [Dev Only]", "2691", "Log Threads Waiting is the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log in order to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck.", "2693", "Log Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in bytes, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes. [Dev Only]", "2695", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes. [Dev Only]", "2697", "User Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2699", "User Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2701", "User Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2703", "User Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2705", "User Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2707", "User Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2709", "System Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2711", "System Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2713", "System Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2715", "System Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2717", "System Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2719", "System Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0 /sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "2721", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Async Consumed/sec is the rate of page allocations from a database file that must be serviced by extending the database file, but which do not stall when doing doing so. [Dev Only]", "2723", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Stalls/sec is the rate of page allocations from a database file that must be serviced by extending the database file and which stall when doing so. [Dev Only]", "2725", "Log Records/sec is the count of records written to the database log buffers per second. [Dev Only]", "2727", "Log Buffer Capacity Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second because they are full. [Dev Only]", "2729", "Log Buffer Commit Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second because a transaction is fully committing its changes. [ Dev Only]", "2731", "Log Buffer Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second. [Dev Only]", "2733", "Log Writes/sec is the number of times the log buffers are written to the log file(s) per second. If this number approaches the maximum write rate for the media holding the log file(s), the log may be a bottleneck.", "2735", "Log Record Stalls/sec is the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because they are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck.", "2737", "Total number of version buckets allocated", "2739", "Total number of version buckets allocated for FlagDelete RCEs [Dev Only]", "2741", "VER Bucket Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec is the number of version bucket allocations that must first wait for version cleanup in an attempt to free used version buckets for re-use. [Dev Only]", "2743", "Average length of bookmark in RCE [Dev Only]", "2745", "Number of times per second we look in the version store for a node whose version bit is set but which has no versions [Dev Only]", "2747", "Number of times per second a version store clean task is dispatched asynchronously to be performed [Dev Only]", "2749", "Number of times per second a version store clean task is performed synchronously [Dev Only]", "2751", "Number of times per second a version store clean task was discarded due to load concerns [Dev Only]", "2753", "Number of times per second a dispatched version store cleanup task fails [Dev Only]", "2755", "Record Inserts/sec is the rate at which records are being inserted into database tables. [Dev Only]", "2757", "Record Deletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "2759", "Record Deletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated. [Dev Only]", "2761", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec is the rate at which updates to records in datab ase tables are being discarded because the update did not actually modify the contents of the record. [Dev Only]", "2763", "Record Redundant Replaces/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated with the exact same content of the original record. [Dev Only]", "2765", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being escrow-updated. [Dev Only]", "2767", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec is the rate at which entries are being inserted into indexes of database tables. [Dev Only]", "2769", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec is the rate at which entries in indexes of database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "2771", "False Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update an index because an update to at least one of the indexed columns was detected, only to discover that none of the indexed columns had actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "2773", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update a tuple index because an update to the tuple-indexed column was detected, only to discover that the column had not actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "2775", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec is the rate at which intrinsic long-values are added to or replaced in records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "2777", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are normally added to records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "2779", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are added to records of a database table because they could not be accommodated in the record itself. [Dev Only]", "2781", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec is the rate at which all intrinsic long-values are separated out of a record of a database table in or der to accommodate updates to the record. [Dev Only]", "2783", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is added for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "2785", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is removed for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "2787", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "2789", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "2791", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec is the rate at which new separated long-values are added to a database table. [Dev Only]", "2793", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are modified. [Dev Only]", "2795", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-values in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "2797", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "2799", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a particular chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "2801", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "2803", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec is the rate at which chunks are appended to separated long-values of database tables. [Dev Only]", "2805", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are replaced. [Dev Only]", "2807", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-value chunks in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "2809", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Copies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "2811", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2813", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2815", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree, but which is treated as an append at a local "hotpoint" in the B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2817", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split vertically in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2819", "B+ Tree Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to or split in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2821", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merg es/sec is the count of empty pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2823", "Right Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the next page to the right. [Dev Only]", "2825", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2827", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the previous page to the left. [Dev Only]", "2829", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the left in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2831", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec is the count of B+ Tree pages per second where all the records are moved to a new page. [Dev Only]", "2833", "B+ Tree Merges/sec is the count of pages merged in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", " 2835", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec is the rate that attempts to reclaim deleted node space on a page are unsuccessful due to a conflict when attempting to write-latch the page. The cleanup is re-tried by locking the root of the B+ Tree. [Dev Only]", "2837", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec is the count of repeated seeks to the same record in a database B+ Tree that are saved by jumping directly to the cached physical location of that record per second. [Dev Only]", "2839", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec is the number of pages per second that are preread because they are adjacent to a page read by a seek. [Dev Only]", "2841", "B+ Tree Unnecessary Sibling Latches/sec is the count of sibling pages latched during a database B+ Tree Delete in the hopes of performing a merge where a merge is not possible, making that latch unnecessary. [Dev Only]", "2843", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the next record in a B+ Tree per sec ond. [Dev Only]", "2845", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-visible records while attempting to move to the next visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2847", "B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the previous record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2849", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-visible records while attempting to move to the previous visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2851", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec is the count of times a record is seeked to by a key in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2853", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec is the count of times a record is inserted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2855", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec is the count of times a record is replaced in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2857", "B+ Tree Flag Delete s/sec is the count of times a record is flag deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2859", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec is the count of times a record is deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2861", "B+ Tree Appends/sec is the count of times a record is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "2863", "B+ Tree Creates/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP creates per second. [Dev Only]", "2865", "B+ Tree Creates (Total) is the total number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP creates. [Dev Only]", "2867", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP destroys per second. [Dev Only]", "2869", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total) is the total number of B+ Tr ees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP destroys. [Dev Only]", "2871", "Database Cache Misses per second is the rate at which database file page requests were fulfilled by the database cache by causing a file operation. If this rate is high then the database cache size may be too small.", "2873", "Database Cache % Hit is the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small.", "2875", "No text", "2877", "Database Cache Requests/sec is the rate that pages are requested from the database cache.", "2879", "Database Cache % Pinned is the percentage of the database cache that pinned in the memory. [Dev Only]", "2881", "No text", "2883", "Database Cache % Clean is the percentage of the database cache that does not contain modified data. [Dev Only]", "2885", "No text", "2887", "D atabase Pages Read Async/sec is the rate that pages are asynchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "2889", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec is the rate that pages are synchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "2891", "Database Pages Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "2893", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "2895", "Database Opportune Write Issued (Total) is the count of IO operationshas been issued for opportune write. [Dev Only]", "2897", "Database Pages Transferred/sec is the rate that pages are transferred from the database file(s) to the database cache and vice versa. [Dev Only]", "2899", "Database Page Latches/sec is the rate that database pages are latched for access to their data. [Dev Only]", "2901", "Database Page Fast La tches/sec is the rate that database pages are latched for access to their data using a hint to tell the cache manager where that page might be in memory. [Dev Only]", "2903", "Database Page Bad Latch Hints/sec is the rate that incorrect hints to the location of a given page in the cache are given to the cache manager. These hints are used to perform fast latches. [Dev Only]", "2905", "Database Cache % Fast Latch is the percentage of database pages latched for access to their data using a hint to tell the cache manager where that page might be in memory. Ideally, this percentage should match Database Cache % Hit. [Dev Only]", "2907", "No text", "2909", "Database Page Latch Conflicts/sec is the rate that users latching a database page for access to its data fail due to a conflicting latch owned on that same page by another user. [Dev Only]", "2911", "Database Page Latch Stalls/sec is the rate that users latching a database page for access to its data must wait for another user to r elease a latch on that same page. [Dev Only]", "2913", "Database Cache % Available is the percentage of the database cache that can be allocated to cache database pages that are newly created or read in from the database file(s). [Dev Only]", "2915", "No text", "2917", "Database Page Faults/sec is the rate that database file page requests require the database cache manager to allocate a new page from the database cache.", "2919", "Database Page Evictions/sec is the rate that database file page requests that require the database cache manager to allocate a new page from the database cache force another database page out of the cache. The eviction count is charged when the page is allocated and not when the previous owner of that page was actually evicted from the cache. If this rate is too high, the database cache size may be too small.", "2921", "Database Page Fault Stalls/sec is the rate of page faults that cannot be serviced because there are no pages available for allocation fro m the database cache. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the clean threshold may be too low.", "2923", "Database Cache Size (MB) is the amount of system memory (in MegaBytes) used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems to be too small for optimal performance and there is very little available memory on the system (see Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is a lot of available memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.", "2925", "Database Cache Size is the amount of system memory used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems to be too small for optimal performance and there is very little available memory on the system (see Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is a lot of available memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.", "2927", "Database Cache Size Min is the minimum amount of system memory configured for use by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. [Dev Only]", "2929", "Database Cache Size Max is the maximum amount of system memory configured for use by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. [Dev Only]", "2931", "Database Cache Size Resident is the amount of system memory used by the database cache that is currently part of the working set of the process. If Database Cache Size Resident is ever significantly smaller than Database Cache Size then the operating system has chosen to reclaim that system memory for use in other parts of the system. The database cache will recover from this event but if this is a common occurrence then it can lead to significant performance problems.", "2933", "Database Cache Size Resident (MB) is the amount of system memory (in MegaBytes) used by the database cache that is currently part of the working set of the process. If Database Cache Size Resident (MB) is ever significantly smaller than Database Cache Size (MB) then the operating system has chosen to reclaim that system memory for use in other parts of the system. The database cache will recover from this event but if this is a common occurrence then it can lead to significant performance problems.", "2935", "Database Cache % Available Min is the minimum percentage of the database cache that is kept to be allocated to cache database pages that are newly created or read in from the database file(s). If the percentage of available pages drops below this minimum, pages are thrown out of the database cache until the maximum percentage of available pages is reached. This percentage should be set as low as possible without causing the actual percentage to drop to zero, causing cache fault stalls. [Dev Only]", "2937", "No text", "2939", "Database Cache % Available Max is the maximum percentage of the database cache that is kept to be allocated to cache database pages that are newly created or read in from the database file(s). This percentage should be set as low as possible but far enough above the minimum percentage so that efficient production of availible pages is possible. [Dev Only]", "2941", "No text", "2943", "Database Pages Preread/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "2945", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec is the rat e that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache that are already cached. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of processing time. [Dev Only]", "2947", "Database Pages Preread Untouched/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache that were subsequently thrown out without being used. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of I/O bandwidth and processing time. [Dev Only]", "2949", "Database Pages Versioned/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature is primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "2951", "Database Pages Version Copied/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature is primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "2953", "Database Cache % Versioned is the percentage of the database cache that contains older versions of currently cached pages that have not yet been written to disk and thrown out of the cache. [Dev Only]", "2955", "No text", "2957", "Database Pages Ordinarily Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache in preparation for evicting them from the cache to make room for other data. [Dev Only]", "2959", "Database Pages Anomalously Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache before they would ordinarily be written. [Dev Only]", "2961", "Database Pages Opportunely Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because they happen to be near other pages that must be written. These additional writes are performed before they must happen in the hope that the total number of seeks required to write all the pages is reduced. [Dev Only]", "2963", "Database Pages Repeatedly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache more than once in their lifetime in the cache. These page writes represent extra writes above the theoretical minimum and can therefore be considered overhead. [Dev Only]", "2965", "Database Pages Idly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because there is low disk activity. [Dev Only]", "2967", "Database Pages Coalesced Written/sec is the rate that pages are w ritten to the database file (s) from the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "2969", "Database Pages Coalesced Read/sec is the rate that pages are read from the database file (s) to the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "2971", "Database Page History Records is the current number of database page access history records retained for supporting the LRU-K page replacment algorithm. [Dev Only]", "2973", "Database Page History % Hit is the percentage of database page access history record lookups that were successful. [Dev Only]", "2975", "No text", "2977", "Database Page Scans/sec is the rate at which database pages are considered for eviction from the database page cache. [Dev Only]", "2979", "Database Page Scans Out-of-order/sec is the rate at which database pages are considered for eviction from the database page cache in a priority counter to the page replacement algorithm. [Dev Only]", "2981", "No text", "2983", "Database Cache % Residen t is the percentage of the database cache that are currently in the process's working set. [Dev Only]", "2985", "No text", "2987", "Streaming Backup Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations performed for the purpose of streaming backups. [Dev Only]", "2989", "Online Defrag Pages Referenced/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is touching database pages. [Dev Only]", "2991", "Online Defrag Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations being performed by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "2993", "Online Defrag Pages Preread/sec is the rate at which database pages are read in anticipation of future use by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "2995", "Online Defrag Pages Dirtied/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is modifying clean database pages. [Dev Only]", "2997", "Online Defrag Pages Re-Dirtied/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is modifying database pages that already contained modifications. [Dev Only]", "2999", "Pa ges Freed/sec is the number of pages per second that are freed from the database by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3001", "Data Moves/sec is the number of times per second that data is moved from one page to another by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3003", "Page Moves/sec is the number of times per second that data is moved from one page to a new page by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3005", "Online Defrag Log Records/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is generating log records. [Dev Only]", "3007", "Online Defrag Average Log Bytes is the average size of the log records being generated by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "3009", "No text", "3011", "Pages Read/sec is the number of pages per second that are read from the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3013", "Pages Read is the number of pages that have been read from the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3015", "Pages Read/sec is the num ber of pages per second that are zeroed in the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3017", "Pages Read is the number of pages that have been zeroed in the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3019", "Database Tasks Pages Referenced/sec is the rate at which background database tasks are touching database pages. [Dev Only]", "3021", "Database Tasks Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations being performed by background database tasks. [Dev Only]", "3023", "Database Tasks Pages Preread/sec is the rate at which database pages are read in anticipation of future use by background database tasks. [Dev Only]", "3025", "Database Tasks Pages Dirtied/sec is the rate at which background database tasks are modifying clean database pages. [Dev Only]", "3027", "Database Tasks Pages Re-Dirtied/sec is the rate at which background databases tasks are modifying database pages that already contained modifications. [Dev Only]", "3029", "Database Tasks Log Records/sec is t he rate at which background database tasks are generating log records. [Dev Only]", "3031", "Database Tasks Average Log Bytes is the average size of the log records being generated by background database tasks. [Dev Only]", "3033", "No text", "3035", "I/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.", "3037", "I/O Database Reads Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.", "3039", "No text", "3041", "I/O Database Reads Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per database read operation. [Dev Only]", "3043", "No text", "3045", "I/O Database Reads In Heap is the number of database read operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3047", "I/O Database Reads Async Pending is the number of database read operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3049", "I/O Database Reads Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of database read operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3051", "I/O Log Reads/sec is the rate of logfile read operations completed.", "3053", "I/O Log Reads Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per logfile read operation. [Dev Only]", "3055", "No text", "3057", "I/O Log Reads Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per logfile read operation. [Dev Only]", "3059", "No text", "3061", "I/O Log Reads In Heap is the number of logfile read operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3063", "I/O Log Reads Async Pending is the number of logfile read operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3065", "I/O Log Reads Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of logfile read operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3067", "I/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.", "3069", "I/O Database Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.", "3071", "No text", "3073", "I/O Database Writes Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per database write operation. [Dev Only]", "3075", "No text", "3077", "I/O Database Writes In Heap is the number of database write operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3079", "I/O Database Writes Async Pending is the number of database write operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3081", "I/O Database Writes Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of database write operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3083", "I/O Log Writes/sec is the rate of logfile write operations completed.", "3085", "I/O Log Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per logfile w rite operation.", "3087", "No text", "3089", "I/O Log Writes Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per logfile write operation. [Dev Only]", "3091", "No text", "3093", "I/O Log Writes In Heap is the number of logfile write operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3095", "I/O Log Writes Async Pending is the number of logfile write operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3097", "I/O Log Writes Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of logfile write operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3099", "Threads Blocked/sec is the rate at which the execution of threads are suspended to wait for a specific event to occur or for the acquisition of a resource currently owned by another thread. [Dev Only]", "3101", "Threads Blocked is the current number of threads whose execution has been suspended to wait for a specific event to occur or for the acquisition of a resource currently owned by another thread. [Dev Only]", "3103", "Record Failed Compression Bytes/sec is the rate of record bytes that either failed Xpress compression or did not significantly reduce the insert/replace size (10% or less). High results are indicative of wasted cpu resources. [Dev Only]", "3105", "Statistics for the ESE high performance embedded database management system by Table Class", "3107", "Record Inserts/sec is the rate at which records are being inserted into database tables. [Dev Only]", "3109", "Record Deletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3111", "Record Deletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated. [Dev Only]", "3113", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec is the rate at which updates to records in database tables are being discarded because the update did not actually modify the contents of the record. [Dev Only]", "3115", "Record Re dundant Replaces/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated with the exact same content of the original record. [Dev Only]", "3117", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being escrow-updated. [Dev Only]", "3119", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec is the rate at which entries are being inserted into indexes of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3121", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec is the rate at which entries in indexes of database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3123", "False Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update an index because an update to at least one of the indexed columns was detected, only to discover that none of the indexed columns had actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "3125", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update a tuple index be cause an update to the tuple-indexed column was detected, only to discover that the column had not actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "3127", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec is the rate at which intrinsic long-values are added to or replaced in records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3129", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are normally added to records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3131", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are added to records of a database table because they could not be accommodated in the record itself. [Dev Only]", "3133", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec is the rate at which all intrinsic long-values are separated out of a record of a database table in order to accommodate updates to the record. [Dev Only]", "3135", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is added for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "3137", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is removed for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "3139", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3141", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3143", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec is the rate at which new separated long-values are added to a database table. [Dev Only]", "3145", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are modified. [Dev Only]", "3147", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-values in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3149", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "3151", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a particular chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3153", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3155", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec is the rate at which chunks are appended to separated long-values of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3157", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are replaced. [Dev Only]", "3159", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-value chunks in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3161", "Separated Long-Value Chunk C opies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "3163", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3165", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3167", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree, but which is treated as an append at a local "hotpoint" in the B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3169", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split vertically in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3171", "B+ Tree Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to or split in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3173", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merges/sec is the count of empty pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3175", "Right Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the next page to the right. [Dev Only]", "3177", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3179", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the previous page to the left. [Dev Only]", "3181", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the left in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3183", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec is the count of B+ Tree pages per second where all the records are moved to a new page. [Dev Only]", "3185", "B+ Tree Merges/sec is the count of pages merged in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3187", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec is the rate that attempts to reclaim deleted node space on a page are unsucces sful due to a conflict when attempting to write-latch the page. The cleanup is re-tried by locking the root of the B+ Tree. [Dev Only]", "3189", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec is the count of repeated seeks to the same record in a database B+ Tree that are saved by jumping directly to the cached physical location of that record per second. [Dev Only]", "3191", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec is the number of pages per second that are preread because they are adjacent to a page read by a seek. [Dev Only]", "3193", "B+ Tree Unnecessary Sibling Latches/sec is the count of sibling pages latched during a database B+ Tree Delete in the hopes of performing a merge where a merge is not possible, making that latch unnecessary. [Dev Only]", "3195", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the next record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3197", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-vis ible records while attempting to move to the next visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3199", "B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the previous record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3201", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-visible records while attempting to move to the previous visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3203", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec is the count of times a record is seeked to by a key in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3205", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec is the count of times a record is inserted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3207", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec is the count of times a record is replaced in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3209", "B+ Tree Flag Deletes/sec is the count of times a record is flag deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3211", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec is t he count of times a record is deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3213", "B+ Tree Appends/sec is the count of times a record is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3215", "B+ Tree Creates/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP creates per second. [Dev Only]", "3217", "B+ Tree Creates (Total) is the total number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP creates. [Dev Only]", "3219", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP destroys per second. [Dev Only]", "3221", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total) is the total number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP destroys. [Dev Only]" , "3223", "Database Cache Size (MB) is the amount of system memory (in MegaBytes) used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems to be too small for optimal performance and there is very little available memory on the system (see Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is a lot of available memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.", "3225", "Database Cache Misses per second is the rate at which database file page requests were fulfilled by the database cache by causing a file operation. If this rate is high then the database cache size may be too small.", "3227", "Database Cache % Hit is the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the dat abase cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small.", "3229", "No text", "3231", "Database Cache Requests/sec is the rate that pages are requested from the database cache.", "3233", "Database Pages Read Async/sec is the rate that pages are asynchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3235", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec is the rate that pages are synchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3237", "Database Pages Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3239", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3241", "Database Pages Transferred/sec is the rate that pages are transferred from the database file(s) to the database cache and vice versa. [Dev Only]", "3243", "Database Pages P reread/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3245", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache that are already cached. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of processing time. [Dev Only]", "3247", "Database Pages Preread Untouched/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache that were subsequently thrown out without being used. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of I/O bandwidth and processing time . [Dev Only]", "3249", "Database Pages Versioned/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature i s primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "3251", "Database Pages Version Copied/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature is primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "3253", "Database Pages Ordinarily Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache in preparation for evicting them from the cache to make room for other data. [Dev Only]", "3255", "Database Pages Anomalously Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache before they would ordinarily be written. [Dev Only]", "3257", "Database Pages Opportunely Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because they happen to be near other pages that must be written. These additional writes are performed before they must happen in the hope that the total number of seeks required to write all the pages is reduced. [Dev Only]", "3259", "Database Pages Repeatedly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache more than once in their lifetime in the cache. These page writes represent extra writes above the theoretical minimum and can therefore be considered overhead. [Dev Only]", "3261", "Database Pages Idly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because there is low disk activity. [Dev Only]", "3263", "Database Pages Coalesced Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "3265", "Database Pages Coalesced Read/sec is the rate that pages are read from the database file (s) to the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "3267", "Instances in this process", "3269", "Pages Converted/sec is the count of times per second a database page is converted from an older database format", "3271", "Pages Converted is the count of database pages that have been converted from an older format", "3273", "Records Converted/sec is the count of times per second a database record is converted from an older database format", "3275", "Records Converted is the count of database records that have been converted from an older format", "3277", "Defragmentation Tasks is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that are currently executing.", "3279", "Defragmentation Tasks Pending is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that are currently pending.", "3281", "Defragmentation Task s Discarded is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that could not be registered. [Dev Only]", "3283", "Defragmentation Tasks Scheduled/sec is the number of background database defragmentation tasks scheduled for execution per second. [Dev Only]", "3285", "Defragmentation Tasks Completed/sec is the number of background database defragmentation tasks completing execution per second. [Dev Only]", "3287", "FCB Asynchronous Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record cleanup. These records are scanned to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "3289", "FCB Asynchronous Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record cleanup. These records are purged to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "3291", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Scan/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) scanned during asynchronous schema record cleanup. Cleanup was triggered by a large number of schema records above the preferred limit. These records are aggressively scanned to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "3293", "FCB Asynchronous Threshold-Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) purged during asynchronous schema record cleanup. Cleanup was triggered by a large number of schema records above the preferred limit. These records are aggressively purged to age out older schema definitions. [Dev Only]", "3295", "FCB Asynchronous Purge Conflicts/sec is the number of failed purge attempts on cached schema records (FCBs) during asynchronous schema record cleanup. The purge operation failed because exclusive ownership of the schema record could not be obtained. [Dev Only]", "3297", "FCB Synchronous Purge/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) being synchronously purged each second. [Dev Only]", "3299", "FCB Synchronous Purge Stalls/sec is the number of stalls encountered while waiting for exclusive ownership of cach ed schema records (FCBs) in order to synchronously purge them. [Dev Only]", "3301", "FCB Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec is the number of FCB allocations that must first wait for version cleanup in an attempt to free used FCBs for re-use. [Dev Only]", "3303", "FCB Purge On Cursor Close/sec is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) being synchronously purged when the cursor is closed (instead of leaving the schema record cached) each second. [Dev Only]", "3305", "FCB Cache % Hit is the percentage of schema records (FCBs) opened directly from the schema record cache. No file operations were required. [Dev Only]", "3307", "No text", "3309", "FCB Cache Stalls/sec is the number of stalls encountered while waiting for exclusive ownership of cached schema records (FCBs) in order to update their reference count. [Dev Only]", "3311", "FCB Cache Maximum is the absolute maximum number of the schema records (FCBs) that can exist in the cache. [Dev Only]", "3313", "FCB Cache Pref erred is the preferred maximum number of the schema records (FCBs) that should exist in the cache. [Dev Only]", "3315", "FCB Cache Allocated is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) currently allocated and in use. [Dev Only]", "3317", "FCB Cache Available is the number of cached schema records (FCBs) currently allocated but not in use. These records will be used and/or purged as required. [Dev Only]", "3319", "Sessions In Use is the number of database sessions currently open for use by client threads.", "3321", "Sessions % Used is the percentage of database sessions currently open for use by client threads.", "3323", "No text", "3325", "Table Open Cache % Hit is the percentage of database tables opened using cached schema information. If this percentage is too low, the table cache size may be too small.", "3327", "No text", "3329", "Table Open Cache Hits/sec is the number of database tables opened using cached schema information per second. If this rate is too low, the table cache size may be too small.", "3331", "Table Open Cache Misses/sec is the number of database tables opened without using cached schema information per second. If this rate is too high, the table cache size may be too small.", "3333", "Table Opens/sec is the number of database tables opened per second.", "3335", "Log Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.", "3337", "Log Bytes Generated per second is the rate at which data is added to the log. This is different from Log Bytes Write per second in that each byte is generated only once whereas each byte may be written many times.", "3339", "Log Buffer Size is the amount of memory, in bytes, allocated for the database log buffers. [Dev Only]", "3341", "Log Buffer Bytes Used is the amount of bytes in the log buffers that have not yet been flushed to the logs. [Dev Only]", "3343", "Log Buffer Bytes Free is the amount of free space available in the log buffers. [Dev Only]", "3345", "Log Threads Waiting is the nu mber of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log in order to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck.", "3347", "Log File Size is the size, in bytes, of the database log files. [Dev Only]", "3349", "Log Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in bytes, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes. [Dev Only]", "3351", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.", "3353", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Target represents the ideal target for the amount of work, in count of log files, that may be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.", "3355", "Log Checkpoint Depth as a % of Target is an expression of the current checkpoint depth in terms of a percentage of the checkpoint depth target. For example, if the current che ckpoint depth is 5 generations and the checkpoint depth target is 4 generations then this will be reported as 125% of target.", "3357", "No text", "3359", "Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Max represents the maximum allowable amount of work, in count of log files, that may be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.", "3361", "Log Generation Loss Resiliency Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that may be lost while still allowing the database file(s) to recover (with data loss) if the process crashes.", "3363", "Log Files Generated represents the total number of log files generated by an instance since that instance was last initialized.", "3365", "Log Files Generated Prematurely represents the total number of log files generated by an instance since that instance was last initialized and that have not been entirely filled with useful data. Under certain conditions the database engine will choose to switch to a new log file before it has been completely filled with useful data.", "3367", "Log File Current Generation gives the generation number of the current log file of an instance.", "3369", "User Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3371", "User Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3373", "User Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started by the calling process that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3375", "User Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3377", "User Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3379", "User Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started by the calling process that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3381", "System Read Only Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3383", "System Read/Write Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3385", "System Transaction Commits to Level 0/sec is the count of fully committed transactions started internally that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3387", "System Read Only Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that do not modify any data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3389", "System Read/Write Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that modify data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3391", "System Transaction Rollbacks to Level 0/sec is the count of aborted transactions started internally that access data stored in the database engine. [Dev Only]", "3393", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Async Consumed/sec is the rate of page allocations from a database file that must be serviced by extending the database file, but which do not stall when doing doing so. [Dev Only]", "3395", "Database Page Allocation File Extension Stalls/sec is the rate of page allocations from a database file that must be serviced by extending the database file and which stall when doing so. [Dev Only]", "3397", "Log Records/sec is the count of records written to the database log buffers per second. [Dev Only]", "3399", "Log Buffer Capacity Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second because they are full. [Dev Only]", "3401", "Log Buffer Commit Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second because a transaction is fully committing its changes. [Dev Only]", "3403", "Log Buffer Flushes/sec is the count of times the database log buffers must be flushed per second. [Dev Only]", "3405", "Log Writes/sec is the number of times the log buffers are written to the log file(s) per second. If this number approaches the maximum write rate for the media holding the log file(s), the log may be a bottleneck.", "3407", "Log Record Stalls/sec is the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because they are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck.", "3409", "Total number of version buckets allocated", "3411", "Total number of version buckets allocated for FlagDe lete RCEs [Dev Only]", "3413", "VER Bucket Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec is the number of version bucket allocations that must first wait for version cleanup in an attempt to free used version buckets for re-use. [Dev Only]", "3415", "Average length of bookmark in RCE [Dev Only]", "3417", "Number of times per second we look in the version store for a node whose version bit is set but which has no versions [Dev Only]", "3419", "Number of times per second a version store clean task is dispatched asynchronously to be performed [Dev Only]", "3421", "Number of times per second a version store clean task is performed synchronously [Dev Only]", "3423", "Number of times per second a version store clean task was discarded due to load concerns [Dev Only]", "3425", "Number of times per second a dispatched version store cleanup task fails [Dev Only]", "3427", "Record Inserts/sec is the rate at which records are being inserted into database tables. [Dev Only]", "3429", "Record D eletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3431", "Record Deletes/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated. [Dev Only]", "3433", "Record Unnecessary Replaces/sec is the rate at which updates to records in database tables are being discarded because the update did not actually modify the contents of the record. [Dev Only]", "3435", "Record Redundant Replaces/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being updated with the exact same content of the original record. [Dev Only]", "3437", "Record Escrow-Updates/sec is the rate at which records in database tables are being escrow-updated. [Dev Only]", "3439", "Secondary Index Inserts/sec is the rate at which entries are being inserted into indexes of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3441", "Secondary Index Deletes/sec is the rate at which entries in indexes of database tables are being flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3443", "Fals e Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update an index because an update to at least one of the indexed columns was detected, only to discover that none of the indexed columns had actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "3445", "False Tuple Index Column Updates/sec is the number of times per second an attempt was made to update a tuple index because an update to the tuple-indexed column was detected, only to discover that the column had not actually changed (and therefore no index update was actually required). [Dev Only]", "3447", "Record Intrinsic Long-Values Updated/sec is the rate at which intrinsic long-values are added to or replaced in records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3449", "Record Separated Long-Values Added/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are normally added to records of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3451", "Record Separated Long-Values Forced/sec is the rate at which separated long-values are added to records of a database table because they could not be accommodated in the record itself. [Dev Only]", "3453", "Record Separated Long-Values All Forced/sec is the rate at which all intrinsic long-values are separated out of a record of a database table in order to accommodate updates to the record. [Dev Only]", "3455", "Record Separated Long-Values Reference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is added for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "3457", "Record Separated Long-Values Dereference All/sec is the rate at which a reference is removed for all the separated long-values associated with a record of a database table. [Dev Only]", "3459", "Separated Long-Value Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3461", "Separated Long-Value Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a separated long-value in a dat abase table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3463", "Separated Long-Value Creates/sec is the rate at which new separated long-values are added to a database table. [Dev Only]", "3465", "Separated Long-Value Updates/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are modified. [Dev Only]", "3467", "Separated Long-Value Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-values in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3469", "Separated Long-Value Copies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-values in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "3471", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Seeks/sec is the rate at which seeks for a particular chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3473", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Retrieves/sec is the rate at which retrievals of a chunk of a separated long-value in a database table are performed. [Dev Only]", "3475", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Appends/sec is the rate at which chunks are appended to separated long-values of database tables. [Dev Only]", "3477", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Replaces/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are replaced. [Dev Only]", "3479", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Deletes/sec is the rate at which separated long-value chunks in a database table are flagged for deletion. [Dev Only]", "3481", "Separated Long-Value Chunk Copies/sec is the rate at which existing separated long-value chunks in a database table are copied. [Dev Only]", "3483", "B+ Tree Append Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3485", "B+ Tree Right Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3487", "B+ Tree Right Hotpoint Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split right in a database B+ Tree, but which is treated as an append at a local "hotpoint" in the B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3489", "B+ Tree Vertical Splits/sec is the count of times a page is split vertically in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3491", "B+ Tree Splits/sec is the count of times a page is appended to or split in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3493", "B+ Tree Empty Page Merges/sec is the count of empty pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3495", "Right Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the next page to the right. [Dev Only]", "3497", "B+ Tree Partial Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the right in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3499", "B+ Tree Left Merges/sec is the count of pages removed from a database B+ Tree per second by moving all its records to the previous page to the left. [Dev Only]", "3501", "B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a p age on the left in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3503", "B+ Tree Page Moves/sec is the count of B+ Tree pages per second where all the records are moved to a new page. [Dev Only]", "3505", "B+ Tree Merges/sec is the count of pages merged in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3507", "B+ Tree Failed Simple Page Cleanup Attempts/sec is the rate that attempts to reclaim deleted node space on a page are unsuccessful due to a conflict when attempting to write-latch the page. The cleanup is re-tried by locking the root of the B+ Tree. [Dev Only]", "3509", "B+ Tree Seek Short Circuits/sec is the count of repeated seeks to the same record in a database B+ Tree that are saved by jumping directly to the cached physical location of that record per second. [Dev Only]", "3511", "B+ Tree Opportune Prereads/sec is the number of pages per second that are preread because they are adjacent to a page read by a seek. [Dev Only]", "3513", "B+ Tree Unnecessary Sibling Latches/se c is the count of sibling pages latched during a database B+ Tree Delete in the hopes of performing a merge where a merge is not possible, making that latch unnecessary. [Dev Only]", "3515", "B+ Tree Move Nexts/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the next record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3517", "B+ Tree Move Nexts (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-visible records while attempting to move to the next visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3519", "B+ Tree Move Prevs/sec is the count of times the database engine moves to the previous record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3521", "B+ Tree Move Prevs (Non-Visible Nodes Skipped)/sec is the count of times the database engine skips non-visible records while attempting to move to the previous visible record in a B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3523", "B+ Tree Seeks/sec is the count of times a record is seeked to by a key in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3525", "B+ Tree Inserts/sec is the count of times a record is inserted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3527", "B+ Tree Replaces/sec is the count of times a record is replaced in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3529", "B+ Tree Flag Deletes/sec is the count of times a record is flag deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3531", "B+ Tree Deletes/sec is the count of times a record is deleted in a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3533", "B+ Tree Appends/sec is the count of times a record is appended to a database B+ Tree per second. [Dev Only]", "3535", "B+ Tree Creates/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP creates per second. [Dev Only]", "3537", "B+ Tree Creates (Total) is the total number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) created. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP creates. [Dev Only]", "3539", "B+ Tree Destroys/sec is the number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed per second. This can also be viewed as the number of FDP destroys per second. [Dev Only]", "3541", "B+ Tree Destroys (Total) is the total number of B+ Trees and their corresponding space trees (if any) destroyed. This can also be viewed as the total number of FDP destroys. [Dev Only]", "3543", "Database Cache Size (MB) is the amount of system memory (in MegaBytes) used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database file(s) to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems to be too small for optimal performance and there is very little available memory on the system (see Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is a lot of available memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.", "3545", "Database Cache Misses per second is the rate at which database file page requests were fulfilled by the database cache by causing a file operation. If this rate is high then the database cache size may be too small.", "3547", "Database Cache % Hit is the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small.", "3549", "No text", "3551", "Database Cache Requests/sec is the rate that pages are requested from the database cache.", "3553", "Database Pages Read Async/sec is the rate that pages are asynchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3555", "Database Pages Read Sync/sec is the rate that pages are synchronously read from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3557", "Database Pag es Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3559", "Database Clean Pages Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3561", "Database Pages Transferred/sec is the rate that pages are transferred from the database file(s) to the database cache and vice versa. [Dev Only]", "3563", "Database Pages Preread/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache. [Dev Only]", "3565", "Database Cached Pages Preread/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache that are already cached. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of processing time. [Dev Only]", "3567", "Database Pages Preread Untouched/sec is the rate that pages are read in anticipation of future use from the database file(s) into the database cache t hat were subsequently thrown out without being used. This is non-ideal behavior that represents a waste of I/O bandwidth and processing time. [Dev Only]", "3569", "Database Pages Versioned/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature is primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "3571", "Database Pages Version Copied/sec is the rate at which pages in the database cache are being copied into new pages in the cache for the purpose of being asynchronously written while the current version of that page in the database file is still being modified. This feature is primarily used to avoid cycles, branches, or long chains of flush order dependencies without requiring the pages involved to be synchronously written to disk. [Dev Only]", "3573", "Database Pages Ordinarily Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache in preparation for evicting them from the cache to make room for other data. [Dev Only]", "3575", "Database Pages Anomalously Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache before they would ordinarily be written. [Dev Only]", "3577", "Database Pages Opportunely Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because they happen to be near other pages that must be written. These additional writes are performed before they must happen in the hope that the total number of seeks required to write all the pages is reduced. [Dev Only]", "3579", "Database Pages Repeatedly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache more than once in their life time in the cache. These page writes represent extra writes above the theoretical minimum and can therefore be considered overhead. [Dev Only]", "3581", "Database Pages Idly Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache because there is low disk activity. [Dev Only]", "3583", "Database Pages Coalesced Written/sec is the rate that pages are written to the database file (s) from the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "3585", "Database Pages Coalesced Read/sec is the rate that pages are read from the database file (s) to the database cache coalesced with another page. [Dev Only]", "3587", "Streaming Backup Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations performed for the purpose of streaming backups.", "3589", "Online Defrag Pages Referenced/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is touching database pages. [Dev Only]", "3591", "Online Defrag Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations b eing performed by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "3593", "Online Defrag Pages Preread/sec is the rate at which database pages are read in anticipation of future use by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "3595", "Online Defrag Pages Dirtied/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is modifying clean database pages. [Dev Only]", "3597", "Online Defrag Pages Re-Dirtied/sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is modifying database pages that already contained modifications. [Dev Only]", "3599", "Pages Freed/sec is the number of pages per second that are freed from the database by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3601", "Data Moves/sec is the number of times per second that data is moved from one page to another by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3603", "Page Moves/sec is the number of times per second that data is moved from one page to a new page by the online defragmentation process [Dev Only]", "3605", "Online Defrag Log Records/ sec is the rate at which online defragmentation is generating log records. [Dev Only]", "3607", "Online Defrag Average Log Bytes is the average size of the log records being generated by online defragmentation. [Dev Only]", "3609", "No text", "3611", "Pages Read/sec is the number of pages per second that are read from the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3613", "Pages Read is the number of pages that have been read from the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3615", "Pages Read/sec is the number of pages per second that are zeroed in the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3617", "Pages Read is the number of pages that have been zeroed in the database by the scanning process [Dev Only]", "3619", "Database Tasks Pages Referenced/sec is the rate at which background database tasks are touching database pages. [Dev Only]", "3621", "Database Tasks Pages Read/sec is the rate of database read operations being performed by background database tasks. [Dev O nly]", "3623", "Database Tasks Pages Preread/sec is the rate at which database pages are read in anticipation of future use by background database tasks. [Dev Only]", "3625", "Database Tasks Pages Dirtied/sec is the rate at which background database tasks are modifying clean database pages. [Dev Only]", "3627", "Database Tasks Pages Re-Dirtied/sec is the rate at which background databases tasks are modifying database pages that already contained modifications. [Dev Only]", "3629", "Database Tasks Log Records/sec is the rate at which background database tasks are generating log records. [Dev Only]", "3631", "Database Tasks Average Log Bytes is the average size of the log records being generated by background database tasks. [Dev Only]", "3633", "No text", "3635", "I/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.", "3637", "I/O Database Reads Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.", "3639", "No text", "36 41", "I/O Database Reads Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per database read operation. [Dev Only]", "3643", "No text", "3645", "I/O Database Reads In Heap is the number of database read operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3647", "I/O Database Reads Async Pending is the number of database read operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3649", "I/O Database Reads Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of database read operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3651", "I/O Log Reads/sec is the rate of logfile read operations completed.", "3653", "I/O Log Reads Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per logfile read operation. [Dev Only]", "3655", "No text", "3657", "I/O Log Reads Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per logfile read operation. [Dev Only]", "3659", "No text", " 3661", "I/O Log Reads In Heap is the number of logfile read operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3663", "I/O Log Reads Async Pending is the number of logfile read operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3665", "I/O Log Reads Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of logfile read operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3667", "I/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.", "3669", "I/O Database Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.", "3671", "No text", "3673", "I/O Database Writes Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per database write operation. [Dev Only]", "3675", "No text", "3677", "I/O Database Writes In Heap is the number of database write operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [De v Only]", "3679", "I/O Database Writes Async Pending is the number of database write operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3681", "I/O Database Writes Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of database write operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3683", "I/O Log Writes/sec is the rate of logfile write operations completed.", "3685", "I/O Log Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per logfile write operation.", "3687", "No text", "3689", "I/O Log Writes Average Bytes is the average number of bytes transferred per logfile write operation. [Dev Only]", "3691", "No text", "3693", "I/O Log Writes In Heap is the number of logfile write operations queued in the database engine's I/O heap and waiting to be issued. [Dev Only]", "3695", "I/O Log Writes Async Pending is the number of logfile write operations asynchronously pending completion. [Dev Only]", "3697", "I/O Log Writes Abnormal Latency/sec is the rate of logfile write operations that take an abnormally long length of time (default is 1 minute) to be serviced by the OS. [Dev Only]", "3699", "Record Failed Compression Bytes/sec is the rate of record bytes that either failed Xpress compression or did not significantly reduce the insert/replace size (10% or less). High results are indicative of wasted cpu resources. [Dev Only]", "3701", "Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator performance counters", "3703", "Number of currently active transactions", "3705", "Number of committed transactions", "3707", "Number of aborted transactions", "3709", "Number of in doubt transactions", "3711", "Maximum number of transactions ever concurrently active", "3713", "Number of transactions committed by the system administrator", "3715", "Number of transactions aborted by the system administrator", "3717", "Minimum time delta between transaction begin and commit", "3719", "Average time delta between tr ansaction begin and commit", "3721", "Maximum time delta between transaction begin and commit", "3723", "Transactions performed per second", "3725", "Transactions committed per second", "3727", "Transactions aborted per second", "3729", "Terminal Services per-session resource monitoring.", "3731", "Number of bytes input on this session after all protocol overhead has been removed.", "3733", "The number of frames input after any additional protocol added frames have been removed.", "3735", "The number of times that a wait for an available send buffer was done by the protocols on the client side of the connection.", "3737", "Number of frames (packets) input on this Session.", "3739", "Number of bytes input on this session that includes all protocol overhead.", "3741", "Number of bytes input after compression. This number compared with the Total Bytes input is the compression ratio.", "3743", "Number of input compression dictionary flushes. When the data can not be compressed, the compres sion dictionary is flushed so that newer data has a better chance of being compressed. Some causes of data not compressing includes transferring compressed files over Client Drive Mapping.", "3745", "Number of input errors of all types. Some example input errors are lost ACK's, badly formed packets, etc.", "3747", "The total number of timeouts on the communication line as seen from the client side of the connection. These are typically the result of a noisy line. On some high latency networks, this could be the result of the protocol timeout being too short. Increasing the protocol timeout on these types of lines will improve performance by reducing needless re-transmissions.", "3749", "Number of input async framing errors. These can be caused by a noisy transmission line. Using a smaller packet size may help in some cases.", "3751", "Number of input async overrun errors. These can be caused by the baud rate being faster than the computer can handle, or a non-16550 serial line is used. Overruns can also occur if too many high speed serial lines are active at one time for the processor's power.", "3753", "Number of input async overflow errors. These can be caused by a lack of buffer space available on the host.", "3755", "Number of input async parity errors. These can be caused by a noisy transmission line", "3757", "Number of Terminal Services transport-level errors on input.", "3759", "Number of bytes output on this session after all protocol overhead has been removed.", "3761", "The number of frames output before any additional protocol frames have been added.", "3763", "This is the number of times that a wait for an available send buffer was done by the protocol on the server side of the connection.", "3765", "Number of frames (packets) output on this session.", "3767", "Number of bytes output on this Session that includes all protocol overhead.", "3769", "Number of bytes output after compression. This number compared with the Total Bytes output is the compressio n ratio.", "3771", "Number of output compression dictionary flushes. When the data can not be compressed, the compression dictionary is flushed so that newer data has a better chance of being compressed. Some causes of data not compressing includes transfering compressed files over Client Drive Mapping.", "3773", "Number of output errors of all types. Some example output errors are lost ACK's, badly formed packets, etc.", "3775", "The total number of timeouts on the communication line from the host side of the connection. These are typically the result of a noisy line. On some high latency networks, this could be the result of the protocol timeout being too short. Increasing the protocol timeout on these types of lines will improve performance by reducing needless re-transmissions.", "3777", "Number of output async framing errors. This could be caused by a hardware or line problem.", "3779", "Number of output async overrun errors.", "3781", "Number of output async overflow errors.", "3 783", "Number of output async parity errors. These can be caused by a hardware or line problem.", "3785", "Number of Terminal Services transport-level errors on output.", "3787", "Total number of bytes on this Session after all protocol overhead has been removed.", "3789", "The total number of frames input and output before any additional protocol frames have been added.", "3791", "The number of times that a wait for an available send buffer was done by the protocols on both the server and client sides of the connection.", "3793", "Total number of frames (packets) on this Session.", "3795", "Total number of bytes on this Session that includes all protocol overhead.", "3797", "Total number of bytes after compression. This number compared with the total bytes is the compression ratio.", "3799", "Total number of compression dictionary flushes. When the data can not be compressed, the compression dictionary is flushed so that newer data has a better chance of being compressed. Some causes of data not compressing includes transfering compressed files over Client Drive Mapping.", "3801", "Total number of errors of all types. Some example errors are lost ACK's, badly formed packets, etc.", "3803", "The total number of timeouts on the communication line from both the host and client sides of the connection. These are typically the result of a noisy line. On some high latency networks, this could be the result of the protocol timeout being too short. Increasing the protocol timeout on these types of lines will improve performance by reducing needless re-transmissions.", "3805", "Total number of async framing errors. These can be caused by a noisy transmission line. Using a smaller packet size may help in some cases.", "3807", "Total number of async overrun errors. These can be caused by the baud rate being faster than the computer can handle, or a non-16550 serial line is used. Overruns can also occur if too many high speed serial lines are active at one time for the process or's power.", "3809", "Total number of async overflow errors. These can be caused by a lack of buffer space available on the host.", "3811", "Total number of async parity errors. These can be caused by a noisy transmission line.", "3813", "Total number of Terminal Services transport-level errors.", "3815", "Total references to all protocol caches.", "3817", "Total hits in all protocol caches. The protocol caches Windows objects that are likely to be re-used to avoid having to re-send them on the transmission line. Example objects are Windows icons and brushes. Hits in the cache represent objects that did not need to be re-sent.", "3819", "Overall hit ratio for all protocol caches.", "3821", "Number of references to the protocol bitmap cache.", "3823", "Number of hits in the protocol bitmap cache.", "3825", "Hit ratio in the protocol bitmap cache. A higher hit ratio means better performance since data transmissions are reduced. Low hit ratios are due to the screen updating with new info rmation that is either not re-used, or is flushed out of the client cache.", "3827", "Number of references to the protocol glyph cache.", "3829", "Number of hits in the protocol glyph cache.", "3831", "Hit ratio in the protocol glyph cache. A higher hit ratio means better performance since data transmissions are reduced. Low hit ratios are due to the screen updating with new information that is either not re-used, or is flushed out of the client cache.", "3833", "Number of references to the protocol brush cache.", "3835", "Number of hits in the protocol brush cache.", "3837", "Hit ratio in the protocol brush cache. A higher hit ratio means better performance since data transmissions are reduced. Low hit ratios are due to the screen updating with new information that is either not re-used, or is flushed out of the client cache.", "3839", "Number of references to the protocol save screen bitmap cache.", "3841", "Number of hits in the protocol save screen bitmap cache.", "3843", "Hit rati o in the protocol save screen bitmap cache. A higher hit ratio means better performance since data transmissions are reduced. Low hit ratios are due to the screen updating with new information that is either not re-used, or is flushed out of the client cache.", "3845", "Compression ratio of the server input data stream.", "3847", "Compression ratio of the server output data stream.", "3849", "Total compression ratio of the server data stream.", "4125", "Displays the current bulk transfer rate in bytes/sec.", "4127", "Displays the current isochronous transfer rate in bytes/sec.", "4129", "Displays the current interrupt transfer rate in bytes/sec.", "4131", "Displays the current control transfer rate in bytes/sec.", "4133", "Displays the rate of PCI interrupt generation by the USB controller. For controller instances only.", "4135", "Displays the current rate Work Signals generated per second by the usbport driver. For controller instances only.", "4137", "Displays the percentage of BW reserved for interrupt transfers", "4139", "Displays the percentage of BW reserved for ISO transfers", "4141", "USB I/O Counters", "4143", "Displays the average size of all transfer URBs. For device instances only.", "4145", "Number of ISO packets that are NOT late, but complete with an error. For device instances only.", "4147", "Avg number of ms between the current frame and the start frame of an ISO transfer when scheduled. For device instances only.", "4149", "Number of Transfer URBs completing with an error status. For device instances only.", "4151", "Non-zero value if the host controller is not running(idle).", "4153", "Non-Zero value if the host controller async schedule is not running(idle).", "4155", "Incremented each time the controller async cache is flushed.", "4157", "Non-Zero if the periodic schedule is not running(idle).", "4159", "Incremented each time the controller periodic cache is flushed.", "4161", "Help not available.", "4163", "The cumulative total number of so cket connections established for this process since the process was started.", "4165", "The cumulative total number of bytes received over all open socket connections since the process was started. This number includes data and any protocol information that is not defined by the TCP/IP protocol.", "4167", "The cumulative total number of bytes sent over all open socket connections since the process was started. This number includes data and any protocol information that is not defined by the TCP/IP protocol.", "4169", "The cumulative total number of datagram packets received since the process was started.", "4171", "The cumulative total number of datagram packets sent since the process was started.", "4173", "Counters for System.Data.SqlClient", "4175", "The number of actual connections per second that are being made to servers", "4177", "The number of actual disconnects per second that are being made to servers", "4179", "The number of connections we get from the pool per second", "418 1", "The number of connections we return to the pool per second", "4183", "The number of connections that are not using connection pooling", "4185", "The number of connections that are managed by the connection pooler", "4187", "The number of unique connection strings", "4189", "The number of unique connection strings waiting for pruning", "4191", "The number of active connection pools", "4193", "The number of inactive connection pools", "4195", "The number of connections currently in-use", "4197", "The number of connections currently available for use", "4199", "The number of connections currently waiting to be made ready for use", "4201", "The number of connections we reclaim from GCed external connections", "4203", ".Net CLR Data", "4205", "Current number of connections, pooled or not.", "4207", "Current number of connections in all pools associated with the process.", "4209", "Current number of pools associated with the process.", "4211", "The highest number of connections in all p ools since the process started.", "4213", "The total number of connection open attempts that have failed for any reason.", "4215", "The total number of command executes that have failed for any reason.", "4217", "Counters for CLR Garbage Collected heap.", "4219", "This counter displays the number of times the generation 0 objects (youngest; most recently allocated) are garbage collected (Gen 0 GC) since the start of the application. Gen 0 GC occurs when the available memory in generation 0 is not sufficient to satisfy an allocation request. This counter is incremented at the end of a Gen 0 GC. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. This counter is explicitly incremented when a higher generation (Gen 1 or Gen 2) GC occurs. _Global_ counter value is not accurate and should be ignored. This counter displays the last observed value.", "4221", "This counter displays the number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the application. The co unter is incremented at the end of a Gen 1 GC. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. This counter is explicitly incremented when a higher generation (Gen 2) GC occurs. _Global_ counter value is not accurate and should be ignored. This counter displays the last observed value.", "4223", "This counter displays the number of times the generation 2 objects (older) are garbage collected since the start of the application. The counter is incremented at the end of a Gen 2 GC (also called full GC). _Global_ counter value is not accurate and should be ignored. This counter displays the last observed value.", "4225", "This counter displays the bytes of memory that survive garbage collection (GC) and are promoted from generation 0 to generation 1; objects that are promoted just because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. This counter displays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumulative counter.", "4227", "This counter display s the bytes of memory that survive garbage collection (GC) and are promoted from generation 1 to generation 2; objects that are promoted just because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. This counter displays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumulative counter. This counter is reset to 0 if the last GC was a Gen 0 GC only.", "4229", "This counter displays the bytes per second that are promoted from generation 0 (youngest) to generation 1; objects that are promoted just because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. Memory is promoted when it survives a garbage collection. This counter was designed as an indicator of relatively long-lived objects being created per sec. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4231", "This counter displays the bytes per second that are promoted from generation 1 to generation 2 (oldest); objects that are promoted just because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. Memory is promoted when it survives a garbage collection. Nothing is promoted from generation 2 since it is the oldest. This counter was designed as an indicator of very long-lived objects being created per sec. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4233", "This counter displays the bytes of memory that are promoted from generation 0 to generation 1 just because they are waiting to be finalized. This counter displays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumulative counter.", "4235", "This counter displays the process ID of the CLR process instance being monitored.", "4237", "This counter displays the maximum bytes that can be allocated in generation 0 (Gen 0); its does not indicate the current number of bytes allocated in Gen 0. A Gen 0 GC is triggered when the allocations since the last GC exceed this size. The Gen 0 size is tuned by the Garbage Collector and can change during the execution of the application. At the end of a Gen 0 collection the size of the Gen 0 heap is infact 0 bytes; this counter displays the size (in bytes) of allocations that would trigger the next Gen 0 GC. This counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.", "4239", "This counter displays the current number of bytes in generation 1 (Gen 1); this counter does not display the maximum size of Gen 1. Objects are not directly allocated in this generation; they are promoted from previous Gen 0 GCs. This counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.", "4241", "This counter displays the current number of bytes in generation 2 (Gen 2). Objects are not directly allocated in this generation; they are promoted from Gen 1 during previous Gen 1 GCs. This counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.", "4243", "This counter displays the current size of the Large Object Heap in bytes. Objects greater than 20 KBytes are treated as large objects by the Garbage Collector and are directly allocated in a special heap; they are not promoted through the generations. This counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.", "4245", "This counter displays the number of garbage collected objects that survive a collection because they are waiting to be finalized. If these objects hold references to other objects then those objects also survive but are not counted by this counter; the "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0" and "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 1" counters represent all the memory that survived due to finalization. This counter is not a cumulative counter; its updated at the end of every GC with count of the survivors during that particular GC only. This counter was designed to indicate the extra overhead that the application mi ght incur because of finalization.", "4247", "This counter displays the current number of GC Handles in use. GCHandles are handles to resources external to the CLR and the managed environment. Handles occupy small amounts of memory in the GCHeap but potentially expensive unmanaged resources.", "4249", "This counter displays the rate of bytes per second allocated on the GC Heap. This counter is updated at the end of every GC; not at each allocation. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4251", "This counter displays the peak number of times a garbage collection was performed because of an explicit call to GC.Collect. Its a good practice to let the GC tune the frequency of its collections.", "4253", "% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indi cator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.", "4255", "Not Displayed.", "4257", "This counter is the sum of four other counters; Gen 0 Heap Size; Gen 1 Heap Size; Gen 2 Heap Size and the Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the current memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.", "4259", "This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently committed by the Garbage Collector. (Committed memory is the physical memory for which space has been reserved on the disk paging file).", "4261", "This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently reserved by the Garbage Collector. (Reserved memory is the virtual memory space reserved for the application but no disk or main memory pages have been used.)", "4263", "This counter displays the number of pinned obj ects encountered in the last GC. This counter tracks the pinned objects only in the heaps that were garbage collected e.g. a Gen 0 GC would cause enumeration of pinned objects in the generation 0 heap only. A pinned object is one that the Garbage Collector cannot move in memory.", "4265", "This counter displays the current number of sync blocks in use. Sync blocks are per-object data structures allocated for storing synchronization information. Sync blocks hold weak references to managed objects and need to be scanned by the Garbage Collector. Sync blocks are not limited to storing synchronization information and can also store COM interop metadata. This counter was designed to indicate performance problems with heavy use of synchronization primitives.", "4267", "Statistics for CLR Class Loader.", "4269", "This counter displays the cumulative number of classes loaded in all Assemblies since the start of this application.", "4271", "Reserved for future use.", "4273", "Reserved for futur e use.", "4275", "This counter displays the peak number of classes that have failed to load since the start of the application. These load failures could be due to many reasons like inadequate security or illegal format. Full details can be found in the profiling services help.", "4277", "This counter displays the number of classes that failed to load per second. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval. These load failures could be due to many reasons like inadequate security or illegal format. Full details can be found in the profiling services help.", "4279", "This counter displays the current size (in bytes) of the memory committed by the class loader across all AppDomains. (Committed memory is the physical memory for which space has been reserved on the disk paging file.)", "4281", "This counter displays the total number of AppDomains unloaded since the st art of the application. If an AppDomain is loaded and unloaded multiple times this counter would count each of those unloads as separate.", "4283", "This counter displays the number of AppDomains unloaded per second. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4285", "This counter displays the current number of classes loaded in all Assemblies.", "4287", "This counter displays the number of classes loaded per second in all Assemblies. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4289", "This counter displays the current number of AppDomains loaded in this application. AppDomains (application domains) provide a secure and versatile unit of processing that the CLR can use to provide isolation between applications running in the same proc ess.", "4291", "This counter displays the peak number of AppDomains loaded since the start of this application. AppDomains (application domains) provide a secure and versatile unit of processing that the CLR can use to provide isolation between applications running in the same process.", "4293", "This counter displays the number of AppDomains loaded per second. AppDomains (application domains) provide a secure and versatile unit of processing that the CLR can use to provide isolation between applications running in the same process. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4295", "This counter displays the current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multiple AppDomains then this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loaded as domain-neutral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they can be loaded as domain-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain.", "4297", "This counter displays the total number of Assemblies loaded since the start of this application. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multiple AppDomains then this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loaded as domain-neutral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they can be loaded as domain-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain.", "4299", "This counter displays the number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains per second. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multiple AppDomains then this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loaded as domain-neutral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they can be loaded as domain-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4301", "Stats for CLR Jit.", "4303", "This counter displays the total number of methods compiled Just-In-Time (JIT) by the CLR JIT compiler since the start of the application. This counter does not include the pre-jitted methods.", "4305", "This counter displays the total IL bytes jitted since the start of the application. This counter is exactly equivalent to the "Total # of IL Bytes Jitted" counter.", "4307", "This counter displays the total IL bytes jitted since the start of the application. This counter is exactly equivalent to the "# of IL Bytes Jitted" counter.", "4309", "This counter displays the rate at which IL bytes are jitted per second. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4311", "This counter displays the peak number of methods the JIT compiler has failed to JIT since the start of the application. This failure can occur if the IL cannot be verified or if there was an internal error in the JIT compiler.", "4313", "This counter displays the percentage of elapsed time spent in JIT compilation since the last JIT compilation phase. This counter is updated at the end of every JIT compilation phase. A JIT compilation phase is the phase when a method and its dependencies are being compiled.", "4315", "Not Displayed.", "4317", "Stats for CLR interop.", "4319", "This counter displays the current number of Com-Callable-Wrappers (CCWs). A CCW is a proxy for the .NET managed object being referenced from unmanaged COM client(s). This counter was designed to indicate the number of managed objects being referenced by unmanaged COM code.", "4321", "This counter displays the current number of stubs created by the CLR. Stubs are responsible for marshalling arguments and return values from managed to unmanaged code and vice versa; during a COM Interop call or PInvoke c all.", "4323", "This counter displays the total number of times arguments and return values have been marshaled from managed to unmanaged code and vice versa since the start of the application. This counter is not incremented if the stubs are inlined. (Stubs are responsible for marshalling arguments and return values). Stubs usually get inlined if the marshalling overhead is small.", "4325", "Reserved for future use.", "4327", "Reserved for future use.", "4329", "Stats for CLR Locks and Threads.", "4331", "This counter displays the total number of times threads in the CLR have attempted to acquire a managed lock unsuccessfully. Managed locks can be acquired in many ways; by the "lock" statement in C# or by calling System.Monitor.Enter or by using MethodImplOptions.Synchronized custom attribute.", "4333", "Rate at which threads in the runtime attempt to acquire a managed lock unsuccessfully. Managed locks can be acquired in many ways; by the "lock" statement in C# or by calling System.M onitor.Enter or by using MethodImplOptions.Synchronized custom attribute.", "4335", "This counter displays the total number of threads currently waiting to acquire some managed lock in the application. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the last observed value.", "4337", "This counter displays the total number of threads that waited to acquire some managed lock since the start of the application.", "4339", "This counter displays the number of threads per second waiting to acquire some lock in the application. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4341", "This counter displays the number of current .NET thread objects in the application. A .NET thread object is created either by new System.Threading.Thread or when an unmanaged thread enters the managed environment. This counters maintains the count of both running and stopped threads. T his counter is not an average over time; it just displays the last observed value.", "4343", "This counter displays the number of native OS threads created and owned by the CLR to act as underlying threads for .NET thread objects. This counters value does not include the threads used by the CLR in its internal operations; it is a subset of the threads in the OS process.", "4345", "This counter displays the number of threads that are currently recognized by the CLR; they have a corresponding .NET thread object associated with them. These threads are not created by the CLR; they are created outside the CLR but have since run inside the CLR at least once. Only unique threads are tracked; threads with same thread ID re-entering the CLR or recreated after thread exit are not counted twice.", "4347", "This counter displays the total number of threads that have been recognized by the CLR since the start of this application; these threads have a corresponding .NET thread object associated with them. These threads are not created by the CLR; they are created outside the CLR but have since run inside the CLR at least once. Only unique threads are tracked; threads with same thread ID re-entering the CLR or recreated after thread exit are not counted twice.", "4349", "This counter displays the number of threads per second that have been recognized by the CLR; these threads have a corresponding .NET thread object associated with them. These threads are not created by the CLR; they are created outside the CLR but have since run inside the CLR at least once. Only unique threads are tracked; threads with same thread ID re-entering the CLR or recreated after thread exit are not counted twice. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4351", "Stats for CLR Security.", "4353", "This counter displays the total number of runtime Code Access Security (CAS) che cks performed since the start of the application. Runtime CAS checks are performed when a caller makes a call to a callee demanding a particular permission; the runtime check is made on every call by the caller; the check is done by examining the current thread stack of the caller. This counter used together with "Stack Walk Depth" is indicative of performance penalty for security checks.", "4355", "Reserved for future use.", "4357", "This counter displays the total number of linktime Code Access Security (CAS) checks since the start of the application. Linktime CAS checks are performed when a caller makes a call to a callee demanding a particular permission at JIT compile time; linktime check is performed once per caller. This count is not indicative of serious performance issues; its indicative of the security system activity.", "4359", "This counter displays the percentage of elapsed time spent in performing runtime Code Access Security (CAS) checks since the last such check. CAS al lows code to be trusted to varying degrees and enforces these varying levels of trust depending on code identity. This counter is updated at the end of a runtime security check; it represents the last observed value; its not an average.", "4361", "Not Displayed.", "4363", "This counter displays the depth of the stack during that last runtime Code Access Security check. Runtime Code Access Security check is performed by crawling the stack. This counter is not an average; it just displays the last observed value.", "4365", "Stats for CLR Remoting.", "4367", "This counter displays the number of remote procedure calls invoked per second. A remote procedure call is a call on any object outside the caller;s AppDomain. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4369", "This counter displays the total number of remoting channels registered across all AppDomains since the start of the application. Channels are used to transport messages to and from remote objects.", "4371", "This counter displays the total number of remoting proxy objects created in this process since the start of the process. Proxy object acts as a representative of the remote objects and ensures that all calls made on the proxy are forwarded to the correct remote object instance.", "4373", "This counter displays the current number of context-bound classes loaded. Classes that can be bound to a context are called context-bound classes; context-bound classes are marked with Context Attributes which provide usage rules for synchronization; thread affinity; transactions etc.", "4375", "This counter displays the number of context-bound objects allocated per second. Instances of classes that can be bound to a context are called context-bound objects; context-bound classes are marked with Context Attributes which provide usage rules for synchronization; thread affinity; transactions etc . This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4377", "This counter displays the current number of remoting contexts in the application. A context is a boundary containing a collection of objects with the same usage rules like synchronization; thread affinity; transactions etc.", "4379", "This counter displays the total number of remote procedure calls invoked since the start of this application. A remote procedure call is a call on any object outside the caller;s AppDomain.", "4381", "Runtime statistics on CLR exception handling.", "4383", "This counter displays the total number of exceptions thrown since the start of the application. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions e.g. null pointer reference exception in unmanaged code would get re-thrown in managed code as a .NET System.NullReferenceExcepti on; this counter includes both handled and unhandled exceptions. Exceptions that are re-thrown would get counted again. Exceptions should only occur in rare situations and not in the normal control flow of the program.", "4385", "This counter displays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions e.g. null pointer reference exception in unmanaged code would get re-thrown in managed code as a .NET System.NullReferenceException; this counter includes both handled and unhandled exceptions. Exceptions should only occur in rare situations and not in the normal control flow of the program; this counter was designed as an indicator of potential performance problems due to large (>100s) rate of exceptions thrown. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4387", "This co unter displays the number of .NET exception filters executed per second. An exception filter evaluates whether an exception should be handled or not. This counter tracks the rate of exception filters evaluated; irrespective of whether the exception was handled or not. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4389", "This counter displays the number of finally blocks executed per second. A finally block is guaranteed to be executed regardless of how the try block was exited. Only the finally blocks that are executed for an exception are counted; finally blocks on normal code paths are not counted by this counter. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4391", "This counter displays the number of stack frames traversed from the f rame that threw the .NET exception to the frame that handled the exception per second. This counter resets to 0 when an exception handler is entered; so nested exceptions would show the handler to handler stack depth. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.", "4393", "Counters for System.Data.OracleClient", "4395", "The number of actual connections per second that are being made to servers", "4397", "The number of actual disconnects per second that are being made to servers", "4399", "The number of connections we get from the pool per second", "4401", "The number of connections we return to the pool per second", "4403", "The number of connections that are not using connection pooling", "4405", "The number of connections that are managed by the connection pooler", "4407", "The number of unique connection strings", "4409", "The number of unique connection strin gs waiting for pruning", "4411", "The number of active connection pools", "4413", "The number of inactive connection pools", "4415", "The number of connections currently in-use", "4417", "The number of connections currently available for use", "4419", "The number of connections currently waiting to be made ready for use", "4421", "The number of connections we reclaim from GCed external connections", "4483", "Counters for the Windows Search Service Gatherer Project object", "4485", "The number of add notifications.", "4487", "The number of document additions per second.", "4489", "The number of delete notifications.", "4491", "The number of document deletes per second.", "4493", "The number of modify notifications.", "4495", "The number of modify notifications per second.", "4497", "The number of documents waiting to be processed. When this number goes to zero the catalog is idle. This number indicates the total queue size of unprocessed documents in the gatherer.", "4499", "The number of documents in progress.", "4501", "The number of documents on hold because a document with the same URL is currently in process.", "4503", "The number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules.", "4505", "The number of files (URLs) in the history list. This indicates the total size of your document corpus that was indexed.", "4507", "The number of documents processed since the history has been reset.", "4509", "The number of documents processed per second.", "4511", "The number of successfully filtered documents.", "4513", "The number of successfully filtered documents per second.", "4515", "The number of filtered documents which returned an error.", "4517", "The number of filtered documents which returned an error per second.", "4523", "The number of file protocol errors received while getting documents.", "4525", "The number of file protocol errors received per second.", "4531", "The number of documents accessed via file system.", "4533", "The number of documents accesse d via file system per second.", "4539", "The number of office documents filtered.", "4541", "The number of office documents filtered per second.", "4543", "The number of text documents filtered.", "4545", "The number of text documents filtered per second.", "4547", "Number of crawls in progress.", "4549", "The Gatherer paused flag indicates if the Gatherer has been paused.", "4551", "The recovery in progress flag indicates if recovery is currently in progress. Indexing will not be resumed until this flag is off.", "4553", "The number of documents which were not filtered because no modification was detected since the last crawl.", "4555", "The Iterating history in progress flag indicates if the Gatherer is currently iterating over the URL history.", "4557", "Number of incremental crawls in progress.", "4559", "The number of documents currently being filtered.", "4561", "The number of documents initiated into the Gatherer service. This includes the number of documents on hold, in the act ive queue, and currently filtered. When this number goes to zero during a crawl, it means the crawl will be done soon.", "4563", "The total number of times a document access has been retried. Having this number high may indicate a problem with accessing the data.", "4565", "The number of retries per second.", "4573", "Documents incorrectly rejected by adaptive crawl", "4579", "Documents which have changed since the last crawl", "4581", "The number of Move/Rename notifications.", "4583", "The number of document Moves and Renames per second.", "4585", "Number of unique documents in the system. Documents are considered not unique if their contents is the same.", "4587", "Percentage of the history recovery completed", "4589", "Counters for the Windows Search Service Gathering service object", "4591", "Currently connected external notification sources.", "4593", "The total number of notifications received from all notification sources excluding file system.", "4595", "The rate of external n otifications received per second.", "4597", "The number of currently connected administrative clients.", "4599", "The total number of heartbeats counted since startup. A heartbeat occurs once every 10 seconds while the service is running. If the service is not running there will be no heartbeat and the number of ticks will not be incremented.", "4601", "Displays one heartbeat every 10 seconds.", "4603", "The total number of filtering threads in the system. This number is calculated based on your system resources.", "4605", "The number of threads waiting for documents.", "4607", "The number of document entries currently in memory. Zero means no indexing activity is going on.", "4609", "Indicates the level of the amount of system resources that the Gatherer service is allowed to use.", "4611", "The number of documents waiting for robot threads. If this number is not 0, all threads should be filtering.", "4613", "The number of filtering processes in the system.", "4615", "The maximum numb er of filtering processes that have existed in the system since startup.", "4617", "The total number of times a filter process was created or restarted. Having too many filter processes created indicates that filtering is having trouble with the data in the documents.", "4619", "The number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules.", "4621", "The number of servers recently accessed by the system.", "4623", "The number of times a new server object had to be created.", "4625", "The number of filter objects in the system. Each filter object corresponds to a URL currently being filtered.", "4627", "The number of times a filter object was created. This corresponds to the total number of documents filtered in the system since startup.", "4629", "The number of documents filtered per second.", "4631", "The total number of timeouts detected by the system since startup.", "4633", "A server becomes unavailable when a number of requests to that server time out.", "4635", "A server becom es unavailable when a number of requests to that server time out.", "4637", "The number of threads waiting for a response from the filter process. If no activity is going on and this number is equal to number of filtering threads, it may indicate a network problem or unavailability of the server it is crawling.", "4639", "The number of threads waiting for plug-ins to complete an operation.", "4641", "The number of documents successfully filtered.", "4643", "The number of successfully filtered documents per second.", "4645", "The number of documents that will be retried after time-out. When this is non-zero, it means that the local server it is crawling is shut down.", "4647", "Number of available cached word breakers instances", "4649", "Number of available cached stemmer instances. Too many may indicate a resource usage problem.", "4651", "The total number of notifications received from all notification sources including file system.", "4653", "The rate of external notifications recei ved per second.", "4655", "System IO (disk) traffic rate in KB/s detected by back off logic", "4657", "The code describing why the Gatherer service went into back off state. 0 - up and running 1 - high system IO traffic 2 - high notifications rate 3 - delayed recovery in progress (not implemented) 4 - back off due to user activity 5 - Battery Low 6 - Memory Low 99 - back off for some internal reason (forced by Search itself) While backing off, no indexing is performed. To resume the indexing you must eliminate the reason for back off. If the Gatherer service is in back off state, the Search service is paused and there is a message in the event log.", "4659", "The number of threads blocked due to back off event", "4661", "Indexer PlugIn statistics", "4663", "The level of the master index.", "4665", "Number of Master Merges to Date", "4667", "Master Merge Progress", "4669", "Shadow Merge Levels", "4671", "Shadow Merge Levels Threshold", "4673", "Number of Persistent Indexes", "4675", "Si ze of Index", "4677", "Number of Unique Keys", "4679", "Number of Documents Filtered", "4681", "Number of invalidator work items that were created", "4683", "Number of invalidator work items that were deleted", "4685", "Number of clean WidSets", "4687", "Number of dirty WidSets", "4689", "Indicator if a master merge is going on.", "4691", "Active Connections", "4693", "Number of Queries", "4695", "Number of Queries Failed", "4697", "Number of Queries Succeeded", "4699", "The number of L0 Indexes (Wordlists)", "4701", "The number of L0 merges (flushes) in progress at any one moment.", "4703", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L0 merges (flushes) since the catalog has been loaded", "4705", "The number of L0 merges (flushes) since the catalog was loaded", "4707", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L0 merges (flushes).", "4709", "The number of L1 Indexes", "4711", "The number of L1 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4713", "The aver age value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L1 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4715", "The number of L1 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4717", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L1 merges.", "4719", "The number of L2 Indexes", "4721", "The number of L2 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4723", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L2 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4725", "The number of L2 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4727", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L2 merges.", "4729", "The number of L3 Indexes", "4731", "The number of L3 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4733", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L3 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4735", "The number of L3 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4737", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L3 merges.", "4739", "The number of L4 Indexes ", "4741", "The number of L4 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4743", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L4 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4745", "The number of L4 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4747", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L4 merges.", "4749", "The number of L5 Indexes", "4751", "The number of L5 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4753", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L5 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4755", "The number of L5 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4757", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L5 merges.", "4759", "The number of L6 Indexes", "4761", "The number of L6 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4763", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L6 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4765", "The number of L6 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4767", "The last value [do cuments/hour] computed for the speed of L6 merges.", "4769", "The number of L7 Indexes", "4771", "The number of L7 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4773", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L7 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4775", "The number of L7 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4777", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L7 merges.", "4779", "The number of L8 Indexes", "4781", "The number of L8 merges in progress at any one moment.", "4783", "The average value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L8 merges since the catalog has been loaded", "4785", "The number of L8 merges since the catalog was loaded", "4787", "The last value [documents/hour] computed for the speed of L8 merges.", "4789", "Displays performance statistics about ReadyBoost Caches.", "4791", "The total (uncompressed) amount of data currently stored in ReadyBoost caches.", "4793", "Amount of space in bytes taken by data cached in ReadyBo ost caches.", "4795", "(Cache space used) / (Bytes cached)", "4797", "Total size, in bytes, of all caches regardless of how much data they contain.", "4799", "Number of I/Os satisfied from ReadyBoost caches per second.", "4801", "Bytes of I/Os satisfied from ReadyBoost caches per second.", "4803", "Number of read I/Os ignored by ReadyBoost due to policy.", "4805", "Bytes of read I/Os ignored by ReadyBoost due to policy.", "4807", "Number of read I/Os that are received by ReadyBoost. This counter includes all reads whether or not they were satisfied by ReadyBoost caches.", "4809", "Bytes of read I/Os that are received by ReadyBoost. This counter includes all reads whether or not they were satisfied by ReadyBoost caches.", "5315", "ASP.NET State Service", "5541", "The current number of sessions currently active.", "5543", "The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned.", "5545", "The number of sessions timed out.", "5547", "The number of sessions total.", "5549", "ASP.NET gl obal performance counters", "5551", "ASP.NET application performance counters", "5553", "Number of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.", "5555", "Number of currently running web applications.", "5557", "The number of requests disconnected due to communication errors or user terminated.", "5559", "The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request.", "5561", "The number of requests rejected because the request queue was full.", "5563", "The number of requests waiting to be processed.", "5565", "Number of worker processes running on the machine.", "5567", "Number of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.", "5569", "The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.", "5571", "The current number of sessions currently active.", "5573", "The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned.", "5575", "The number of sessions timed out.", "5577", "The number of sessions total.", "5579" , "The current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.", "5581", "Number of audit successes in the application since it was started.", "5583", "Number of audit failures in the application since it was started.", "5585", "Number of error events raised since the application was started.", "5587", "Number of runtime error events raised since the application was started.", "5589", "Number of HTTP error events raised since the application was started.", "5591", "Requests queued because the concurrency limits have been exceeded.", "5593", "Number of requests utilizing anonymous authentication.", "5595", "Number of Authentication Anonymous Requests/Sec", "5597", "Total number of entries within the cache (both internal and user added)", "5599", "Number of additions and removals to the total cache per second.", "5601", "Total number of hits from the cache.", "5603", "Total number of cache misses.", "5605", "Ratio of hits from all cache calls.", "5607", "Cache Total Hit Ratio Base", "5609", "Total number of entries within the cache added by the user.", "5611", "Number of additions and removals to the API cache per second.", "5613", "Number of cache hits from user code.", "5615", "Number of cache misses called from user code.", "5617", "Ratio of hits called from user code.", "5619", "Cache API Hit Ratio Base", "5621", "Current number of entries in the output cache.", "5623", "Number of additions and removals to the output cache per second.", "5625", "Total number of output cacheable requests served from the output cache.", "5627", "Total number of output cacheable requests not served from the output cache.", "5629", "Ratio of hits to requests for output cacheable requests.", "5631", "Output Cache Hit Ratio Base", "5633", "Number of .as ax, .ascx, .ashx, .asmx, or .aspx source files dynamically compiled.", "5635", "Number of debugging requests processed.", "5637", "Number of errors that have occurred during parsing and configuration.", "5639", "Number of errors that have occurred during compilation.", "5641", "Number of errors that have occurred during the processing of a request.", "5643", "Number of errors not handled by user code, but by the default error handler.", "5645", "Rate of unhandled errors.", "5647", "Total number of errors occurred.", "5649", "Rate of errors occurred.", "5651", "Number of active pipeline instances.", "5653", "The total size, in bytes, of all requests.", "5655", "The total size, in bytes, of responses sent to a client. This does not include standard HTTP response headers.", "5657", "The number of requests currently executing.", "5659", "Total number of failed requests.", "5661", "The number of requests for resources that were not found.", "5663", "Number of requests failed due to unautho rized access.", "5665", "The number of requests in the application request queue.", "5667", "The number of requests that timed out.", "5669", "The number of requests that executed successfully.", "5671", "The total number of requests since the application was started.", "5673", "The number of requests executed per second.", "5675", "The current number of sessions currently active.", "5677", "The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned.", "5679", "The number of sessions timed out.", "5681", "Total number of sessions since the application was started.", "5683", "The number of transactions aborted.", "5685", "The number of transactions committed.", "5687", "Number of transactions in progress.", "5689", "The total number of transactions since the application was started.", "5691", "Transactions started per second.", "5693", "The total number of connections to the State Server used by session state.", "5695", "The total number of connections to the SQL Server used by session state.", "5697", "Total number of instrumentation events raised since the application was started.", "5699", "Total number of instrumentation events per second.", "5701", "Number of application events raised since the application was started.", "5703", "Number of application events raised per second.", "5705", "Number of error events raised since the application was started.", "5707", "Number of error events per second.", "5709", "Number of runtime error events raised since the application was started.", "5711", "Number of runtime error events per second.", "5713", "Number of HTTP error events raised since the application was started.", "5715", "Number of HTTP error events raised per second.", "5717", "Number of request events raised since the application was started", "5719", "Number of request events raised per second.", "5721", "Number of audit successes in the application since it was started.", "5723", "Number of audit failures in the application since it was started.", "5725", "N umber of successful membership credential validations since the application was started.", "5727", "Number of failed membership credential validations since the application was started.", "5729", "Number of successful forms authentication ticket validations since the application was started.", "5731", "Number of failed forms authentication ticket validations since the application was started.", "5733", "Number of viewstate MAC validations that failed since the application was started.", "5735", "The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request.", "5737", "The number of requests disconnected due to communication errors or user terminated.", "5739", "The number of requests rejected because the application request queue was full.", "5741", "The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.", "5743", "The amount of physical memory used by the machine divided by the physical memory limit for the cache, as a percentage. When this reaches 100%, half of the cache entries will be forcibly removed. The __Total__ instance is the average of all instances, and therefore cannot be used to determine when cache entries will be forcibly removed.", "5745", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used Base", "5747", "The value of private bytes for the worker process divided by the private bytes memory limit for the cache, as a percentage. When this reaches 100%, half of the cache entries will be forcibly removed. The __Total__ instance is the average of all instances, and therefore cannot be used to determine when cache entries will be forcibly removed.", "5749", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used Base", "5751", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cache due to memory pressure.", "5753", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cache due to memory pressure that were originally inserted into the cache using one of the public cache APIs.", "5755", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cache due to memory pressure that were originally inserted into the cache by the output cache feature.", "5757", "Estimated percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends executing managed application code. This counter only tracks processor time of managed threads in the application. It does not include additional processor time spent executing on non-managed threads. Note that this counter is only updated with new data every five seconds.", "5759", "% Managed Processor Time Base (estimated)", "5761", "Estimated managed heap memory consumption (in KB) by the application. The accuracy of this counter varies depending on the duration of elapsed time since the last full managed memory heap collection. Note that this counter is only updated with new data every five seconds.", "5763", "The total size, in bytes, of data received by ASP.NET on WebSocket connections.", "5765", "The total size, in bytes, of data sent to a client on WebSocket connections.", "5767", "The number of WebSocket requests cur rently executing.", "5769", "Total number of WebSocket requests that ended up in an aborted state.", "5771", "Total number of WebSocket requests that completed gracefully.", "5773", "The total number of WebSocket requests since the application was started.", "5775", "ASP.NET global performance counters", "5777", "ASP.NET application performance counters", "5779", "Number of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.", "5781", "Number of currently running web applications.", "5783", "The number of requests disconnected due to communication errors or user terminated.", "5785", "The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request.", "5787", "The number of requests rejected because the request queue was full.", "5789", "The number of requests waiting to be processed.", "5791", "Number of worker processes running on the machine.", "5793", "Number of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.", "5795", "The number of millisecon ds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.", "5797", "The current number of sessions currently active.", "5799", "The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned.", "5801", "The number of sessions timed out.", "5803", "The number of sessions total.", "5805", "The current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.", "5807", "Number of audit successes in the application since it was started.", "5809", "Number of audit failures in the application since it was started.", "5811", "Number of error events raised since the application was started.", "5813", "Number of runtime error events raised since the application was started.", "5815", "Number of HTTP error events raised since the application was started.", "5817", "Requests queue d because the concurrency limits have been exceeded.", "5819", "Number of requests utilizing anonymous authentication.", "5821", "Number of Authentication Anonymous Requests/Sec", "5823", "Total number of entries within the cache (both internal and user added)", "5825", "Number of additions and removals to the total cache per second.", "5827", "Total number of hits from the cache.", "5829", "Total number of cache misses.", "5831", "Ratio of hits from all cache calls.", "5833", "Cache Total Hit Ratio Base", "5835", "Total number of entries within the cache added by the user.", "5837", "Number of additions and removals to the API cache per second.", "5839", "Number of cache hits from user code.", "5841", "Number of cache misses called from user code.", "5843", "Ratio of hits called from user code.", "5845", "Cache API Hit Ratio Base", "5847", "Current number of entries in the output cache.", "5849", "Number of additions and removals to the output cache per second.", "5851", "Total number of output cacheable requests served from the output cache.", "5853", "Total number of output cacheable requests not served from the output cache.", "5855", "Ratio of hits to requests for output cacheable requests.", "5857", "Output Cache Hit Ratio Base", "5859", "Number of .asax, .ascx, .ashx, .asmx, or .aspx source files dynamically compiled.", "5861", "Number of debugging requests processed.", "5863", "Number of errors that have occurred during parsing and configuration.", "5865", "Number of errors that have occurred during compilation.", "5867", "Number of errors that have occurred during the processing of a request.", "5869", "Number of errors not handled by user code, but by the default error handler.", "5871", "Rate of unhandled errors.", "5873", "Total number of errors occurred.", "5875", "Rate of errors occurred.", "5877", "Number of active pipeline instances.", "5879", "The total size, in bytes, of all requests.", "5881", "The total size, in bytes, of responses sent to a clie nt. This does not include standard HTTP response headers.", "5883", "The number of requests currently executing.", "5885", "Total number of failed requests.", "5887", "The number of requests for resources that were not found.", "5889", "Number of requests failed due to unauthorized access.", "5891", "The number of requests in the application request queue.", "5893", "The number of requests that timed out.", "5895", "The number of requests that executed successfully.", "5897", "The total number of requests since the application was started.", "5899", "The number of requests executed per second.", "5901", "The current number of sessions currently active.", "5903", "The number of sessions that have been explicitly abandoned.", "5905", "The number of sessions timed out.", "5907", "Total number of sessions since the application was started.", "5909", "The number of transactions aborted.", "5911", "The number of transactions committed.", "5913", "Number of transactions in progress.", "5915" , "The total number of transactions since the application was started.", "5917", "Transactions started per second.", "5919", "The total number of connections to the State Server used by session state.", "5921", "The total number of connections to the SQL Server used by session state.", "5923", "Total number of instrumentation events raised since the application was started.", "5925", "Total number of instrumentation events per second.", "5927", "Number of application events raised since the application was started.", "5929", "Number of application events raised per second.", "5931", "Number of error events raised since the application was started.", "5933", "Number of error events per second.", "5935", "Number of runtime error events raised since the application was started.", "5937", "Number of runtime error events per second.", "5939", "Number of HTTP error events raised since the application was started.", "5941", "Number of HTTP error events raised per second.", "5943", "Number of request events raised since the application was started", "5945", "Number of request events raised per second.", "5947", "Number of audit successes in the application since it was started.", "5949", "Number of audit failures in the application since it was started.", "5951", "Number of successful membership credential validations since the application was started.", "5953", "Number of failed membership credential validations since the application was started.", "5955", "Number of successful forms authentication ticket validations since the application was started.", "5957", "Number of failed forms authentication ticket validations since the application was started.", "5959", "Number of viewstate MAC validations that failed since the application was started.", "5961", "The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request.", "5963", "The number of requests disconnected due to communication errors or user terminated.", "5965", "The number of requests rejected because the application request queue was full.", "5967", "The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.", "5969", "The amount of physical memory used by the machine divided by the physical memory limit for the cache, as a percentage. When this reaches 100%, half of the cache entries will be forcibly removed. The __Total__ instance is the average of all instances, and therefore cannot be used to determine when cache entries will be forcibly removed.", "5971", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used Base", "5973", "The value of private bytes for the worker process divided by the private bytes memory limit for the cache, as a percentage. When this reaches 100%, half of the cache entries will be forcibly removed. The __Total__ instance is the average of all instances, and therefore cannot be used to determine when cache entries will be forcibly removed.", "5975", "Cache % Process Memory Limit Used Base", "5977", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cac he due to memory pressure.", "5979", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cache due to memory pressure that were originally inserted into the cache using one of the public cache APIs.", "5981", "Total number of entries forcibly removed from the cache due to memory pressure that were originally inserted into the cache by the output cache feature.", "5983", "Estimated percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends executing managed application code. This counter only tracks processor time of managed threads in the application. It does not include additional processor time spent executing on non-managed threads. Note that this counter is only updated with new data every five seconds.", "5985", "% Managed Processor Time Base (estimated)", "5987", "Estimated managed heap memory consumption (in KB) by the application. The accuracy of this counter varies depending on the duration of elapsed time since the last full managed memory heap collection. Note that this counte r is only updated with new data every five seconds.", "5989", "The total size, in bytes, of data received by ASP.NET on WebSocket connections.", "5991", "The total size, in bytes, of data sent to a client on WebSocket connections.", "5993", "The number of WebSocket requests currently executing.", "5995", "Total number of WebSocket requests that ended up in an aborted state.", "5997", "Total number of WebSocket requests that completed gracefully.", "5999", "The total number of WebSocket requests since the application was started.", "6001", "Number of WMI High Performance provider returned by WMI Adapter", "6003", "Shows High Performance Classes", "6005", "Shows if High Performance Classes are valid", "6007", "iSCSI Connection Statistics", "6009", "Count of # of bytes received over this connection", "6011", "Count of # of bytes sent over this connection", "6013", "Count of # of PDU sent over this connection", "6015", "Count of # of PDU received over this connection", "6017", "iSCSI Init iator Instance Statistics", "6019", "Count of Session connection timeout error", "6021", "Count of Session digest errors", "6023", "Number of Sessions failed belonging to this instance", "6025", "Count of Session format error", "6027", "iSCSI Initiator Login Statistics", "6029", "Count of Login Accept Responses", "6031", "Count of the number of times a login is aborted due to a target authentication failure", "6033", "Count of Login Authentication Failed Responses", "6035", "The object counts the number of times a login attempt from this local initiator has failed", "6037", "Count of the number of times login failed due to negotiation failure with target", "6039", "Count of Login other failed Responses", "6041", "Count of Login Redirect Responses", "6043", "Count of Logout command PDU with reason code 0", "6045", "Count of Logout command PDUs with status code other than 0", "6047", "iSCSI HBA main mode IPSEC Statistics", "6049", "The number of times that an acquire has failed.", "6051" , "The number of entries in the acquire heap, which stores active acquires. This number increases under a heavy load and then gradually decreases over time, as the acquire heap is cleared.", "6053", "An acquire is a request by the IPSEC driver to have IKE perform a task. The active acquire statistic includes the outstanding request and the number of any queued requests. Typically, the number of active acquires is 1. Under a heavy load, the number of active acquires is 1 and the number of requests that are queued by IKE for processing.", "6055", "The number of IKE messages received that are queued for processing.", "6057", "The total number of identity authentication failures (Kerberos, certificate, and preshared key) that occurred during main mode negotiation.", "6059", "The number of quick mode state entries.", "6061", "The total number of requests submitted by IKE to obtain a unique Security Parameters Index (SPI) that failed.", "6063", "A cookie is a value contained in a received IK E message that is used by IKE to find the state of an active main mode. A cookie in a received IKE message that cannot be matched with an active main mode is invalid.", "6065", "The number of received IKE messages that are invalid, including IKE messages with invalid header fields, incorrect payload lengths, and incorrect values for the responder cookie (when it should be set to 0).", "6067", "The number of outbound quick mode security associations (SAs) submitted by IKE that failed", "6069", "The number of outbound quick mode security associations (SAs) added by IKE", "6071", "The number of inbound quick mode security associations (SAs) added by IKE", "6073", "The number of inbound quick mode security associations (SAs) added by IKE", "6075", "The total number of negotiation failures that occurred during main mode (also known as Phase I) or quick mode (also known as Phase II) negotiation.", "6077", "The total number of successful SAs created during main mode negotiations.", "6079", "T he total number of successful SAs created during quick mode negotiations", "6081", "The number of times that the TCP stack has failed when receiving IKE messages.", "6083", "The number of entries in the IKE receive buffers for incoming IKE messages.", "6085", "The number of times that the TCP/IP stack has failed when sending IKE messages.", "6087", "The total number of negotiations that resulted in the use of plaintext (also known as soft SAs). This typically reflects the number of associations formed with computers that did not respond to main mode negotiation attempts. This can include both non-IPSEC-aware computers and IPSEC-aware computers that do not have IPSEC policy to negotiate security with this IPSEC peer.", "6089", "The total number of requests submitted by IKE to obtain a unique Security Parameters Index (SPI).", "6091", "This is an abstract base class for Hiperf provider", "6093", "Number of bytes received via ethernet port", "6095", "Number of bytes transmitted via ethern et port", "6097", "Number of PDU received via ethernet port", "6099", "Number of PDU transmitted via ethernet port", "6101", "iSCSI HBA quick mode IPSEC Statistics", "6103", "The number of active IPSEC SAs", "6105", "The number of active IPSEC tunnels.", "6107", "The number of bytes received using the AH protocol.", "6109", "The number of bytes sent using the AH protocol.", "6111", "The total number of packets for which the Security Parameters Index (SPI) was incorrect.", "6113", "The number of bytes received using the ESP protocol.", "6115", "The number of bytes sent using the ESP protocol.", "6117", "The total number of successful IPSEC SA negotiations", "6119", "The total number of key deletions for IPSEC SA", "6121", "The total number of packets for which data could not be verified.", "6123", "The total number of packets that failed decryption.", "6125", "The total number of packets that contained a valid Sequence Number field.", "6127", "The number of IPSEC key operations in progr ess", "6129", "The number of rekey operations for IPSEC SAs.", "6131", "The number of bytes received using the IPSEC protocol.", "6133", "The number of bytes sent using the IPSEC protocol.", "6135", "The number of bytes received using the IPSEC tunnel mode.", "6137", "The number of bytes sent using the IPSEC tunnel mode.", "6139", "iSCSI Request Processing Time", "6141", "Average time taken to process a request over this connection", "6143", "Maximum time taken to process a request over this connection", "6145", "iSCSI Session Statistics", "6147", "Number of bytes received over this session", "6149", "Number of bytes sent over this session", "6151", "Count of Number of ConnectionTimeout errors occured in this session", "6153", "Count of Number of Digest errors occured in this session", "6155", "Count of Number of Format errors occured in this session", "6157", "Number of PDU sent over this session", "6159", "Number of PDU received over this session", "6161", "Processor Performance Info rmation", "6163", "Current Processor Frequency in megahertz", "6165", "Percentage of maximum processor frequency", "6167", "Processor State Flags" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\CIDSizeMRU\6: 52 00 65 00 67 00 73 00 68 00 6F 00 74 00 2D 00 78 00 38 00 36 00 2D 00 55 00 6E 00 69 00 63 00 6F 00 64 00 65 00 2E 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 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Extensions\Cached\{FFE2A43C-56B9-4BF5-9A79-CC6D4285608A} {00000122-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0xFFFF: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 9B F4 CC CB EB D0 01 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached\{FBF23B40-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8} {000214FA-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0xFFFF: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 61 70 CD CB EB D0 01 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@C:\Windows\system32\mycomput.dll,-400: "Mana&ge" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1005: "Install" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1006: "Uninstall" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1029: "Search Active Directory" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1040: "Search the Active Directory for shares, computers or users." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1028: "Network and Sharing Center" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1039: "Provides network status, and gives access to network settings." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1041: "Add a printer" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1042: "Start the Add Printer Wizard, which helps you install a printer." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1050: "Add a wireless device" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1051: "Add a wireless device" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@C:\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll,-10195: "Compressed (zipped) Folder" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3: 39 00 C3 01 81 5C 5C 56 42 4F 58 53 56 52 5C 73 68 61 72 65 64 2D 66 6F 6C 64 65 72 00 56 69 72 74 75 61 6C 42 6F 78 20 53 68 61 72 65 64 20 46 6F 6C 64 65 72 73 00 25 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3\NodeSlot: 0x00000048 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Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\LogicalViewMode: 0x00000001 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\IconSize: 0x00000010 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\ColInfo: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FD DF DF FD 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0A 00 00 00 10 01 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0E 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 04 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0C 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\Sort: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupView: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupByKey:FMTID: "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupByKey:PID: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Classes\Local 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users." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1028: "Network and Sharing Center" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1039: "Provides network status, and gives access to network settings." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1041: "Add a printer" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1042: "Start the Add Printer Wizard, which helps you install a printer." HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1050: "Add a wireless device" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@networkexplorer.dll,-1051: "Add a wireless device" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\MuiCache\45\52C64B7E\@C:\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll,-10195: "Compressed (zipped) Folder" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3: 39 00 C3 01 81 5C 5C 56 42 4F 58 53 56 52 5C 73 68 61 72 65 64 2D 66 6F 6C 64 65 72 00 56 69 72 74 75 61 6C 42 6F 78 20 53 68 61 72 65 64 20 46 6F 6C 64 65 72 73 00 25 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3\NodeSlot: 0x00000048 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU\2\0\3\MRUListEx: FF FF FF FF HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\Rev: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\FFlags: 0x41200001 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\Vid: "{137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\Mode: 0x00000004 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\LogicalViewMode: 0x00000001 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\IconSize: 0x00000010 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\ColInfo: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FD DF DF FD 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0A 00 00 00 10 01 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0E 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 04 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0C 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\Sort: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 0A 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupView: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupByKey:FMTID: "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupByKey:PID: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\71\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}\GroupByDirection: 0x00000001 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72\Shell\CachedOfflineAvailable: 0x00000000 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72\Shell\CachedOfflineAvailableTime: 0x0A15D380 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\72\Shell\SniffedFolderType: "Generic" ---------------------------------- Values modified: 26 ---------------------------------- HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\BITS\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\BITS\Start: 0x00000004 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\EFS\Start: 0x00000003 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\EFS\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\wuauserv\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\wuauserv\Start: 0x00000004 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BITS\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BITS\Start: 0x00000004 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EFS\Start: 0x00000003 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EFS\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv\Start: 0x00000002 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv\Start: 0x00000004 HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\MostRecentApplication\Name: "Dropbox.exe" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\MostRecentApplication\Name: "DllHost.exe" HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\CIDSizeMRU\MRUListEx: 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\CIDSizeMRU\MRUListEx: 06 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU\MRUListEx: 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 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00 0B 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF HKU\S-1-5-21-2170458041-560547980-1765550598-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU\*\8: 14 00 1F 58 0D 1A 2C F0 21 BE 50 43 88 B0 73 67 FC 96 EF 3C 1A 02 00 00 14 02 BB AF 93 3B 06 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 3D 00 00 00 31 53 50 53 30 F1 25 B7 EF 47 1A 10 A5 F1 02 60 8C 9E EB AC 21 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 1F 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 56 00 42 00 4F 00 58 00 53 00 56 00 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 31 53 50 53 3A A4 BD DE B3 37 83 43 91 E7 44 98 DA 29 95 AB 11 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D6 00 00 00 31 53 50 53 73 43 E5 0A BE 43 AD 4F 85 E4 69 DC 86 33 98 6E 11 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 A9 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 1F 00 00 00 4C 00 00 00 50 00 72 00 6F 00 76 00 69 00 64 00 65 00 72 00 5C 00 4D 00 69 00 63 00 72 00 6F 00 73 00 6F 00 66 00 74 00 2E 00 4E 00 65 00 74 00 77 00 6F 00 72 00 6B 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 2E 00 4E 00 65 00 74 00 62 00 69 00 6F 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